My father is a pastor and has been for decades.
For the first 14 years of my life, my father would force me to go to church. To the point where he would beat us if we woke up too late or tried to weasel our way out of it. We went there every Saturday morning, sometimes Friday and Wednesday nights, for extra church. As if repeating the same crap over and over for decades for the same flock was a productive way of life. I felt like I was going insane.
One day, after getting up on stage and telling everyone to "stop hitting your children as punishment, they will only grow to resent and hate you", he decided that I no longer had to "attend" church. That he was releasing me from my Godly duties.
He changed church not long after that. He went to one, 2 cities over.
My mother changed religion for him. From "Catholic" to "Seventh-day Adventist Christian". I can tell she believes but the way she acts towards other people who aren't like her in the slightest makes me feel like shes bound for hell. She holds everyone with tattoos, piercings, colored hair, smokes weed etc. in contempt, like they are filth and should be avoided at all cost. Girls are pink and boys are blue type of mindset.
The idea itself of religion sounds so man made. Children stories that the uneducated took for gospel. When the leaders of the old world saw how profitable it was for a doctrine to be followed is such a vast majority, they ran with it. No matter which was the first religion. It's just a copy pasta world.