The first time I tried to end my life was at the age of 14. I was apparently found roaming down the street from the age of 3/4. Abused throughout my childhood - every kind of abuse and the earliest documented age was 2 and possibly earlier. Left home at 14/15 and essentially was homeless hiding from social services and police as I though I was found, I would be raped or returned to the family.
Leaving home was the first positive thing I did - and that says something. Hiding in a play area in London so that no one knew that there was a on the street- absolute dread and fear, cold/frozen, disassociated, a fight for survival and yet liberation and freedom from rape, violence and more. Actually life worked out. I managed to seeing three jobs, worked and rented a room - someone the employers and definitely the landlady took advantage of my innocence and vulnerability. ButbInstill thrived, went ro college as soon as I turned 16, went to university and eventually ended up in secure long term employment - been with the same employer for the past it 23 years and it is a privilege to donwhat I do. Fell in love and have two wonderful children. My life sounds ideal in a lot of ways.
Yet I struggle to keep myself alive and safe for my children - despite knowing how lucky I have been in the lottery of life. Flashbacks, nightmares, cPTSD, CFS, autism, pain and so much more rules my life. I managed survival, masking, hiding my pain from the human race and I coped. Then covid came round, I went downhill and never managed to pick myself like I used to do. My doctor/GP stepped in and supported me and kept me alive - and then shut the door on my face alive to a change in rules about how one contacts the surgery and due to accessibility challenges, I am back at the cliff edge, unmanaged overdoses when dissociated etc.
I am angry with myself for not managing, for trusting that the medical system will keep me alive etc. And now I know that as much as I cannot really afford to end my life to protect my children and I will try to stay alive - I also know that there is a high probability that I will end my life especially in a vulnerable dissociative place as (just like birth family), the systems that are built to protect its people (such as the medical systems) has turned out to be punitive, discriminatory, destructive and a complete let down.