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Sep 1, 2020
It's almost logical to be one. Lot of people wanna take advantage and have no respect. Only a few things in this world are good and u can't overlook that. I want a world war to start, humanity deserves it. Lot of people will die and most importantly i will
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
i think most people on this site are.

i don't think anybody is truly kind - as in, they don't 100% care about your problems or your wellbeing. the way i see it, people are only kind to either get something from you, or to pat themselves on the back for being a "good" person.
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Aug 8, 2020
A better question would be: did your life experiences made you hate people? Because of the way they treated you, constant lying, hypocrisy, etc. I doubt people here are typical misanthropes, all I see are very gentle and caring souls hurt by life. It's logical then to hate typical, "normal" people well adjusted to our sick society.
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Sep 1, 2020
i think most people on this site are.

i don't think anybody is truly kind - as in, they don't 100% care about your problems or your wellbeing. the way i see it, people are only kind to either get something from you, or to pat themselves on the back for being a "good" person.
I disagree. Whoever wants to be "good" has to show it to others, look how good i am. They won't do it in private. Kindness with expected returns is manipulation. I am empathetic to people with the same problems and views, i know how it feels
A better question would be: did your life experiences made you hate people? Because of the way they treated you, constant lying, hypocrisy, etc. I doubt people here are typical misanthropes, all I see are very gentle and caring souls hurt by life. It's logical then to hate typical, "normal" people well adjusted to our sick society.
Nobody is a misanthrope inherently i believe, exactly life experiences make misanthropes. If you mean well adjusted by being a manipulative liar then yes i hate that person
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
I'm a misanthrope but I care about other people a little too much sometimes. If that makes any sense.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
In my own irl experience of others, I've noticed claiming misanthropy is an intellectual excuse for narcissistic or sociopathic behavior.
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Apr 5, 2020
When I think about it, I hate existence much more than I hate people. I feel that people are never truly to blame, it is always the reality that created them. I'll never forgive existence for allowing the horrors that it has.
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Sep 1, 2020
In my own irl experience of others, I've noticed claiming misanthropy is an intellectual excuse for narcissistic or sociopathic behavior.
Believe it or not i have no ego. Everyone is equal as a human, everyone deserves respect. If i don't like people doesn't mean I'll use them
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This_sux ✓

This_sux ✓

Forever alone
Aug 6, 2020
I had to double check what misanthropy means. And well, I hate humanity. We're all a worthless meat bags.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Believe it or not i have no ego. Everyone is equal as a human, everyone deserves respect. If i don't like people doesn't mean I'll use them

You haven't claimed to be a misanthrope, so there's nothing for me to believe or disbelieve. But a misanthrope disdains humans and humanity, does not respect them or it, so if this is your philosophy, then I don't see you as a misanthrope. Of course only you can define yourself, not me or anyone else.
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Jun 3, 2020
I need a d choice for Both. My hero is Bill Hicks. He has a famous rant dubbed Kill Them All and his biography was titled Love All the People. I can't begin to express how much that captures my sentiments.


Sep 1, 2020
You haven't claimed to be a misanthrope, so there's nothing for me to believe or disbelieve. But a misanthrope disdains humans and humanity, does not respect them or it, so if this is your philosophy, then I don't see you as a misanthrope. Of course only you can define yourself, not me or anyone else.
Wasn't it obvious that i am a misanthrope from what i was saying? Anyway I've checked multiple sources on definition of the word and none say that person disrespects others. It'd just be hypocritical because that means i don't deserve respect myself


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Wasn't it obvious that i am a misanthrope from what i was saying? Anyway I've checked multiple sources on definition of the word and none say that person disrespects others. It'd just be hypocritical because that means i don't deserve respect myself

This Wikepedia entry seems to put together all of the various definitions of mistanthropy. I admit I have a tendency to define the word more from the contemptuous angle. That's the thing with words, the meanings are subjective and internal, and disagreement arises when the meaning is not shared. Therefore, because we did not have shared meaning and because you did not outright say it, I was not clear as to whether or not you defined yourself as a misanthrope.

Misanthropy is the general hatred, dislike, distrust or contempt of the human species and/or human nature. A misanthrope or misanthropist is someone who holds such views or feelings.​

I appreciated in the Wikepdia entry this examination of the Western concept of misanthropy:

Gustave Flaubert once declared that he would "die of suppressed rage at the folly of [his] fellow men." Misanthropy has also been ascribed to a number of writers of satire, such as William S. Gilbert ("I hate my fellow-man") and William Shakespeare (Timon of Athens). Jonathan Swift is widely believed to have been misanthropic (see A Tale of a Tub and, most especially, Book IV of Gulliver's Travels). Poet Philip Larkin has been described as a misanthrope.

Molière's play The Misanthrope is one of the more famous French plays on this topic. Less famous, but more contemporary is the 1971 play by Françoise Dorin, Un sale égoïste (A Filthy Egoist) which takes the point of view of the misanthrope and entices the viewer to understand his motives.

Michelangelo has been called a misanthrope. Don Van Vliet (commonly known as Captain Beefheart) has been described as a misanthrope, with close friend Kristine McKenna stating that he "thought human beings were the worst species that was ever dreamed up".


The pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus was by various accounts a misanthrope and a loner who had little patience for human society. In a fragment, the philosopher complained that "people [were] forever without understanding" of what was, in his view, the nature of reality.

In Western philosophy, misanthropy has been connected to isolation from human society. In Plato's Phaedo, Socrates describes a misanthrope in relation to his fellow man: "Misanthropy develops when without art one puts complete trust in somebody thinking the man absolutely true and sound and reliable and then a little later discovers him to be bad and unreliable ... and when it happens to someone often ... he ends up ... hating everyone." Misanthropy, then, is presented as a potential result of thwarted expectations or even excessively naïve optimism, since Plato argues that "art" would have allowed the potential misanthrope to recognize that the majority of men are to be found in between good and evil. Aristotle follows a more ontological route: the misanthrope, as an essentially solitary man, is not a man at all: he must be a beast or a god, a view reflected in the Renaissance view of misanthropy as a "beast-like state".

There is a difference between philosophical pessimism and misanthropy. Immanuel Kant said that "Of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing can ever be made", and yet this was not an expression of the uselessness of mankind itself. Kant further stated that hatred of mankind can take two distinctive forms: aversion from men (anthropophobia) and enmity towards them.[10] The condition can arise partly from dislike and partly from ill-will.

Martin Heidegger has also been said to show misanthropy in his concern of the "they"—the tendency of people to conform to one view, which no one has really thought through, but is just followed because, "they say so". This might be thought of as more a criticism of conformity than of people in general. Unlike Schopenhauer, Heidegger was opposed to any systematic ethics; however, in some of his later thought, he does see the possibility of harmony between people, as part of the four-fold, mortals, gods, earth, and sky.

I understand Flaubert's suppressed rage, and especially Heraclitus's view. I feel rage when I feel imposed upon and impotent to stop it in reasonable, non-harming ways. For me, I am wounded and impotent to change humans and humanity, and with repeated frustration and wounding with no agency to stop it or to overcome it, I struggle against how it can easily be turned inward to self-destruction or externally to an all encompassing hatred, dislike, distrust, or contempt for humanity -- where is the respect in any of that? And of course it then logically follows that such feelings for all humanity would have to be applied to the self as a human. If one is above it, then as mentioned in the philosophy section of the quoted text, they become a god, and if not, then they must become a kind of beast.

I personally have met the god-like version of the misanthrope, and I have to watch for that tendency in myself if I go that route. Both god and beast are a matter of ego. Narcissism is an expression of a narcisstic wound, and the shit of humanity can certainly cause one.

I find that I am more aligned with the part of the quoted text with Plato's viewpoint that "the majority of men are to be found in between good and evil." The Stoic view is the same, that there is good and evil in every heart, and that through virtue one seeks to connect with the good in the self and others, but is aware that even if evil is only in a corner of the heart, there is always a bridge to it.

I am wounded. I have compassion. My heart cries for humanity as well as myself. I cry that the evil and base overwhelms the good and ascendant in humans through our cultures, and trickles down into groups, and then into individuals. It is really difficult for the individual who sees reason and who has the capacity to rise above their baser nature to also rise above groups, cultures, and those who dominate them. It is like Atlas's burden, and I don't have the power for all of it. It feels quite hopeless, and because I find misanthropy to be a dissatisfying solution, and because I have become incredibly but not completely isolated in response to the overwhelming negative impacts of humanity, my options seem to be limited to: 1) doing the best I can within my small sphere of influence and continuing to suffer what I cannot influence, or 2) escape through suicide. This is my binary challenge as opposed to the binary god-beast challenge of misanthropy.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I would consider myself a misanthrope, not because I think I'm better than everyone. On the contrary, I think I'm worse than even most evil people. I mean, even Hitler cared about Germany or something. I just don't have the same concern for human life that I used to beyond how it affects me and usually it doesn't. I wasn't always this way, but I didn't change because of how other people treated me. I think I just sort of awakened into my true role as a villain. In fact, most people have been pretty nice around me but that's what I hate about them. I hate how people see me as a good person when I'm clearly not. I think the people around me are just lucky I'm so lazy because some of the things I'd do if I weren't would actually be objectively terrible.
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Jul 23, 2020
In my experience, those who claimed to love humanity were the ones who turned out to be manipulative narcissists and/or sociopaths, masking their awful actions that made them rich and powerful with no regard for human life behind a few good deeds.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Hating humans doesn't mean hating everything everything about them. Hating is usually about two things: herd mentality and the wrong human acts as a group, toxic and wrong behavior of individuals.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
yes??? i can handle individual people but the human race as a whole i feel should be extinct or just never existed.

ive never been one to put names to stuff like that so idk nor really care. i just feel like its being labeled for how you feel about something which i think shouldnt be. (but thats starting a whole thing im not gonna start)
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Sep 1, 2020
This Wikepedia entry seems to put together all of the various definitions of mistanthropy. I admit I have a tendency to define the word more from the contemptuous angle. That's the thing with words, the meanings are subjective and internal, and disagreement arises when the meaning is not shared. Therefore, because we did not have shared meaning and because you did not outright say it, I was not clear as to whether or not you defined yourself as a misanthrope.

Misanthropy is the general hatred, dislike, distrust or contempt of the human species and/or human nature. A misanthrope or misanthropist is someone who holds such views or feelings.​

I appreciated in the Wikepdia entry this examination of the Western concept of misanthropy:

I understand Flaubert's suppressed rage, and especially Heraclitus's view. I feel rage when I feel imposed upon and impotent to stop it in reasonable, non-harming ways. For me, I am wounded and impotent to change humans and humanity, and with repeated frustration and wounding with no agency to stop it or to overcome it, I struggle against how it can easily be turned inward to self-destruction or externally to an all encompassing hatred, dislike, distrust, or contempt for humanity -- where is the respect in any of that? And of course it then logically follows that such feelings for all humanity would have to be applied to the self as a human. If one is above it, then as mentioned in the philosophy section of the quoted text, they become a god, and if not, then they must become a kind of beast.

I personally have met the god-like version of the misanthrope, and I have to watch for that tendency in myself if I go that route. Both god and beast are a matter of ego. Narcissism is an expression of a narcisstic wound, and the shit of humanity can certainly cause one.

I find that I am more aligned with the part of the quoted text with Plato's viewpoint that "the majority of men are to be found in between good and evil." The Stoic view is the same, that there is good and evil in every heart, and that through virtue one seeks to connect with the good in the self and others, but is aware that even if evil is only in a corner of the heart, there is always a bridge to it.

I am wounded. I have compassion. My heart cries for humanity as well as myself. I cry that the evil and base overwhelms the good and ascendant in humans through our cultures, and trickles down into groups, and then into individuals. It is really difficult for the individual who sees reason and who has the capacity to rise above their baser nature to also rise above groups, cultures, and those who dominate them. It is like Atlas's burden, and I don't have the power for all of it. It feels quite hopeless, and because I find misanthropy to be a dissatisfying solution, and because I have become incredibly but not completely isolated in response to the overwhelming negative impacts of humanity, my options seem to be limited to: 1) doing the best I can within my small sphere of influence and continuing to suffer what I cannot influence, or 2) escape through suicide. This is my binary challenge as opposed to the binary god-beast challenge of misanthropy.
I've read the thing you quoted. Respect is in keeping boundaries, i don't mess with others, they don't mess with me. Mutual indifference. Compassion never done me any good, only exposed me. Beast state if you will, If that's considered egoistic so be it. Evil always overwhelms the good, it's human nature
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Respect is in keeping boundaries, i don't mess with others, they don't mess with me.

Would that everyone had that attitude, the world would be a better place.
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May 14, 2020
No. I like kind people. I like friendly people. I like loving people. I have people in my life who are good and loving and who I love. I like helping others and I value those who've helped me. I like people as a rule.

But the world is also full of many utter fucking bastards who cause great harm.

When I was young I tend to be too black-and-white about people. I've learnt to be less so, realising how mixed many people are.

But just lately I seem to be seeing a lot of lovely people and also utter bastards.
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Aug 21, 2019
Overall? Yes. I've come to accept that the human animal isn't different than any other. Every action that we have carries ulterior motives. Our behavior is more complex than non-human animals but it's more of the same shit. Due to humanity's more complex behavior, however, we are capable of greater evil than other animals.

With that said, I don't blindly hate nor do I blindly love. Individuals can be fine but when you get a lot of them together they become herd animals.
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Aug 31, 2020
I don't like society and humanity, but I love humans. I don't like the patterns we follow or the way humans have been set up to interact with each other, but I love the individual people in that society.

Theres a kind of kindness and empathy that is selfish. No one works in a charity ora soup kitchen purely because they are selfless. Every volunteer loves what they do, and they are there to do what they enjoy. To help others makes them happy, and their own happiness is what they want. But I don't see that as bad.

There is also a kind of kindness that is your morals and sense of justice. A sense of what is right and a compulsion to do right, even when it hurts yourself. I think this kind of human love is harder to see in another, because what a person sees as right and important to life varies so widely from person to person. So I think that often times it goes unseen.

A few posts in this thread talk about the fact that other people always want something from someone else. And maybe this is due to my own selfishness, but I love that. When I talk to someone, I want them to want me in their life. I want them to strive for what they want from me because I am doing the same thing. It's take and take- but when I let them take from me, or when they let me take from them, it feels like giving.

And that is why I don't like humanity, but I like the humans within it. On the outside I see the taking and taking only and I hate it, but in the middleI guess I'm a part of the system, and I like it there. So, no, I'm not a misanthrope.
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Born to Die
Oct 13, 2019
Absolutely! I have met people who are good and truly not of this world. Sadly I can count them on one hand. Even without being suicidal or pessimistic it is very obvious that majority of humans are terrible. Look at the world, look at the SYSTEMS of inequality. Some of my earliest memories are of being in kindergarten and how horrible even children are. How? From such a young age, before life has truly even begun, cruelty is the norm. I am only 24 and grew up in a middle class and safe area and I have been exposed to so much evil shit. I have been assaulted, threatened, stalked, bullied, robbed, etc. I have also had to witness it all happen to others as well. If you look at all species and even nature itself you see why. All life on this planet consist of biological warfare and entropy. The goal of all living organisms is to destroy and conquer as to assure survival and reproduction. Humans are a part of this. As a true misanthrope I also recognize these characteristics in myself. I try very hard to be self aware and make a conscience effort everyday to stifle the bad in myself. However as a child before I became more empathetic and aware I was as cruel and ruthless as everyone else. Humanity 1/10, would not recommend.
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Mar 31, 2020
I think so, but I do have a compassionate heart. I don't want to be a misanthrope because viewing the world through that lens offers virtually endless amounts of fodder to hate people. There's so much evil and cruelty and corruption in the world, all of it perpetuated by human beings. If I focus on it, it will absorb all of my attention and further feed my depression. Yet, I find myself struggling with a disdain for humanity (not individual people, but collective humanity as a whole)
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I don't mean it in a rude way but I do find ironic that it seems a lot of people consider themselves misanthropic because they hate people for the way they treat other people. This only strikes me as odd because I believe someone who truly hates humanity should actually enjoy other humans' suffering no matter what the cause of the suffering is or whether or not they deserved it. Usually I lean into this thinking which is another reason why I consider myself misanthropic but then again I guess sometimes I can still feel sorry for peoples' shitty situations especially if they're similar to mine. But then again that's still selfish.
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Jan 20, 2020
No, far from it. I feel this world would have been far better off had humans never come into existence, but I don't hold any bad feelings about humans since they are just another animal. That said Thanos was completely right.
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