
Oct 12, 2022
I want to say sorry to you all and give you something……which is my unbiased view based on experience….that anti SS people will do ANYTHING to harm this site even if it damages the mentally ill. I include the NYT in that accusation.
I was interviewed and named in that article (Emma Davis) and the reason I did it was I felt ss was dangerous for women.. I had bad experiences with predatory men on here…..But None of those things were highlighted in the article. Only what they needed to highlight what they wanted to say (yes I'm dumb not assuming that would happen..) The reason I was interviewed was because I was approached by pro life people on Facebook… Catherine etc. I'm not slagging her off but generally the pro life agenda is so focussed on the goal of destroying SS that I think mentally ill people are used as collateral damage in that battle.
There's no way I should have been encouraged to take part in the article. I had my own motivations for doing it to do with my family history and trying desperately to get attention from my dad… very long story. I had a severe personality disorder and and am in full time therapy for it. It's not working yet and I don't know if it ever will.
Yes I had a fuck load of SS accounts because I chopped and changed so many times over being suicidal then not. SS has been a big thing in my life and there is no where else like it. As far as mental health is concerned there is NOWHERE you get understanding about EUPD and suicidal ideation like you do here. I made a dear friend on the site Mentalmick who was such a support to me and I'll never forget him.
Yes I manipulated the situation posting the thread about the NYT article. It was mental but I am an attention seeking bitch..and stupid and do stupid irrational shit especially when off my head…
What I'm saying is pro lifers STOP trying to recruit the mentally ill to further your cause. It DAMAGED me. Meghan from the NYT was all over me till the day of publication then never checked if I was ok. AND I had attempted suicide the August of that year.. probably not an ideal candidate for the article!!! Maybe you ss guys will say I deserve that and that's fine. But recruiting someone with severe mental health issues means you take a little responsibility surely?
No one not Kelli not Catherine not anyone checked on me. It's fucking shit.
I was USED to throw a bomb at SS but I got injured in the process.
I'm not asking for ANYTHING from you guys. I know I'm essentially your enemy…I don't have friends here any more.. they have died or left. I'm just telling you something you might like to hear and I'm saying sorry.
I'm still suicidal. I still see the value of SS. I think pro-lifers will do ANYTHING for revenge. Yes I harmed the site.. I'm sorry for that. Part of me feels when people ACTUALLY act mentally ill it's not accepted and that's what I did. I'm self destructive, attention seeking, seek drama and conflict… but on an extreme scale. I'm sorry.
Genuinely @RainAndSadness I'm sorry.
Catherine. I don't think you're helping yourself… the posting of threads from SS on social media etc. SS has been on the front page of the NYT and yet it's STILL going strong. I think it's time to move on I'm sorry. I don't think you should post peoples stuff. There's no battle to be fought anymore..
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
Bastards! It's not right. It's sick.
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
I know I'm essentially your enemy
Hello. I'd just like to get in an early comment saying that you certainly are not my enemy. And I, for one, can empathize with doing effed up stuff while messed up in the head out of pain. It appears you do feel regret and are trying to hold yourself responsible for your actions. I wish you well, and if it helps you to be here, then I hope you will stay. Peace be with you.
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Oct 12, 2022
Hello. I'd just like to get in an early comment saying that you certainly are not my enemy. And I, for one, can empathize with doing effed up stuff while messed up in the head out of pain. It appears you do feel regret and are trying to hold yourself responsible for your actions. I wish you well, and if it helps you to be here, then I hope you will stay. Peace be with you.
That's amazing of you to say thank you. But honestly I have been a complete cunt where this whole situation is concerned. A complete mental fuck up. People around at the time know that. I'll get blocked from the site soon and that's fine. What I've written is the truth and genuine. I have nothing to lose or gain by saying it.
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It’s over
Nov 9, 2022
I saw the NYT article and was able to find the site? So bad publicity can still be god publicity? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm sorry— maybe I could have found it another way before the article idk— but yeah it helped me connect with people on this candid site which was an unexpected side effect. I'm sorry you were disrespected by men and then felt silenced by media. I hear you. I think we all agree this site helps some how?
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Cathy Ames

Cathy Ames

Cautionary Tale
Mar 11, 2022
That's amazing of you to say thank you. But honestly I have been a complete cunt where this whole situation is concerned. A complete mental fuck up. People around at the time know that. I'll get blocked from the site soon and that's fine. What I've written is the truth and genuine. I have nothing to lose or gain by saying it.
You might be banned if you have held multiple accounts at the same time, which is against the rules. Not to be a smart ass, but there actually isn't a rule against actively (or accidentally) working to take the site down. Or at least not as far as I can tell. I'll be interested to see how this works out.
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Attendant of God
Nov 7, 2022
Well, Im still pretty new here so maybe my comments arent going to hold much value compared to long-term members, I know that well
But Id still like to put my two-cents in on this

If thats true, youre directly the reason I found this website in the first place
I didnt even bother to read most of it- honestly didnt even get to your quotes, I just assumed the whole thing was anti-choice propaganda
And now that Ive been here I know that for sure
There is some genuine good being done here, its one of the most comforting places Ive been
In a way I am thankful to you for helping me find SS

And based on what youve said, it sounds like you were just another vulnerable person abused for it
I thankfully havent seen anyone too bad here but
Speaking out on predatory behavior takes guts
And sitting here, taking responsibility for something that harmed the site takes guts, too
I dont blame you at all- especially knowing what you would have been going through during that time
Yeah, maybe you made a mistake, but ultimately I dont think youre a villain for that
We tear ourselves apart over those mistakes but its still something inherently human
Youre not the enemy, you were a weapon if anything
But youre still human
You deserve to feel at peace, you deserve to be happy, you deserve to forgive yourself even if it does take a long time
You still deserve good in your life and that hasnt changed

Thats what I believe

Thank you for having the guts to apologize, a lot of people likely would not have, and that means more than you could know
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Oct 5, 2022
Hey, that sounds like a bad situation. Of course, bad press isn't good, but anti-suicide people have been doing this a long time and still can't stop people from finding community or seeking peace. I believe in forgiveness and your apology means a lot. I wish there was an effective way to combat the propaganda, but we appear to be the underdogs in this situation. Never trust a journalist. Given what we're all here for, I think people should be understanding. I hope we all can show you kindness and bring that same light of mercy to your heart. Mental illness can make people do hurtful things, but it only gives more opportunities to practice forgiveness. There should be peace in this world and if we cannot find it, then we should create it.

With all that being said, I hope you find peace.
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Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
Please do not blame yourself too much for this. You've tried to shine light on an issue you think is important(predatory men on SS) and made a mistake while you're not thinking clear. That's absolutly fine, and it's not really even your fault. It really surprises me how these pro lifers are trying to stop suicide by all means nessecary. They've literally became a part of the problem they are trying to solve. I feel that their actions could have caused you to ctb. They talk about SS preying on vulnerable people and they are doing the exact same thing. Thank you for shedding light on this. Seriously, they've got to fucking stop
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Jul 11, 2021
I want to say sorry to you all and give you something……which is my unbiased view based on experience….that anti SS people will do ANYTHING to harm this site even if it damages the mentally ill. I include the NYT in that accusation.
I was interviewed and named in that article (Emma Davis) and the reason I did it was I felt ss was dangerous for women.. I had bad experiences with predatory men on here…..But None of those things were highlighted in the article. Only what they needed to highlight what they wanted to say (yes I'm dumb not assuming that would happen..) The reason I was interviewed was because I was approached by pro life people on Facebook… Catherine etc. I'm not slagging her off but generally the pro life agenda is so focussed on the goal of destroying SS that I think mentally ill people are used as collateral damage in that battle.
There's no way I should have been encouraged to take part in the article. I had my own motivations for doing it to do with my family history and trying desperately to get attention from my dad… very long story. I had a severe personality disorder and and am in full time therapy for it. It's not working yet and I don't know if it ever will.
Yes I had a fuck load of SS accounts because I chopped and changed so many times over being suicidal then not. SS has been a big thing in my life and there is no where else like it. As far as mental health is concerned there is NOWHERE you get understanding about EUPD and suicidal ideation like you do here. I made a dear friend on the site Mentalmick who was such a support to me and I'll never forget him.
Yes I manipulated the situation posting the thread about the NYT article. It was mental but I am an attention seeking bitch..and stupid and do stupid irrational shit especially when off my head…
What I'm saying is pro lifers STOP trying to recruit the mentally ill to further your cause. It DAMAGED me. Meghan from the NYT was all over me till the day of publication then never checked if I was ok. AND I had attempted suicide the August of that year.. probably not an ideal candidate for the article!!! Maybe you ss guys will say I deserve that and that's fine. But recruiting someone with severe mental health issues means you take a little responsibility surely?
No one not Kelli not Catherine not anyone checked on me. It's fucking shit.
I was USED to throw a bomb at SS but I got injured in the process.
I'm not asking for ANYTHING from you guys. I know I'm essentially your enemy…I don't have friends here any more.. they have died or left. I'm just telling you something you might like to hear and I'm saying sorry.
I'm still suicidal. I still see the value of SS. I think pro-lifers will do ANYTHING for revenge. Yes I harmed the site.. I'm sorry for that. Part of me feels when people ACTUALLY act mentally ill it's not accepted and that's what I did. I'm self destructive, attention seeking, seek drama and conflict… but on an extreme scale. I'm sorry.
Genuinely @RainAndSadness I'm sorry.
Catherine. I don't think you're helping yourself… the posting of threads from SS on social media etc. SS has been on the front page of the NYT and yet it's STILL going strong. I think it's time to move on I'm sorry. I don't think you should post peoples stuff. There's no battle to be fought anymore..

You don't have to feel guilty for anything.We all can become unstable and do things we regret. You were manipulated after all. I'm yet to know someone who gave an interview to the mainstream media and didn't have their words distorted to get more clicks or to meet their agenda. These people are snakes who use their power to manipulate millions of people and pass unseen for most.

After all, it's not like this site is a perfect place with only good people. In fact, this place can be really dangerous and the predatorism problem you mentioned is very real and some will act as if it doesn't happen. I have seen a few recurring threads about it and talked to a victim of one of these people a long time ago. I got so frustrated by the lack of coverage or actions (by the way, is the partners thread still up?), that I left this site and ditched my account for a while. I only came back because I have nowhere else to be in this world and because the good ones around here are worth it.

But what these "prolife" groups do to take this down, combined to the disdain for the suffering ones in need of a place to feel like where they belong is unforgivable. They feel like in a rage state, and will pass over anything and anyone in order to achieve what they want, just like you said, even if it means using people, making them suffer, and who knows what else. They are likely not even considering talking and reasoning, so, it's a waste to try any contact (I used to feel like talking to them in the past, can you believe it? I can't.

Don't be so harsh on yourself or feel so guilty. If not you, they would seek soemone else or use other means, maybe even faking an user. Besides, this site will eventually go down, by a myriad of possible causes, just like the ash community and the subreddit with the same name of this site, and I don't know why most users are so reluctant in accepting it. Our message is what's really important here, not the site per se. A message most people will try to close their eyes to and others will try to hide from public view, but it's the bitter truth everyone should be aware of: Life can be a negative experience and death can be a logical conclusion to it.

Again, don't feel bad about yourself and be welcome. Enjoy the good people and avoid the ill-intended ones.
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Traveler VII

Sep 9, 2022
...people do hurtful things, but it only gives more opportunities to practice forgiveness.
Words worth trying to living by, regardless of how long we have to live.
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I stay in my power
Aug 20, 2020
It is incredibly brave of you to write all this here. Or maybe you are also looking for drama and attention? And I do not mean that in a bad way! It must be very exhausting to lead such a drama life, I'm very sorry! I like best your sentence "I am on a site with mentally ill people and I behaved mentally ill". This happens to me in other ways all the time and I have problems in contact with others because of it. Your sentence sounded loving forgiving with yourself, that's good!
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𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
May 21, 2021
I'm still suicidal.
forget about the whole thing. what's catching my attention is it this "I'm still suicidal" line just before saying that you still see the value of SS.

as if to reassure us. as if you feel like to be accepted here, or bond with people here, you have to be miserable. as if you being suicidal makes you trustworthy.

Well, believe it or not, non suicidal people are welcome here. even the happy is welcome.
Only preachers are not. Those who preach prolife or even those who preach suicide are our only problem.
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Every waking moment I spiral further into insanity
Dec 11, 2021
What's done has been done. Now you know never to trust the media. If it wasn't your statement they were going to use it was going to be someone else's or some other shit they'd twist.
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Jun 14, 2018
I have been part of the community since the days of ASH and It is a shame that mentally ill people are used to target sites like this where people on here can actually understand the pain and suffering one is going through without judgement. I am honestly surprised that SS has managed to stand the barrage of shit media press against it. I hope people read your message and take it as a warning to never talk to media as they nit pick statements and in the end will bend you over a barrel then toss you to the side once they have their way with you.
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Oct 12, 2022
It is incredibly brave of you to write all this here. Or maybe you are also looking for drama and attention? And I do not mean that in a bad way! It must be very exhausting to lead such a drama life, I'm very sorry! I like best your sentence "I am on a site with mentally ill people and I behaved mentally ill". This happens to me in other ways all the time and I have problems in contact with others because of it. Your sentence sounded loving forgiving with yourself, that's good!
It's a constant thing me trying to work out why I do things.. because I have absolutely no sense of self. My psychotherapist told me the other day that's the reason I change my mind all the time. Probably this thread is drama provoking and attention seeking.. or seems that way, I honestly believe in my heart though I'm posting it because it's what I truly feel and have felt for months. I don't have anything to hide. I'm a rare breed on here being someone who is publicly named.. everyone knows who I am. I don't care that I've laid myself bare in that way. I'm fucking sick of the shame surrounding mental illness and suicidal feelings. BUT again… should the NYT have put my name on their front page? Yes I agreed it at the time but again my motives were unhealthy and I wasn't well.
I WISH pro-lifers could put this fight to bed. It's just turned into undignified mud slinging and point scoring it's just gross and pointless.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
First of all, I like many others found this site via the NYT article- so it's having the absolute opposite effect of what they hope. Lol.

I agree with everyone else here- you shouldn't be so harsh on yourself. It sounds like you did partly have a negative experience here- where someone tried to take advantage of your vulnerability and this happened again with the press. You were honest and trusting (like I expect many people here are) and they took from you what they needed.

Quite honestly, I see the press as parasites. I doubt they truly give a shit either way about a lot of the stories they cover. They want sensationalism because it sells.

A website that supposedly leads directly to the grave is up there. As usual- they pulled perhaps 5% (being generous) of the most sensational comments and made it out like that was representative of the whole platform. When really- I bet you can find WAY more abuse out there on the run of the mill social media platforms.

I suspect you had no idea they would do this. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me a bit that they just dropped you after getting what they needed with no concern for your welfare. THAT should be the REAL story! Could be as well actually. I remember the Jeremy Kyle show was highly criticised and ultimately axed largely from exploiting the vulnerable- which coincidently lead to a suicide. RIP Steve Dymond. The REAL story ought to be how the media and the press scoop up the mentally ill/ vulnerable, chew them up and spit them back out for profit and entertainment value.

I think you should try and forgive yourself of your 'mistake' (afterall, we all make them.) but be very wary of these sorts of people in the future.
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Oct 19, 2022
Pro lifers, never liked them. Even before I learned about pro lifers or the concept of it I always liked the idea of being able to choose whatever it is. And as for leaving "life" by ones own choice, should one choose to do it, so be it. Forcing one to live a life against their will is just cruel. That was and still is what I believe. I'm so sorry that the pro-life people took advantage of you.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Pro lifers actually are insane and disturbing. It's disturbing seeing it as wrong for people to end their own suffering. It's extreme selfishness when people wish to deny other people options of ctb methods and try to force other people to stay here against their wishes. There is no benefit to trying to trap people in a life that they never asked for, for many people life could never be worth living, and that is a fact. We all experience life differently after all so therefore nobody else has any right to say suicide is wrong for someone else. As humans we deserve a right to die and access to method information to make the best choice for ourselves.

Anybody who is against this is incredibly deluded. Contributing to that just because you personally had a bad experience is extreme selfishness. Without websites like this, people would have no choice but to resort to more risky methods in order to be free from this world, and if there is a lack of method information then people could likely just fail their attempt and end up with damage. And if people want to shut down this website because of the possibility of 'dangerous people' then they might as well be campaigning to shut down the whole internet. This isn't a social media site anyway, it's a website to respect people's right to die.

It's unforgivable in my opinion supporting that, but at least you now have some awareness that it's wrong. All that hypocritical people do is contribute to the suffering in this world. I get that you were so desperate for attention but the truth is that some people actually want to die, it's not all about you. The suffering that exists in this world is very real. It seems as though in this world people will resort to such extreme lengths to get attention even if it means harming others. It's sad. And if you ever think about joining the pro lifers again then just remember the fact that so much extreme torture and cruelty exists. I bet even the pro lifers would want a peaceful method if they ended up in a situation of horrific suffering and then they would finally stop this insane campaign they have.
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Oct 12, 2022
Pro lifers actually are insane and disturbing. It's disturbing seeing it as wrong for people to end their own suffering. It's extreme selfishness when people wish to deny other people options of ctb methods and try to force other people to stay here against their wishes. There is no benefit to trying to trap people in a life that they never asked for, for many people life could never be worth living, and that is a fact. We all experience life differently after all so therefore nobody else has any right to say suicide is wrong for someone else. As humans we deserve a right to die and access to method information to make the best choice for ourselves.

Anybody who is against this is incredibly deluded. Contributing to that just because you personally had a bad experience is extreme selfishness. Without websites like this, people would have no choice but to resort to more risky methods in order to be free from this world, and if there is a lack of method information then people could likely just fail their attempt and end up with damage. And if people want to shut down this website because of the possibility of 'dangerous people' then they might as well be campaigning to shut down the whole internet. This isn't a social media site anyway, it's a website to respect people's right to die.

It's unforgivable in my opinion supporting that, but at least you now have some awareness that it's wrong. All that hypocritical people do is contribute to the suffering in this world. I get that you were so desperate for attention but the truth is that some people actually want to die, it's not all about you. The suffering that exists in this world is very real. It seems as though in this world people will resort to such extreme lengths to get attention even if it means harming others. It's sad. And if you ever think about joining the pro lifers again then just remember the fact that so much extreme torture and cruelty exists. I bet even the pro lifers would want a peaceful method if they ended up in a situation of horrific suffering and then they would finally stop this insane campaign they have.
Honestly from the point of view of SS members I don't think what I did was forgivable. I wouldn't forgive me. And I wouldn't trust me either. My motivations for doing it were complex and I'm not even sure of the whole thing myself, it certainly wasn't just for attention.
I'm not back here to be an active member again. I'm not trying to worm my way back in or seek support or forgiveness. All I'm doing is saying sorry for getting it wrong.. and to warn anyone on here planning on getting involved with anti-SS people… they will chew you up and take what they need. Be careful of yourself. If you are anything as much of an emotionally needy fuckwit as I am..seeking care where you can find it..don't trust their version of care! They have an agenda.
SS never asked me for anything! (Not talking about the few dodgy men who were predatory towards me back in the day…) but anti ss people did ask me for stuff.. like being a voice for them. I was asked to do a bbc thing to by Catherine but that never happened. What sort of voice is a fucked up mental bitch for their cause? I wouldn't want me as a spokesperson!!! Well this is the consequence.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Manipulative crap, don't fall for it imo.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Manipulative? What am I trying to achieve then?
Er, you tell me? What were you trying to achieve when you thought you'd be friends for life with a New York media professional in return for some bullshit quotes you dropped them? Either way, this "I was a vulnerable person used by malevolent forces uwu" is too pat, too delicately worded to garner sympathy from those here with short memories.

That Jeremy character does the same thing btw, having served his purpose he too was jettisoned and now he realises his dream of being a media face is over he keeps coming back here, the only place he was guaranteed attention. You are not someone to be trusted, you play the same tune of self-pity to all parties and sit back and watch the fireworks. You contributed to an article which had the knock-on effect of removing the N supply purely because you wanted some high-profile attention, and this should not be forgotten. I personally would ban you in a heartbeat.

Having seen your laugh react btw l notice you already feel comfortable with the notion that your phoney act of humility has succeeded, l see it as the mask already slipping. Might be worth reviving the original NYT threads each time l see you ingratiating yourself across the place, just so people are aware that you are not someone they can trust as you schmooze your way about the place for the umpteenth time.


For the record, l said this at the time and l stand by it. One manipulative, grovelling post may be enough to sway the less discerning but if anyone would like to refresh their memories, it would be worth reading the rest of the thread.

I personally can not have any sympathy with "Emma Davis", or anyone who seeks to do harm to people here purely for their own financial / emotional gain. At least with the grieving parents there is a direct and powerful emotional driver for what they do, which l can understand on a human level. The Emma Davis types are just harmful trash, out for their own entertainment at the expense of others.
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Oct 19, 2022
I certainly do not wish to see this kind of attention-seeking phony human here. There are so many out there, please not here!!!
Being manipulative does not necessarily need a specific purpose or intent to obtain a benefit because manipulative individuals are manipulative for their own sake, it's just their (disordered) personality and natural tendency to act in a certain way, they just enjoy manipulating people & situation, they get deeply twisted and distorted psychological satisfaction from their manipulative behaviors
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Oct 12, 2022
Er, you tell me? What were you trying to achieve when you thought you'd be friends for life with a New York media professional in return for some bullshit quotes you dropped them? Either way, this "I was a vulnerable person used by malevolent forces uwu" is too pat, too delicately worded to garner sympathy from those here with short memories.

That Jeremy character does the same thing btw, having served his purpose he too was jettisoned and now he realises his dream of being a media face is over he keeps coming back here, the only place he was guaranteed attention. You are not someone to be trusted, you play the same tune of self-pity to all parties and sit back and watch the fireworks. You contributed to an article which had the knock-on effect of removing the N supply purely because you wanted some high-profile attention, and this should not be forgotten. I personally would ban you in a heartbeat.

Having seen your laugh react btw l notice you already feel comfortable with the notion that your phoney act of humility has succeeded, l see it as the mask already slipping. Might be worth reviving the original NYT threads each time l see you ingratiating yourself across the place, just so people are aware that you are not someone they can trust as you schmooze your way about the place for the umpteenth time.
1- I didn't think I'd be friends for life. But I think a journalist might think twice about interviewing someone who recently crashed their car trying to kill themself and who has a severe personality disorder… OR at least check they are ok when it's done.
2-I'm not pretending to be a vulnerable person, nothing I've said is a lie.. you be the judge? I was sectioned last year, attempted suicide, taken into full time therapy for personality disorders… is that vulnerable or not? I would say vulnerable enough that people like the NYT and pro lifers trying to get something from me might be better off looking elsewhere…And I've already said I'm not looking for sympathy.
3-Jeremy and I definitely have similarities.. I agree. We are attention seeking, court drama, and have tried to find a place of belonging on SS then with pro-lifers.
I'm not hiding my real identity, I outed myself with this post as the Emma who did the NYT article.. you know who I am.
I'm not a shameful transphobe like Jeremy. I hate what I've seen of him on Twitter.
I also believe I have a self awareness that Jeremy has never had. I also say when I'm wrong.
4-I used the laugh react because I felt incredulous at you saying I'm manipulative.

But @Chinaski How ever much of a moron I was to do what I did in the first place I think you show what sort of person you are by referring to any human being as 'harmful trash' .
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
I agree with the last two posts. Manipulative, attention seeking behavior. What is the point of coming back and saying all of this now? It feels very "Me, me, me, let's talk about me!" If you felt like you *really* needed to apologize to rain, you could have done it privately.

The last thing we need on this site is more meddling, toxic personalities. If I were a mod, I would ban you.

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Gray Wounds

Gray Wounds

A Phantasmagoria
Jun 27, 2018
I am enraged. We are already being attacked by the bunch, our personal datas stolen, our convos put out for the public to give their stupid words at. Yes, the general public is an idiot bunch. The media maintains that idiocy. First time I saw a photo of a thread from here, I almost want to rip my screen off because of the comments I've read. But what you did is already out there. Another tigthening of the noose those people already put on our necks. I am one with the other three posts above me. I will not forgive this. There are people that I value here and I've seen their threads and personal ones, mind, this is very personal a site. We may be anon, but our suffering is real. The stories you see here are real, the words here are real. Goodness, I hope this never happens again.
Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Holy shit this is horrible. Presumably you got nothing out of it, other than attention. These people are sharks, they only care about the story. Surely you knew you'd be edited, redacted, sandbagged and then ghosted.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
Worth remembering that this person, under the account "Harriet", was so keen for us to see her moment of glory and revel in it that she drew this site's attention to it in the first instance and played along with the outrage. Total bullshitter, do not trust.
Holy shit this is horrible. Presumably you got nothing out of it, other than attention. These people are sharks, they only care about the story. Surely you knew you'd be edited, redacted, sandbagged and then ghosted.
I'm not going out to bad for these people who clearly used her as an all-too-willing rent-a-quote but this person has bullshitted her way through this forum on multiple occasions and bullshitted in international media, she has very probably bullshitted those fixer types too and l dare say it's not impossible she's bullshitting here also, it absolutely stinks of insincerity imo and it's wrong-headed to put the responsibility for this person's repeatedly deceitful, manipulative and genuinely harmful conduct down to Those Goddam Bastard Prolifers.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
But @Chinaski How ever much of a moron I was to do what I did in the first place I think you show what sort of person you are by referring to any human being as 'harmful trash' .
Lmao are you seriously doing this, are you genuinely attempting to spin this back on me because of the language l used? I think you'll find there weren't many kind words about you around that time tbh, you may be able to blag a few of the more gullible members here by adopting the cutesy house-style of insincere self-pity but you did make a not insignificant contribution to an article which did a lot of damage here and subsequently removed the N supply. You're now back here with your tail between your legs because those people jettisoned you. If you do not like the language l used to describe your self-indulgent bullshit l do not give a fuck. You're phoney as hell, l do not like you and you are absolutely not to be trusted.
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