Maybe not remember a sense of the before, like fainting, waking with no concept of being, a logical view. I'm not here for me, had daughters and was my choice to have them, they weren't there for consent and came about for one of the best reasons I value in life. Sucks to be them but now that they are here, feel that the choice is theirs for how long they want to stay. Also, since I had made that fateful choice for them, I don't exactly get to wander off, if they want me around for whatever fleeting reason,…well that is part of the choice I made and I owe the ledger.
I'm the kid no parent wants to have, the one that defies for the sake of not giving an inch. Insane to some but there are times I've just said No, not having it. Death may be happy to see me, at the first, but five Dad jokes in and refusing to cross the river Styx and skipping pebbles waiting to be carried across, so as not to make my bottom sore on a hard bench and my feet dry, will begin what I imagine will be a….chore not counted on.
I'm aware my physical self is much the same as I am. It will not want to die, will pitch fits, and have a lot to say about the whole thing. Like myself though I know a kind hand and a moment starting a path that once in can not be hopped off, is the kindest concession I can make for a friend that was weathered the storm with me.
Afterlife,…there's many opinions there. Mine though is, whatever is there very quickly be it good or bad, will not want a whirlwind of never ending annoyance, and that soul will be separated and released in to a preserve of some sorts. A demon doesn't want forgiveness, an angel doesn't want to hear their breath stinks, and a God doesn't want a soul pissing at their feet. Virgins don't want a man that doesn't grow a love for them. A utopia doesn't want a dirty hanky. Even if it's nothing more than a sarcastic nemesis, would stuff flowers in his nose and make him fart butterflies. If there was a Nobel for being impossible with an afterlife, pretty sure I would be in the running.
Not a fuck you to other responses, really great ones here, just chiming in because well annoying and stubborn that way.