Me. They're one of those super religious parents who believe suicide and depression are satanistic ideas, and as long as I believe in the power of God and read prayers every day from the bible, my depression will go. News flash, I'm still very suicidal, and have harmed myself on countless occasions. For the record, I don't really believe in God, because I feel like I've been indoctrinated into believing in him, rather than "finding his mercy" of my own accord. I wouldn't dare tell my parents I don't believe in God anymore, though, because religion is taken very very seriously here, and I don't want to get them in trouble, even though they selfishly brought me into this world.
On top of that, I have severe body dysmorphia problems, which my parents don't approve of. My own body causes me extreme distress, because I despise the way it looks so much; I hate my body with a burning passion. They, however, say it's "a product of Satan's lies, and reading some psalms will help bring me closer to God and make me love the body he so righteously blessed me with". For my own sake though, I've decided to stop listening to them and stop taking everything they say as fact, like all parents expect you to do. Even if I have to beat myself up mercilessly to find out the truth, it's better than being handed falsehoods and sweet lies on a silver platter by my parents. I'm 19 years old and they still want to control every aspect of my life like I was 13 or even 14 years old. It's really overwhelming, to be honest.