signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
Additionally, I'm a big fan of physicist Sabine Hossenfelder and her recent attempts to revive the unpopular theory of superdeterminism. This physical theory also includes the principle of 'universal relatedness' which means that basically everything in the universe is physically related, even if extremely weakly. You're strongly related to the chair you're sitting on, whereas the neutron 2 million light years away might seem to have zero effect on you, but perhaps it is impacting you in some way, however weakly. I think this means that in order to get a complete physical description of you, I'd have to analyse your entire environment as well (which is the entirety of the universe.) Obviously though that's extreme, and we can probably capture most relevant aspects about you without so much detail. Personally I would hate for quantum mechanics to be the end of the story (the best we can do is probabilities? Really?) and superdeterminism holds some promise for leading us to more definite answers by revealing some kind of theory underlying quantum mechanics.
Also, stuff like quantum entanglement really makes things interesting.

A good, sturdy TOE is a long way off I think. If anything, this all at least proves we don't know enough to be able to say with any certainty what's really going on with reality, life, the universe...
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Jul 12, 2020
The way I have been taught,

As your love grows, you become more and more conscious. Less of an NPC. As this happens, you'll see it more and more.

So It is true everything is one. Why else would people like Jesus and his disciples die for others. Buddha makes a vow to stay until everyone becomes enlightened. But remember you have your own personality.

So you and I and everything around are one.

Do unto others as you'd have done unto yourself.

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Aug 18, 2020
It's another working and sober day for me so, I'm being serious here lol.

These past weeks, I've been watching lots videos of religion vs atheism, simulation theories, the meaning of life and the universe, what happens after death, etc. I'm just obessesed with these topics because I just want answers of my existence, which of course, I will never probably get.

However, some of the videos I've watched mentioned that there was no origin, that "God", "Nothing" or whatever you wanna call it has always been there.
Our minds are not ready to understand how something can come from nothing so we'll never understand what the hell is going on.

Surprisingly, there's a crazy theory which explains that we're all the same person because there's only one mind/consciousness controlling us, experiencing every single possibility of existing at the same time (past, present and future) and everywhere in this vast universe.

Thus, this makes me feel like sh*t because I'm just an irrelevant tiny parasite and random experience of an asshole who decided to make me go through this weird thing called life and all the bad things that had happened to me. How can he/she/it be so selfish? Is perfection so boring? I mean, I can't find any logic or reasons why they created this cruel and flawed world.

Not all of my hope is lost, though. The simulation theory makes a lot of sense and maybe I'll get the answers I want once I log out (die) from this "game".

What do you think about this? Are you and me the same person? Am I just going crazy? Tell me about it! :)
I think this AGAIN is a lot. LOL. Are we many? Are we just one "pretending" to be many? Some say we "join the collective" when we die or we at least have the choice to. Do we give up our unique self consciousness when we pass? Do we never die and just keep recycling into body after body? So many questions.

I hope we get rest and a few answers and help when we die. Even with some of us having debilitating chronic conditions, including depression, sleeping is only a temporary fix. You wake up and wish you would have just been "taken" in your sleep.

Some people teachers/ gurus/ spiritually tuned say we are one great being among many who are possibly experiencing many lives at once. Even that is hard to fathom.
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Life is just waiting for death
Mar 26, 2021
I'm obssesed with the universe and death too. Sometimes I even can't fall asleep because of that. It's just too hard live in this misunderstood universe.

I think there is no real origin of the universe and it has almost always been there. I have my own crazy theory which came to my mind after 3 AM few weeks ago when I was trying to sleep lol.

My theory says that the origin and the expiration exist at the SAME TIME. How can something come from nothing? The Big Bang Theory (not the sitcom lol) summarily says there was some MEGA HUGE ENERGY needed for the origin of the universe. But we also know that the universe won't be there forever, because the Sun will have the expiration one day like every other stars, so it will produce the MEGA HUGE ENERGY. So my theory says that the MEGA HUGE ENERGY needed for the origin of the universe is from the expiration of the universe, so the origin and the expiration are at the SAME TIME. Thus another crazy theory of mine says that THE TIME is not a "LINE", but a "CIRCLE". You know the planets in the Solar System rotate around the Sun, every planet has also its own rotate axis and our planet has also another rotate solid the Moon, so we have the time measure like years, months and days. And this system is based on rotating and repeating. So once there is the start, there is also the end. And once there is the end, there is also the start. Like an INFINITE LOOP. I think this makes the universe ETERNAL.

I'm sorry if you can't understand my really crazy theory. You know it's just my opinion. Anyway I think the simulation theory is possible too. It makes a lot of sense and I would like to learn more about it. But nobody really knows anything about the universe and death for sure. We will all die and find out the truth by ourselves.
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Jul 12, 2020
Some people teachers/ gurus/ spiritually tuned say we are one great being among many who are possibly experiencing many lives at once. Even that is hard to fathom.
They say 15 years living a very spiritual life, meditating, reading books and such or one can spend a couple years as a brahmacharya for equivalent. A celibate life. Jesus said, some are born that way (asexual) some are made that way (unics) and others do it to get to the kingdom of god.

Religion talked about celibacy as the greatest virtue for a reason. People nowadays think it's to keep families together to have a moral society but there is a deeper reason.

There is an incredible amount of energy that is capable to make a baby. Instead of that energy being wasted downward, one can become celibate and have that same energy flow upwards. As that energy flows upwards certain things happen, especially at the 6 month+ mark in my experience.

People call this NoFap nowadays but in earlier times, people were celibate for spiritual reasons. NoFap talks about shirt term gains but long term gains see brahmacharya.

They say nothing is attained without sacrifice. To get a deep understanding on these matters a celibate life is needed.

In short, to understand and see this oneness, brahmacharya.

I hope that makes sense.
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Aug 18, 2020
They say 15 years living a very spiritual life, meditating, reading books and such or one can spend a couple years as a brahmacharya for equivalent. A celibate life. Jesus said, some are born that way (asexual) some are made that way (unics) and others do it to get to the kingdom of god.

Religion talked about celibacy as the greatest virtue for a reason. People nowadays think it's to keep families together to have a moral society but there is a deeper reason.

There is an incredible amount of energy that is capable to make a baby. Instead of that energy being wasted downward, one can become celibate and have that same energy flow upwards. As that energy flows upwards certain things happen, especially at the 6 month+ mark in my experience.

People call this NoFap nowadays but in earlier times, people were celibate for spiritual reasons. NoFap talks about shirt term gains but long term gains see brahmacharya.

They say nothing is attained without sacrifice. To get a deep understanding on these matters a celibate life is needed.

I hope that makes sense.
Yeah it makes a lot of sense. I had more to write but I'm drunk and tired and crying and I'm likely to CTB in a few days. I'm worn out. I was celibate for about half a year. It really does help with mood and enlightenment. It balances your chemicals. Also being sober helps a lot. Also fasting, intermittent fasting, will really really boost your spirit. We are not taught these things though. We are taught to copy the TV and eat garbage and screw everything in sight. Its very sad. Fun in a way but sad.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
It's another working and sober day for me so, I'm being serious here lol.

These past weeks, I've been watching lots videos of religion vs atheism, simulation theories, the meaning of life and the universe, what happens after death, etc. I'm just obessesed with these topics because I just want answers of my existence, which of course, I will never probably get.

However, some of the videos I've watched mentioned that there was no origin, that "God", "Nothing" or whatever you wanna call it has always been there.
Our minds are not ready to understand how something can come from nothing so we'll never understand what the hell is going on.

Surprisingly, there's a crazy theory which explains that we're all the same person because there's only one mind/consciousness controlling us, experiencing every single possibility of existing at the same time (past, present and future) and everywhere in this vast universe.

Thus, this makes me feel like sh*t because I'm just an irrelevant tiny parasite and random experience of an asshole who decided to make me go through this weird thing called life and all the bad things that had happened to me. How can he/she/it be so selfish? Is perfection so boring? I mean, I can't find any logic or reasons why they created this cruel and flawed world.

Not all of my hope is lost, though. The simulation theory makes a lot of sense and maybe I'll get the answers I want once I log out (die) from this "game".

What do you think about this? Are you and me the same person? Am I just going crazy? Tell me about it! :)
beyond the theory this is quite possible, I had done in thread concerning this subject which I finally deleted because people made fun of me in their answers.

If you go back to the testimonies of people who have had an experience of near death or an exit from the body, most of them explain that they had this resentment, to be part of one and the same unit, one and the same consciousness.

The testimony of a French medium who at the age of 12 left her body explains that she found herself in the tree in her garden, and that she could feel that the tree had its consciousness, thus that the bee which turned around the tree, that it was in fact the bee at the same time as the tree and that it was at the same time all the living entities that it could perceive in its environment during this body exit experience, with 360 degree vision like flies.

I had explained in my thread that in fact the reality in which we live is only a quantum simulation, created by entities much smarter than humans, death is not death we simply return to the sun (at home) where there is the one and the same consciousness (the same unity), that is to say all of us.

According to ancient Egypt and the book of the dead, the universe is in fact one and the same consciousness, divided into thousands and billions of small parts, us, insects, animals, plants.

When these small parts of consciousness manage to overcome the stages of their different incarnations, then consciousness itself becomes a universe, it is quite complicated to explain but it reasons in me indirectly.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
God I hope not. I'm getting flashbacks to NGE and the human instrumentality project.
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I died long before i met you.
Apr 16, 2021
I realized that you want to enter a sense of life or the origin of existence, if you accept advice "don't try, the meaning can be to try to live well, to have good and happy moments, although I want to kill myself, I would not want anyone to end up like this most of the time
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Mar 22, 2020
Damn, guys.
I'm really glad to have created this thread! Reading your theories is so interesting. I could talk about this topic for ages! (especially while having some booze lol)

Anyway, thank you!
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
The universe is far too complex for us to ever understand. Who knows what theories future Einsteins will come up with? Actually, who knows what hyper-advanced AI will come up with & prove? At a certain point, it'll definitely be stuff that no human genius will be able to comprehend :haha:
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Please kill me. Please? PLEASE!
Nov 8, 2020
I think about this a lot. I think on the small chance that reincarnation is real, that is how it works. You live every life that ever is, was, and will be. And only then is your spirit able to rest.

I honestly hope death is just a hard stopping point though. Living anymore sounds exhausting.
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