
Aug 4, 2022

I have noticed in my research that a lot of indigenous tribes have the view that we are spirit having a human experience and that after death we return back to the original creator or the place where we came from. In this sense, our flesh is just that, flesh but our spirit is eternal and lasts long after our death.

I specifically chose indigenous tribes here because these do not seem to have had any religious interference from the outside and these tribes have held these views long before other religions were established.

I'm curious what others thoughts on these things are. I know there are people here who deeply believe in nothingness after death and that is we are just a clump of cells and flesh. Does this indigenous perspective change anything for you?
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Most traditional peoples engaged in some form of nature worship. In a world of impermanence, and especially as an average lifetime was only around 30 years old for much of human history, acceptance of death is nature's rule #1.

Modern society by comparison is weird and neurotic. We make every effort to hide death. We fear death so much that we build nuclear bombs that can kill millions. We make religions that say 'Thou shalt not kill' and then use them to justify the slaughter all of the aforementioned traditional peoples.
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Feb 4, 2023
I don't remember anything other than this life. I am a mix of predisposition from my genes and habits from my memories. When I die my memories die with me otherwise I would have some recollection of previous lives. Who I am will cease, only the faintest footprints of my actions will remain. I try to be kind and do what good I can as that will be what remains until all those who remember or benefitted from it pass as well. But ultimately we're all trapped cold, shivering, and starving on our archipelagos of thought occasionally glimpsing our neighbour shore through the mist.
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Aug 4, 2022
I don't remember anything other than this life. I am a mix of predisposition from my genes and habits from my memories. When I die my memories die with me otherwise I would have some recollection of previous lives. Who I am will cease, only the faintest footprints of my actions will remain. I try to be kind and do what good I can as that will be what remains until all those who remember or benefitted from it pass as well. But ultimately we're all trapped cold, shivering, and starving on our archipelagos of thought occasionally glimpsing our neighbour shore through the mist.
Well you aren't supposed to remember when you are alive. Imagine how boring it would be if you did.
"Uh shit here we go again for the 100 time"

It would be literal torture lol. Now when you die it is a different story of what you will be able to recall or not. If the afterlife exists like the tribes believed then you will remember it all after death


Mar 11, 2019
From my understanding, we have spirit forms that incarnate into a human being. It incarnates into the brain, and the brain is what makes us conscious, the spirit basically unconscious neutral energy. The spirit form, incarnates through millions of years to evolve itself to merge with the universal consciousness. I have no idea whether it is true, it is logical, and it is in my opinion the only spiritual view that relates to scientific thinking. In the end no one has a fucking idea.
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Feb 4, 2023
Well you aren't supposed to remember when you are alive. Imagine how boring it would be if you did.
"Uh shit here we go again for the 100 time"

It would be literal torture lol. Now when you die it is a different story of what you will be able to recall or not. If the afterlife exists like the tribes believed then you will remember it all after death
It depends how you define "you" I suppose, my point being if who I am is so strongly tied to my experiences and physical body, when those end am I still me or just entropy? We don't generally think of body heat dissapating from where you last sat as a part of your sole breaking off back to the universe but essentially there is no difference between that and the body and mind dying.

Maybe I have to much of a Judeo-Christian bias in my head regarding "spirituality".
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Aug 4, 2022
It depends how you define "you" I suppose, my point being if who I am is so strongly tied to my experiences and physical body, when those end am I still me or just entropy? We don't generally think of body heat dissapating from where you last sat as a part of your sole breaking off back to the universe but essentially there is no difference between that and the body and mind dying.
If you define it like that yes. However the way those tribes define is that you are more than just a body.


Ignorance is bliss
Jun 27, 2023
I don't believe in nothingness after death. I simply don't know and I don't think anyone does. It is possible that the soul continues to exist. Maybe in an other conciousness.

I watched some guy on yt today, he s a pastor and he says there are about 10 suicides in the bible and there is no judgement about that. The condemnation of those who ended their life only came with the history of churches. He goes on saying that in the first 100 - 200 years of christianity it was widly spread that people who got haunted and were about to be incarcerated and consequently fed to the lions, killed themselves and they got celebrated as martyrs. Crazy how humans can twist everything.
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Aug 4, 2022
I don't believe in nothingness after death. I simply don't know and I don't think anyone does. It is very likely that the soul continues to exist. Maybe in an other conciousness.

I watched some guy on yt today, he s a pastor and he says there are about 10 suicides in the bible and there is no judgement about that. The condemnation of those who ended their live only came with the history of churches. He goes on saying that in the first 100 - 200 years of christianity it was widly spread that people who got haunted and were about to be incarcerated and consequently fed to the lions, killed themselves and they got celebrated as martyrs. Crazy how humans can twist everything.
I think the suicide causes he'll claim came from the need to control the population into servitude. "If you don't live your life how we tell you too you will be punished" a bunch of BS
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Ignorance is bliss
Jun 27, 2023
I think the suicide causes he'll claim came from the need to control the population into servitude. "If you don't live your life how we tell you too you will be punished" a bunch of BS
Yeah christianity is cruel and responsible for the hierachies we still have in our society.

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