Unfortunately, and very surprisingly, all of my psychedelic healing/experience hasn't 'fixed' myself, nor stopped the 'bus' from arriving.
It's kind of like this: Psychedelics have shown me the 'light of life', but I still must exist and survive in a sick society, so it's almost been useless.
It almost has made it all worse, because I cannot, ever, stop 'tripping', and are forced to view/experience the world with great intensity.
Though psychedelics have provided immense value and healing, they've, truly, only served to 'buy more time'.
Without psychedelics, I would've CTB a decade ago.
I've stopped using psychedelics, because I believe that I've, truly, gone as far as I can without adopting psychosis.
I can only speak about what I know and the only hope, from substances, IMO, can come from 'Solo MDMA therapy'.
If you're interested in how to rid yourself of your dilemma, then I'd highly recommend 'Solo MDMA therapy'-- I can provide you with a link to a guide, if you'd like.
MDMA therapy has been the 'crown jewel' in terms of giving myself the 'chance' to not CTB.
Also, I've found that, after an MDMA session, the HPPD is significantly reduced.
What do you experience? What about the HPPD makes it so that you cannot function?