
Mar 22, 2020
This is something I've always wondered about. People describe a peaceful black nothingness(a few seconds for what actually is a while irl), but do you believe that blackness will continue on for an eternity? Do you think the dead will get bored of the silence after a while? I have no idea if that momentary euphoria will feel good forever.

That's an interesting question.
Well, the perception of time in the darkness seems to be different so "eternal" might not feel "everlasting". What's more, it could feel so comfortable that you won't even care about time anymore.
That's my theory at least.
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too chicken to shoot myself so i'm hanging
Oct 18, 2020
That's an interesting question.
Well, the perception of time in the darkness seems to be different so "eternal" might not feel "everlasting". What's more, it could feel so comfortable that you won't even care about time anymore.
That's my theory at least.
I hope it will feel that way lol, but nobody comes back to tell what it's like after the entire body has shut down..
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May 13, 2020
It was a long time ago so I don't really remember it well, but from what I do remember, you're not really aware of it, it's just nothing. Not even blackness, total nothing. No feeling, no sounds, no smells, just nothing. I had some weird dreams but I think that was more the coma not the actual dying, and I don't even know if they were before or after. It's hard to put a timeline to something like that.
I met an older man last week. He's a Vietnam vet. I was selling something to tow a car with and he bought it. We got to talking and I had some of mom's things to donate like a shower chair, toilet bars etc and asked if he wanted them. He said he already had all of it since his hospital stay where he had died 3 times and was in a coma for 32 days a few years ago . I asked him did he see anything and he was adamant about it. He had seen his grandparents and they told him three times he had to go back. He couldn't understand why they did it that many times until later. He remembered all of the details including the clothes they were wearing. So after 32 days he woke up and sat up in his bed which freaked the nurses out because he was not expected to ever wake up. His funeral had already been paid for. Later as he was looking at old pictures of his grandparents he found ones where they had the same clothes on. Remember, this is his story but I certainly lean towards believing him. I think the part about the clothes lends credibility to his account although many will say he just remembered it from the pictures he'd seen years ago. I recommend looking up Tricia Barker

Here's the video.

I find this really interesting, because I remember having a dream of being wheeled through the ICU by a nurse and my mum, and taken up in the lifts and out onto the street, with snow everywhere. I got out of bed and wandered off for a bit, before the nurse told me I had to come back. I tend to write all of this off as a dream though because I was in a coma at the time and there was a lot wrong with my brain, and I don't even know if it happened before or after I actually died. Plus, my mum is alive, I didn't see anyone who is dead.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Ever been knocked out on anesthesia before going in to get your wisdom tooth pulled? And then you wake up thinking 1 sec has passed? Yeah it's like that, even though you were out for hours. My last suicide attempt put me in a coma for 2 1/2 weeks, I didn't know where I was and all I remembered was being in my car.
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Eternal sleep
Feb 17, 2020
I jumped into a pool as a kid and all I remember is darkness and peacefulness and then waking up to the an almost gut wreching pain in my chest and breathing felt like knives in my throat, everything felt like burning for several days.
*I was resuscitated by a relative who had fished me out of the pool seeing me floating in it.
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Jun 14, 2020
I've read a thread on Reddit about people who have been pronounced clinically dead and have been brought back to life , I think they all said it was just nothing/darkness
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I think I was close when I jumped in 2014.
I was drowning in the cold river, at first I kicked and trashed and tried to remove the layers upon layers of clothes I fastened to myself, then I got tired, maybe because I took an OD beforehand, and suddenly felt this calm and decided that Ill just go to sleep in the water. So I stopped moving and closed my eyes.
And the next thing I remember is being pulled into a boat but I couldnt see anything, and then I finally opened my eyes to people screaming and slapping me repeatedly, crying for me to wake up.
Its like I have a gap of nothingness between drowning and being saved.
I tried to talk about it to my mother, wondering if I had an NDE, she told me I just passed out.
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