
Aug 18, 2020
I had a quote in mind and did not know from whom it was. I changed it a little bit. Otherwise it is too depressing.

Is it true that there two kind of pain or suffering? The one that makes you stronger and then there is this type of pain which is only useless and that is just an agony?

I think it is important to emphasize that we often/sometimes only can differentiate between these two types a (long) time after we experienced the pain. In a current crises most people say that the pain is unnecessary and that it is useless.
I don't say that there is always this plan the universe has with one. There was a Swiss intellectual I like. A crisis is a productive state. You simply have to get rid of its aftertaste of catastrophe.

Even for me I have to say this is kind of a euphemism. I also experienced a lot of suffering which felt extremely unnecessary to me. But I have to admit I am still existing. Honestly if people would have told me when I was 15 what was about to happen I would have told them yeah if something like that happens I will immediately commit suicide. Seemingly this is way more difficult than I expected.

I am not here to tell people yeah your suffering has a deeper meaning. It is not that bad. Don't complain. I think this is an evaluation the individual has to make.
But as I said often only time can tell what sort of struggle you face.

I am still struggling a lot. And I think there won't be a happy end for me. But I still exist. And as long as this is the case I try to improve and play the cards I have been dealt with the best way I can. I am kind of asthonished what I have been through. My life is so insane. It is kind of surreal. Yeah I am extremely anxious about my future. The current time period is probably the best/most healthy state of mind which I can reach. And yeah I am still suffering a lot. I am very scared that the worst is yet to come. But this thought shall not ruin this recovery thread.

I am often very pessimistic about my future. The smartest person I know has told me you cannot predict life like that. Life is often way different than we imagine it. He told me that roundabout 2 years ago. And yeah my life changed a lot. There were some positive changements. I don't think it is enough to save me but I have more breathing space.

While someone is suffering immensely it is kind of cyncial to tell the person yeah there is probably a reason or deeper meaning behind that. Personally I have been through a lot. And I think many of my suffering was pretty unncecessary I have been through hell several times. But I have also learned things about me, my illness and the world by experiencing all of this. Maybe I am more empathic when I meet a vulnerable person. Knowing your own personal hell can make you more humble when you meet another person. It is similar to this Kafka quote which I love.

"We are as forlorn as children lost in the woods. When you stand in front of me and look at me, what do you know of the griefs that are in me and what do I know of yours. And if I were to cast myself down before you and weep and tell you, what more would you know about me than you know about Hell when someone tells you it is hot and dreadful? For that reason alone we human beings ought to stand before one another as reverently, as reflectively, as lovingly, as we would before the entrance to Hell."

For me therapy, medication and reading literature on mental illness were kind of useful . It does not really solve my problem like future poverty. But I have some tools to take some edges of my pain. My illness always tries to deceive me. I think many bipolar people like the state of a mania. I have learned to hate the state with the help of my cognition. Writing here in this forum also helps. I try to remind myself what I have to expect if I am choosing the manic path. It is a really destructive path and I remind me how horrible the agony was after my last crash. Shortterm the feeling is amazing but longterm is is an absolute catastrophe.

This forum is good place for venting, as a valve or as kind of a moody diary with feedback.

What do you think about the dichotomy of the two types of pain? I am not sure about it. I rather think it could be a continuum. Sometimes it is kind of both at the same time. It is difficult to make a distinct differentiation.
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Mar 26, 2020
There is a book by Paul W. Brand, "Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants" that describes physical pain, however there are parallels to emotional pain as well. In electronics there is a design called "negative feedback" that provides stability to a circuit. I knew a drummer in a rock group who had observed that singers and lead guitarists often had inflated egos because everyone would tell them how great they were.

One might think of pain as a smoke detector that tells you there is a problem that needs to be fixed.

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