
Dec 18, 2023
Like life always requires something from you, you always have needs as being warm, finding food, being constantly careful to the dangers in your environment. And in return you get like very slight happiness that's only a few moments while your suffering is constant.

And you might get a pretty bad deal from start even if you don't do anything to deserve it, like genetic diseases, wars, abusive parents, bad environment. And you have to deal with it because you have to survive.

And if you want to exit from this obviously unfair game, you have to suffer again and put effort against your survival instinct, which is very hard to do.

It's like life is an evil creature that just makes you suffer no matter what, giving you nothing but always asks for so many things.

It makes me sick how unfair the order in the world is, many people work for their whole lives to survive, while some people are just lucky because their parents are rich. Isn't this just bizarre and we call this life "a gift"
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Yes, life itself is struggle and pain. Sentient life was a mistake. I remember having this realization one day when I was driving down the road and looking at my favorite pine trees. I thought about how all living things are interconnected in an intricate web of producers, consumers, decomposers, etc. Energy and material is relentlessly recycled as each organism is born, consumes other organisms or byproducts, and eventually dies - often very painfully. Every plant you have ever thought beautiful would not exist if it were not for this cycle. Your pets wouldn't. The songbirds outside wouldn't. You wouldn't either. This world as we know it simply could not exist without death and suffering. Death is not so much a logical consequence of life as it is a requirement.

Of course, I have known this since K12, but the full realization of what this means didn't really crash down on me until that moment. I don't know how to explain how I was 100% OK with this until I just wasn't one day. It is no wonder to me that the ancient Hebrews, in order to construct their idea of a perfectly benevolent god, had to conceive of the Garden of Eden as free of death before the Fall of Man. I am an atheist who realizes the innumerable ways the Bible fails from the perspective of literal truth, but I can understand that much. It's kind of crazy to contemplate whether some Bronze age dude living thousands of years ago in the desert had the same fundamental fears and desires and disgusts.
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May 19, 2018
Life in this universe is going to be evil, and that's because life has to compete over resources like energy and space. The fact of entropy is important too, because that means things degrade over time, so breaking things rather than fixing things is going to strategically hinder any 'fixers', while 'breakers' have the wind at their backs. We're in the universe where someone has to work hard to build a house, there are few shortcuts, but someone with bad intentions can just light a match and destroy that, while it's harder to return to the starting point of the built house. If someone ruins your reputation, you can't fix it as easily as they ruined it. If someone injures you, you can't heal as easily as they injured you.

So those are the crucial conditions for evil, you can think of our physics+biology as the substrate that produces evil. If you had some other condition, you wouldn't necessarily have evil. But because this universe is the way it is, anything that competes and makes copies that mutate, will be more and more evil the more time it has to run its course.
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Jan 1, 2024
I'm convinced that Earth is Hell
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Unappreciated artist
Dec 18, 2023
Things are only getting worse and more difficult for people who were born into the worst possible circumstances. Unless you're born into a wealthy and non-abusive family, you're lucky if you even get an opportunity to slave and suffer while barely continuing your painful existence. Everything is so wrong and so bad.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Absolutely, existence is something so incredibly evil to me, I see the existence of life as the most devastating and horrific tragedy in the first place. Existence is evil as it causes immense harm, in fact I see existence as nothing more than an unnecessary harm, it's simply something so harmful to be enslaved in this reality where there is endless potential for cruelty and suffering.

It disturbs me how existence has caused so much torment all throughout history, it's disturbing how there is no limit as to how much one can suffer as long as they exist here. No matter what I'd certainly prefer to not exist than to have the ability to suffer in this futile and burdensome existence that just leads to decay and death anyway.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
Yes, I do. I see life as a saw trap game I was born into, and I'm forced to either keep playing to avoid a horrible death from starvation, disease, or a natural disaster of some kind, OR I have to find a way to exit. It's almost like being stuck in a room where the walls are constantly closing in, but they move so slowly you can't see it until one day you suddenly notice the room has less space. For some people, the walls speed up suddenly and launch themselves forward, only to slow down again once they're in a tiny box of nothing but walls.

Eventually, after many years or decades, these walls will close in too far and crush us. I'd rather get out before it happens.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Like life always requires something from you, you always have needs as being warm, finding food, being constantly careful to the dangers in your environment. And in return you get like very slight happiness that's only a few moments while your suffering is constant.

And you might get a pretty bad deal from start even if you don't do anything to deserve it, like genetic diseases, wars, abusive parents, bad environment. And you have to deal with it because you have to survive.

And if you want to exit from this obviously unfair game, you have to suffer again and put effort against your survival instinct, which is very hard to do.

It's like life is an evil creature that just makes you suffer no matter what, giving you nothing but always asks for so many things.

It makes me sick how unfair the order in the world is, many people work for their whole lives to survive, while some people are just lucky because their parents are rich. Isn't this just bizarre and we call this life "a gift"
I agree life is very evil.

1000's of reasons why , every human gets old, unbearable pain and suffering, diseases, disabilities , brain injury, , dementia, stroke, cancer,injustice , scams ,oppression , lies , every thing decays ( law of entropy) ,many more reasons
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
No, I think life is incredible and the vast majority of people feel the same. Suffering and hatred of life are subjective and about mindset.

Life can be full of great happiness, pleasure and joy.

However, for me it just wasn't meant to be. I am just too defective mentally.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
According to human moral principles- yes- I think the way life is set up has little other way to go but a struggle for dominance via exploitation and destruction- which is especially problematic when so many living things can experience pain... and guilt.

Some organisms of course have evolved to have incredible symbiotic relationships. Yet- these quite often only exist because of predation! A clownfish wouldn't need to hide in a anemone if it wasn't worried about other fish eating it. The colours of the clownfish then attract other fish that get stung and eaten by the anemone. Disney doesn't show that bit... 'Oh hi Nemo!' Followed by screams of agony as the fish is devoured.

Of course, humans have it worse because we have that extra layer of guilt on top. I expect the clownfish doesn't give a shit that it lured countless other fish to their deaths. We know the damage we do and we probably also know there's only a limit as to how much we can reduce our own (negative) impact on the world. We can go vegan and recycle and not reproduce but ultimately- we are still part of a big system that is causing so much suffering to this planet.

Think of the mind that comes up with the following though: I'm going to create some living organisms whose method of survival will be to burrow into the eyes of other living creatures and eat their way out- causing that host creature to go blind in the process... Introducing The African Eye Worm... But God loves you. Holy shit! Really? Can you think of a more depraved thing to do to something?!! Surely even our most sadistic and depraved lunatic criminals haven't topped that one... and who do you think designed the brain that was capable of becoming a child rapist, a serial killer, a torturer?

Or- even better- I'm going to create a living organism that has every chance to become the prodominant species on this planet. I'm going to give them the intelligence to 'conquer' this world but I'm going to ensure that there aren't enough resources ultimately. I'm going to give them the intelligence to realise they are f*cking everything up- just to see what they'll do. [Insert evil laugh.] You can't blame people for thinking they are stuck inside some sick, sadistic experiment.

Atheism comes as this wonderful relief to all that. I remember hearing that John Lennon song with the lyrics: 'Imagine there's no heaven... And no religion too'.. At first- I was like- why would that be a good thing? But now I'm like- yeah- you're right! Why do people find it comforting that there may be some kind of intention behind all of this?!! How can they possibly believe it could be good or even fair?

Of course- if there is no God. If this was all just chance then sure- it still sucks but- at least this is it- hopefully. No afterlife to worry about. No judgement that we failed their little sadistic test. As such- it can't exactly be 'evil' either- if there was no intention. It's just stuff that happened in a sequence of events. Chemical reactions, gravity, evolution- they don't care about the things they influence. They just do it. It's simply that we evolved enough to develop morals and a sense of good and evil. It may have just been that it gave us the edge to dominate over other creatures. Simply processes that have run their course over billions of years to end up here. So- no inherent malice necessarily- just a series of unhappy mistakes that woke us up to realise what was going on. After that- it's our own judgement that decides on whether something is good or bad.
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Dec 19, 2023
Nope. Not evil.
For every example that's set there's always some story or another of the someone in the same circumstance that was able to overcome and thrive.
It's a game that, for some reason or the other, we as individuals decided that we couldn't play it anymore, and we want to quit.
There's no shame in quitting, but I personally do not want to say I quit and lay the reasoning behind "life". It's just not for me, that's all and "life" isnt to blame.
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brighter than the sun, thatā€™s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I also view life as evil. Life is a zero-sum game. There's nothing to win and everything to lose. Life is just a cruel game of survival, it's a game that we were all forced to play without our consent. None of us had a choice to play or not, it happened against our will. Life is a game that doesn't allow us to quit or give up. You can't just quit, you have to play until the bitter end. Life is a game of staying alive/surviving and working for the rest of your life just to be able to afford to survive. It's a game of competition and fighting to get to the top. It's a rat race, everyone competing against each other just to survive. I think that this world itself is evil. In nature, animals have to kill and eat each other just to survive. We even eat animals to survive. I believe that this planet is an especially cruel and evil place. There's fleeting pleasures but endless amounts of pain and suffering.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Yes, I think life is evil. That's all I can say really. There's nothing else to it
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Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
I have had both positive and negative experiences but life feels more and more evil the longer I live. Life expectancy is too high, that is the problem. Life consists of a lot of meaningless suffering - and the longer I live, the more suffering. Chronic pain and chronic disease - what is that if not evil. People scream and pour out nasty things - what is that if not evil. Most of us donĀ“t have the right to determine the time of our death in order to avoid meaningless suffering - what is that of not evil. And it feels like the survival instinct is an evil force trying to force me to suffer for decades and die of old age. I can imagine the future: that I suffer of old age in a wheelchair in a nursing home - only waiting for death. That will probably happen if I donĀ“t succeed in suicide.
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Aug 18, 2022
I see life and myself as both evil.
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brighter than the sun, thatā€™s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Oh I forgot to mention that evil is live backwards. That should mean something lol.
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Feb 2, 2024
Like life always requires something from you, you always have needs as being warm, finding food, being constantly careful to the dangers in your environment. And in return you get like very slight happiness that's only a few moments while your suffering is constant.

And you might get a pretty bad deal from start even if you don't do anything to deserve it, like genetic diseases, wars, abusive parents, bad environment. And you have to deal with it because you have to survive.

And if you want to exit from this obviously unfair game, you have to suffer again and put effort against your survival instinct, which is very hard to do.

It's like life is an evil creature that just makes you suffer no matter what, giving you nothing but always asks for so many things.

It makes me sick how unfair the order in the world is, many people work for their whole lives to survive, while some people are just lucky because their parents are rich. Isn't this just bizarre and we call this life "a gift"
No i don't think life is evil but I still want to die.
Oh I forgot to mention that evil is live backwards. That should mean something lol.
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Feb 4, 2023
Not as evil, just sad. I've found seeing life as transitory, including the people in it helps so when a friend lets you down or a romantic relationship ends you don't feel as bad about the loss.

I do think our current political and social/economic system is fucked beyond repair and causes a lot of unnecessary pain.
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Feb 9, 2024
For some life can be beautiful. Cleary for me it was never meant to be.
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vile samsara

vile samsara

Feb 26, 2024
Life is neutral, our society is what is evil. Life and the universe will continue to exist, it has no morals. It simply is. Humans have created a world that rewards those that exploit others.
The people are what make life so evil...
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Jul 29, 2021
The universe doesn't care whether or not innocent lives are saved or killed. It doesn't care if the world comes to an end or if humanity goes extinct. To the universe, there are only two things. Things that are possible and things that are impossible.

The universe is entirely neutral. It cares exactly as much about you as it cares about everyone else, that is to say, not at all.

The universe works based on physics, cause, and effect.

The universe is a cold, uncaring place, that runs entirely by the laws of physics.

It cares about you not at all

Some say life is what you make it, but for more than a few people, life has already been made for them the day they were born. Some are born into rich families with huge expectations placed on their shoulders, while others are born poor and will never have the same opportunities as those who are better off. And yet others are born with crippling disabilities that force them to rely on the constant help of others just to stay alive at all.

There's not much rhyme or reason to life. Things happen whether we want them to or not.
Sometimes things work out the way we want them to, and other times they don't.
And sometimes things far exceed our expectations. But they can just as easily disappoint us or crush us with their predictable or unpredictable, inevitable failure.

That doesn't make life good, bad or neutral.
It is what it is, and if you have the opportunity to make it good, then it can be good.
Or if you have a hard life from the start, you can either be the sort of person who struggles through that to achieve success, or you simply give up on life and jump from a bridge.

Why is that? Pure, dumb luck.

Luck doesn't care whether you're a good or a bad person.

life is evil because the universe is neutral
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Yes life is evil. A human or other animal has to work constantly to feed needs of hunger , sleep , thirst , boredom , others . Always under the threat of unending constant unbearable pain . How is this a beautiful gift?

If that wasn't bad enough then you have this evil oppressive world , lies , scams, oppression , diseases , grief , heartbreak
, suffering, pain , old age, unfairness, injustice, disabilities,depression , problems, chores , work ,. humiliations, and more hells.

To me life is just that first cell with the added horror of a brain that can create extreme suffering , unbearable constant undending pain and extreme torture . What is so good about that? They have 99% of humans believing this is a beautiful gift.
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Feb 2, 2024
Yes life is evil. A human or other animal has to work constantly to feed needs of hunger , sleep , thirst , boredom , others . Always under the threat of unending constant unbearable pain . How is this a beautiful gift?

If that wasn't bad enough then you have this evil oppressive world , lies , scams, oppression , diseases , grief , heartbreak
, suffering, pain , old age, unfairness, injustice, disabilities,depression , problems, chores , work ,. humiliations, and more hells.

To me life is just that first cell with the added horror of a brain that can create extreme suffering , unbearable constant undending pain and extreme torture . What is so good about that? They have 99% of humans believing this is a beautiful gift.
oy vey who is "they?"
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Homo erectus

Homo erectus

Mar 7, 2023
Evil necessarily exist and dominate. Goodness is the minority and evil's decoration.
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