

Nov 20, 2020
I've read unemployment is a major factor in suicide. I'm unemployed and desperately want a job just to take my mind off of things.
are you unemploye, do you think unemployment causes suicide.
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Blue Rose

Blue Rose

Feb 6, 2021
Yes, I have won my bread with ONLY part-time jobs for 7 years for my awkward social skills.
In South Korea, I am too old to get a new regular job to some extends...

Most owners in South Korea mocked on me and insulted me in public. They said that I was too naive to survive their society.
And there were many people who were younger and more useful than YOU, So go out there.

And we ONLY hired the person who had his/her previous career in his/her life!

It MAKES me think about CTB a LOT. I am a burden to my loves and this society
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Nov 4, 2020
I suppose it's one of many contributing factors, l'm currently U/E and in receipt of ESA and it's Support Component! And l hate being on it cos it robs a person of there self respect!
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Right now I am, yeah. Even though I just graduated college I also don't see the point of trying to find a job if I'm just gonna ctb next year. I'd hate to let people down like that...
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Dec 11, 2020
Yeah. Currently looking for a job even though it seems pointless, cause I'm generally gonna be fired again anyways, since knowing my former bosses/supervisors, they probably placed a reference against me as a warning to other companies because of by " mental instability." Hopefully that doesn't happen though.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Legally, I am unemployed
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
I graduated in 2017 and have been unemployed ever since, save for a part-time stint. So far I've been unable to rekindle the flames that chronic pain snuffed out—I'm not interested in anything, and I'm hardly motivated to find work. I've been helping out at home and I can say that we're fortunate enough not to be forced to the streets by money troubles. It doesn't help that most employers are only willing to employ those with 'a minimum of x years experience in the industry'. Sometimes I can't help but feel all that time and effort spent getting a degree has gone down the drain–I might as well burn my certificates. They say suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but I beg to differ. Anhedonia is here to stay.
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Oct 28, 2020
I don't know if being unemployed is so much a reason for needing to ctb as the reason i'm unemployed. I'm on disability. Having so little money to live on is definitely making life difficult, yes... of course life would be a biteasier if i wasn't below the poverty line. :(

But i'm on Disability because of my mental illness... and my awful chronic pain... and other things...

Even if i had all the money in the world- these things would still be there. My reasons i'm going to ctb would remain-

So i'd say that though being unemployed is related to ctb'ing- it's not among my reasons. However i do, if i think about it, feel like a burden on society on everybody and a drain on everyone because i'm unemployed- absolutely useless and worthless. So many judge a person's value by their work status. :aw:
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Apr 2, 2019
I've been unemployed since 1996, and when I did work it was low paying jobs, not a career. I never felt established financially and because of both my mental illness (anxiety, depression, social anxiety, PTSD) I struggled to hold onto the jobs I did get...but I never stayed at a place of employment longer than a year or so. Since then I've had to be dependent on others for everything in life and I HATE IT. Besides never knowing what it's like to feel independent and in control of my own life and choices and finances, I've never known what it's like to purchase a new car, or take a REAL vacation, things like that...I know those things aren't necessary to life and are considered luxuries, but I'd still like to have experienced them. I've applied for disability a few times and despite my literal YEARS of poor and increasingly declining physical health combined with being basically incapable to managing a full-time job due to mental illness, I've always been declined. So I'm stuck in the unhealthy, miserable relationship I'm in that causes both he and I frustration and unhappiness (and I believe has contributed to both my physical and mental decline; everything truly is connected) and for me, SO MUCH GUILT because I know I am nothing but a financial drain and albatross to him. And I feel purposeless and useless. So being unemployed has definitely been a huge factor in my wanting to ctb, especially since it has gone on now for decades and when I was younger I was stupid I guess and thought "Oh I'll get better one day and get out of this situation and be financially independent and do all those things I want/ed to do." But that never happened and now I know it never will. I'm too old now and no chance of a career and anyway, my health will never improve to where I can handle a full time decent paying job. So why stick around just to keep going down this path?
However i do, if i think about it, feel like a burden on society on everybody and a drain on everyone because i'm unemployed- absolutely useless and worthless. So many judge a person's value by their work status. :aw:
First, I'm sorry you are going through all that you are. :( I relate and understand.

I feel like you: useless and worthless and a drain on everyone. It's hard to not allow not working to NOT affect one's feelings of confidence and self-worth and self esteem.

And I sure hear you about how people judge others' value based on work status or job/career. I have not worked in 25 years and about 5 years ago I went through a period where I thought I could handle a small, part time job. It took a LOOONG long time to reach that point, and I went through so much with my health (physical health) prior to that and so even considering that working a part time job was feasible was a BIG deal for me. I told this person I thought was a friend at the time about my plans and this person said something like "Oh, a hobby job would be good for you." Felt like I'd been punched in the gut and that one remark minimized everything. (this person would also always talk about mutual friends and their 'professional' girlfriends or how this or that person was a 'professional' so I shouldn't have been surprised by the insensitive remark they made but it still stung and made what I thought was a major step forward into something that made me feel pathetic).

I hate when people I meet online ask "So what do you do for a living?" :( Too many times I've had my answer either made fun of or gotten condescending attitude in return for being honest so now I try to just avoid the question at all by not answering and then avoiding that person. Not an ideal plan but I just can't handle the humiliation anymore.
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Jan 14, 2021
I have a job still I want to die. I have lot of things witch I can distract myself, I don't want a job, I hate working. But there's no way in this life without work.
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New Member
Jan 30, 2021
When I was unemployed I though I need job and I will never be happy without one. But after I got one and working now few years without any break I wasn't happier at all. If anything, I was more and more depressed. But I cannot stop working. I have bills to pay. I hate going to work, those pro life people, bullying people just anything about society. Its so tyreing especially when you want to die every single day.
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Jun 26, 2020
Yes I am unemployed, 64 years young and no matter what laws are in place or what people say, YES there is age discrimination. I have been jobless since the end of June, 2021 and it has been darn hard. I totally agree that it can be a cause of ctb. now also, with life experience, I have had jobs that I have hated and it also brought on the ctb aspect. Overall, I, like alot of people, need to pay bills and I was not going to retire till my early 70's then move to a warm climate. I live in a VERY cold climate now. So it is the darn if you do, darn if you don't, I guess. I wish we were like in sci-fi movies, where money was a thing of the past and one could work or do as one pleased without thinking of food or shelter. Walter
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Dec 11, 2018
I have been unemployed for over a year now.
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
I've been unemployed for nearly two years and my prospects for finding a new job are minimal given that I'm pushing 60 and ageism is alive and well in the workplace despite what anyone may tell you otherwise. This is one of the major factors behind my depression and anxiety, and ultimately behind my eventual suicide. It's just a matter of time.
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Jun 26, 2020
I've been unemployed for nearly two years and my prospects for finding a new job are minimal given that I'm pushing 60 and ageism is alive and well in the workplace despite what anyone may tell you otherwise. This is one of the major factors behind my depression and anxiety, and ultimately behind my eventual suicide. It's just a matter of time.
HI! I totally agree about ageism aspect. I am 64 and I have been told to my face that I am too old. I am so disappointed in how I and other in my age group sometimes are treated. Some younger ones should remember that they too WILL GET OLDER, and someday might feel the sames barbs.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'm unemployable. No motivation to work combined with shit resume. If I can get my trade edu I'll become very employable, since I'll both want to work (necessary profession, manpower is actually needed and they won't pick and choose like the litte HR pieces of shit fucking brats that these fucktarded fucks fucking shit) and they won't care about if I had depression a couple of years back and shit due to low competition.
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Jun 26, 2020
Yeah. Currently looking for a job even though it seems pointless, cause I'm generally gonna be fired again anyways, since knowing my former bosses/supervisors, they probably placed a reference against me as a warning to other companies because of by " mental instability." Hopefully that doesn't happen though.
HI! I too have former employers that I do NOT put down on a job app, becasue of the same aspect of "mental instability". I NEVER let that get me down becasue most of the employers of the past that would have that in my file were the WORST to work with/around and treated me no better than a paper towel to be thrown away. I send you all my love and caring and empathy. You are a GREAT global family member!!!! Walter :heart::hug:
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Jan 17, 2021
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Dec 26, 2020
yeah. im a fucking failure who never had a real paying job and im 23. I feel like a massive burden around my friends who all have jobs dammit!
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Jan 17, 2021
What do unemployed people do all day? Hobbies? Drugs? Staring at a wall?


Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
What do unemployed people do all day? Hobbies? Drugs? Staring at a wall?
play games and watch youtube. it does get boring, tho
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
No, I am not unemployed. I have had various jobs since I was a teenager. I can't function without a job because I can't stand to be alone with myself. I need to occupy my mind and my time. And I've never had any hobbies because I lack interests and imagination.

I know unemployment can cause depression and anxiety. I have heard many stories from people who either never worked or lost their jobs and could not find new ones. Their struggle was real.

What I want to say on this topic is that unemployment does not make you worthless. Not everyone can work. And that is ok. It should not be a reason to want to die.

I am a strong supporter of universal income. I believe every human being should get a monthly check to be able to lead a decent life and not worry about food or having a roof over their head.
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Aug 18, 2020
I am unemployed. I do everything i can to get a job. But when I had a job i got fired. 2 psychologists thought that i will kill myself due to unemployment. They have given up on me. Ended the therapy.
Working was extremely difficult for me i could not sleep. It increased my depression strongly. On the other side i know i probably kill myself when i do not have money.
Unemployment is way better than working an awfull job. Way better. My depression is way less. But the lack of money will kill me. So count me to this statistics. lol
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Mar 22, 2020
Last year, I decided to become a NEET and was unemployed for almost 8 months. I just ate noodles and rice and drank sink water so as to be able to have internet and waste my life on videogames. I was kinda happy but felt an underdog in the end and became more depressed.

Fortunately, those days are over.
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Jun 26, 2020
No, I am not unemployed. I have had various jobs since I was a teenager. I can't function without a job because I can't stand to be alone with myself. I need to occupy my mind and my time. And I've never had any hobbies because I lack interests and imagination.

I know unemployment can cause depression and anxiety. I have heard many stories from people who either never worked or lost their jobs and could not find new ones. Their struggle was real.

What I want to say on this topic is that unemployment does not make you worthless. Not everyone can work. And that is ok. It should not be a reason to want to die.

I am a strong supporter of universal income. I believe every human being should get a monthly check to be able to lead a decent life and not worry about food or having a roof over their head.
I TOTALLY agree with you as far as the universal income. We as humans should be pass the aspect of food and shelter. EVERY human should have access to food, shelter, medical/dental care and clothing. This earth is no more than a nest and if the human species is going to make it we HAVE to get out to the "stars". Also NO ONE should EVER have to go hungry ever period. Walter
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Jan 17, 2021
I am a strong supporter of universal income. I believe every human being should get a monthly check to be able to lead a decent life and not worry about food or having a roof over their head.
This would ruin capitalism so it's not happening anytime soon. The idea is a lot more futuristic than it sounds. When everything is so automated that the ecenomy no longer needs a labor pool, maybe it'll happen. Although I think that becoming useless to the system will be really bad news for most people, and instead of getting a free life of leisure they'll get herded into dystopian reservations or something.
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Jun 26, 2020
This would ruin capitalism so it's not happening anytime soon. The idea is a lot more futuristic than it sounds. When everything is so automated that the ecenomy no longer needs a labor pool, maybe it'll happen. Although I think that becoming useless to the system will be really bad news for most people, and instead of getting a free life of leisure they'll get herded into dystopian reservations or something.
HI!! Yes, it might ruin capitalism BUT humans must evolve or be gone from this earth. Now if universal income is evolving or not??? But I am a firm believer, yes it is futuristic, but one should reach for the stars. I believe with time on a humans hands, yes some will be evil, heck that has happened since humans started on the earth, BUT overall good will come of it and propel us even further. Now I LOVE each and every one of my global family members here and please do not take offense to this, just my ramblings is all!! Walter :heart:
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
What do unemployed people do all day? Hobbies? Drugs? Staring at a wall?
As a rule of thumb unemployed people do what employed people do when they're not working.
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