

Feb 11, 2020
A lot of my friends and family seem genuinely upset about Prince Phillip but I literally don't care at all. It makes me feel really fucked up because I just kind of think "why didn't I die instead?" We all die in the end, and I feel so broken for not being able to empathize with people and having to be fake pretending I care. Is this because I'm depressed/suicidal? Or does this sound like deeper issues?
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Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
Don't care aswell. I mean the guy was 99 years old. The only person who should be mad/sad is Monk.
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Apr 5, 2020
I think generally, it's hard to care a lot about strangers. People can feel some kind of sadness but I think it's usually very different from the grief of losing someone close. I can't say in detail why you're unable to care, but in the case of prince Phillip I reckon most people don't really care that much. The average person probably sympathises and feels it's a sad occurrence, but because he's a stranger it doesn't really go far beyond that. We can expect that queen Elizabeth is probably much more distraught than you or I. People also have biases that affect it as well. For example, I usually care more/mourn over a suicide death more than say an accidental one. And personally, I don't view the royal family favourably, so this somehow makes it just a bit less sad for me (though I submit that ultimately he was just another human being equally deserving of compassion and respect). RIP to him of course.
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Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
Yeah, mixed emotions I would have loved to have his life, surprised he got headline news as the GC ate a quaver, :smiling:

He was properly great for William and Harry growing up, 99 is a good age so I hope he RIP.


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Jan 31, 2021
I never understood the British obsession with royalties anyway. Kings and queens are concepts from the Middle Ages, not from the 21th century. He's just a normal guy, being extremely rich thanks to the tax payers, who died of old age for me.
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Oct 13, 2019
It's like hearing any random 99yo died to me. Don't feel anything. As Hidden Base alluded to, outside of something tragic, I think you need a connection with the person to feel something. I'd say it's 100% normal and expected to not feel anything in this case.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
Feeling any emotion besides contempt regarding the royal family is just daft.

Sorry to hear you're surrounded by mouth breathers.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I too would have traded my life for his, however, I think of several millionaire celebrities, and even nobles, who committed suicide. E.g. Ari Mikael Behn
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Mar 30, 2021
I think it's likely because we're so comfortable with the thought of death since we think about it so often. My family also wrote in our group chat how it's so sad, but I just think.. ok, but he lived a very long life and all things eventually come to an end. I mean he was always in and out of hospital at the end of his life so I'm sure he's at peace from his ill health now.
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My time is coming.
May 17, 2019
I honestly thought he died years ago and they used some unholy means to reanimate him. I've never seen an upright human look that purple.
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
i'm just annoyed and confused to why the BBC have to cancel all radio stations schedules to cover the story. One station is enough when they've the dedicated news channel and both BBC tv channels covering it. Let the rest of us get on with our normal day, the radio is my company and familiarity.
Yeh, guess i'm kinda apathetic to death too.
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Sep 30, 2020
I think it's more about the sensationalism, 100s of people will die today but they're not famous or royalty. It's hard to feel upset about someone who's done some pretty amazing things and has lived longer than most of us.

I went to see something on a different channel than bbc and saw something like "We apologize for the interruption but we have breaking news, tune in to the bbc for more information."

I didn't think it should be considered as breaking news.
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Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
I think it's more about the sensationalism, 100s of people will die today but they're not famous or royalty. It's hard to feel upset about someone who's done some pretty amazing things and has lived longer than most of us.

I went to see something on a different channel than bbc and saw something like "We apologize for the interruption but we have breaking news, tune in to the bbc for more information."

I didn't think it should be considered as breaking news.
Breaking news yes as the UK is sadly still too embroiled in the institution but the royal family in general shouldn't be sensationalised as it is. With so many platforms for reporting it makes no sense to dominate so many for the whole day with exactly the same repeated news and interviews.
Makes you wonder what the intent of the bbc is in such excessive coverage
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Feb 27, 2021
Well its not like the man died on the street or died young. He lived a full life and spent his last days in the best care money can buy surrounded by his family no doubt. Plus you don't even know him personally. So I don't see how its wrong to feel apathetic about his death. I mean my condolences to his family/friends but something irks me about seeing people who hardly knew him or talked about him fake grief for the sake of being just like everyone else.
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Mar 22, 2020
Maybe it's because he's not a person close to you.
For instance, when Maradona died last year, people in Argentina were extremely depressed and I was like "Oh, what a shame" but my life just continued.

I've also experienced that feeling of "damn, wasn't I the one to die?".

However, last January my grandpa passed away and I was very sad.

I guess our time will come sooner or later!
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  • Aww..
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
RIP prince phillip. feels odd to call a 99 yo senior a "prince" though.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Maybe it's because he's not a person close to you.
For instance, when Maradona died last year, people in Argentina were extremely depressed and I was like "Oh, what a shame" but my life just continued.

I've also experienced that feeling of "damn, wasn't I the one to die?".

However, last January my grandpa passed away and I was very sad.

I guess our time will come sooner or later!
My condolences for your grandfather. For me it was a blow when mine died
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
I would say that it's probably normal in my opinion.
It's kinda as if someone would kill Mrs. Merkel or 50 cent or if they just die by natural causes, I personally would not care.
Maybe be sad for a couple of minutes but generally I wouldn't care.

The same thing was with that one polish politician Miroslaw Kaczynski who died in a plain crash in Russia or something like that.
I saw many polish individuals being sad about that, some where crying or even stopping in the middle of the road and honking but I didn't gave a shit. I just walked around with my earphones, blasted through sidewalks when there were no pedestrians on it and continued living my life.

I know that there is a law in a certain state in the US, where (for example) if someone dies and there is a funeral, you stop for a minute (or something like that) to "pay respect to the family members/friends/ etc. of that dead person" and this might sound like I'm an asshole but I didn't stop to pray or anything like that. I stopped because I had an Visa, I was driving a rental car and I wasn't a US citizen. I would have a lot of unnecessary crap to do if I would get ticketed by some random cop who would just wait till someone breaks this law and it wouldn't probably matter that I didn't knew about this law.
In the end I just stopped, said to myself something like "Hope you have a great time in the afterlife" and continued driving.

In the end let's just say that we're humans and everyone deals differently with death (or in this matter, even suicide)
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Mar 11, 2021
it was an old rich guy that lived a better life than 99,9% of the people that has lived in the earth, why in the world anyone would be that stupid to be sad for him
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Mar 5, 2021
Yeah, I mean personally I don't give a single fuck about the royals, they're a bunch of stuck up pricks who just use loads of taxpayers money while there are still people sleeping on the streets. He's just another old person who's now dead, who cares?
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Feb 5, 2021
I think it's good that he died. He was a humongous piece of shit so his death is a net positive for the world.


I choose love
Jan 25, 2021
I mean...imagine that by reading only the title of this post at first, I couldn't believe that this was going to be about Prince Philip's death. "Why would it be a problem if one didn't "care" about his death anyway? ". Reading the post I went
"wait, this guy is for real". I mean no offense at all, I just want to point out that I feel it's natural to "not care" about a stranger's death. To not get touched by it. For some reason, I felt more sorry for a person that got murdered today than Prince Philip's passing. Honestly, I didn't even know he existed, I thought Queen Elizabeth was a widow..pardon my ignorance, I hope it doesn't offend you


Aug 18, 2020
I don't know much about him but he i think he had a good life. I cannot imagine 99 years without having existential anxiety about poverty and suicide.(I cannot imagine 2 years lol) I rather think this guy had such a wealth. How many poor people had to live in poverty for his well being.
I am really not sorry for this dude in my position.


Aug 17, 2020
I honestly thought he died years ago and they used some unholy means to reanimate him.
Yeah, he was on 1% battery and Airplane Mode for a loooong time.

it was an old rich guy that lived a better life than 99,9% of the people that has lived in the earth, why in the world anyone would be that stupid to be sad for him
How many poor people had to live in poverty for his well being.
I kinda agree. He lived until a good age, and despite obviously having some struggles/difficulties (just like anyone/everyone), he lived a life that many of us could only dream about
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fred farkle

fred farkle

Dec 17, 2020
Don't care aswell. I mean the guy was 99 years old. The only person who should be mad/sad is Monk.
yeah,he was 99 so i certainly dgaf!
the only sad part js that now Queen Elizabeth wont have Phillips nine incher rocking her world evey nite!!!
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May 27, 2020
Personally I do not care much; I do not have feelings either way about his death. When it comes to the subject of royalty itself, though, then I am totally against it. The monarchy should have been abolished many years ago.

I never understood the British obsession with royalties anyway.
Not every English/British person is obsessed with or likes the royal family. In fact in many working-class areas people tend to not take much interest in them.

Kings and queens are concepts from the Middle Ages, not from the 21th century.
Throughout most of human history there have been groups that have lorded over others - unfortunately. Yes Kings and Queens are outdated titles from the past, but the roles that they had are still very much relevant in this century. Look at the social structure of society: high-ranking business people, such as corporate executives, are the new aristocracy; property developers are an equivalent to the land barons of the old; social media influencers are the successors to the high-priests of nobility who preach their hypocrisy to everyone else.

Royalty has never went away, it just adapted and changed its labels to fit the current climate. This is not to say that I agree with it.
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Jan 31, 2021
Glad I'm not the only one, genuinely thought there was something wrong. Ordinary people can only dream of living as long. Keeping my mouth shut in real life though in case I get labelled as cold, disrespectful etc.
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