

Feb 12, 2022
Obviously contains self-harm content:

I can see there being a distinction between the two positions, since once you've made up your mind fully about suicide, it can't exactly backfire against your own plan unless the suicide fails. Whereas the scars and damaging habits of self-harm will only snowball and make life harder and harder to bear. It might be more difficult for some to condone.

I haven't self-harmed in a long time but today have been thinking how much I'd love to slice my arms and chest over 100 times with a razor like I did once years ago. The only thing stopping me is my fear of the scars. The pain and blood itself feels very tempting. Even the scars seem tempting, the idea of them being red and sore and raised, feeling the blood pulsating through then with each heartbeat, a testament to and distraction from my emotional pain.

But having all those scars permanently would really fuck up any chances of recovery. I may as well just opt for SN if I'm going to sink to that level of self-harm. So I'm resisting the urge.
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I'm pro-choice about both suicide and self harm. Sure they're very different but I believe in personal autonomy and despise law makers who take people's choice away
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Infinity Weaver
Aug 2, 2022
I'm pro-choice on both. Self-harm is (rightly) viewed with some concern in most circles, but I believe the individual has a right to cope with their situation however they see fit.

It's been a few years since I've self-harmed, but it's certainly left its mark on me. My lower left arm is nothing but scar tissue. I reckon if I hated myself like I did then, there'd be some fresh cuts, too.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Same principle: you can do what you want to your body. However, I frown upon self-harm because suicide is for me an act of self-love. I am doing it to avoid suffering. I say this as someone who used to self-harm.
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Apr 15, 2022
yes i am pro self harm i am tired of ppl telling me to stop smoking or eating nutella sandwhichs everyday
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Aug 25, 2021
I'm for it as long as one knows their limits. I SH occasionally when the internal screaming get too loud. It is an effective quick relief to calm myself down.

But you don't want to fuck yourself up so bad that you end up in ER or psych ward or worse, end up with some permanent disorder. I know some who cut a nerve while SH and lost sensations somewhere on their body or are in constant pain.


Feb 27, 2021
I think ppl should still know the consequences like with the ctb methods. I used to self harm quite some time ago and still carry the scars. I hate them and regret every day. And not everyone is open minded so chances are you will be ridiculed to hell and back if someone sees them.
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forever envious
Apr 3, 2023
Obviously contains self-harm content:

I can see there being a distinction between the two positions, since once you've made up your mind fully about suicide, it can't exactly backfire against your own plan unless the suicide fails. Whereas the scars and damaging habits of self-harm will only snowball and make life harder and harder to bear. It might be more difficult for some to condone.

I haven't self-harmed in a long time but today have been thinking how much I'd love to slice my arms and chest over 100 times with a razor like I did once years ago. The only thing stopping me is my fear of the scars. The pain and blood itself feels very tempting. Even the scars seem tempting, the idea of them being red and sore and raised, feeling the blood pulsating through then with each heartbeat, a testament to and distraction from my emotional pain.

But having all those scars permanently would really fuck up any chances of recovery. I may as well just opt for SN if I'm going to sink to that level of self-harm. So I'm resisting the urge.
I am pro choice for both self harm and suicide. Self harm is a great stress reliever and one shouldn't be forcefully stopped from doing it. If they stop on their own accord, it's absolutely fine but they shouldn't be forced by friends and family or whatever.
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Mar 25, 2023
Personally I view it as a harmful or not desirable coping mechanism. I don't judge anyone for their reasons because we all need to get by somehow.

I've seen a lot of people get addicted to it and need to SH everyday and eventually snowballing with cravings and scars. I think in moderation or in extreme stress I'm fine with it but when it's getting to a necessity is when I become less tolerant to it since it's a snowball effect.

I try and steer others away from it since usually they aren't in clear mind to care about the consequences or underestimate the severity and the impact they can have. I don't want any of my friends to SH everyday and end up becoming super insecure and protective of the scars.

I'm mainly talking about cutting since it's the most common one I see, I think other forms of SH are usually have less consequences or are way less common.

I think I'm tolerant of it although not condoning or supporting it. It's your decision and I don't feel the consequences but I don't want something bad to happen to them. I view it as the same as drug abuse since they're actually surprisingly similar, in terms of the effects it has.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I do understand the need to self harm. I'm too squemish to go beyond hitting myself when I get really frustrated but I can see how it can be a release for people. I'm not sure if I'm exactly pro-self harm. I'm pro-choice though- so- that includes people's choice to harm themselves I suppose.

I view suicide as something very different though. I suppose it is a release just the same but (hopefully) it's forever. Plus- the act itself isn't something I think people actually WANT to experience. It's the end goal most of us are focused on. I don't actually WANT to hurt myself when I do it- I'd rather pass away as peacefully as possible.

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