

Too many flashbacks, can't take it anymore! Help!
Aug 10, 2021
I keep thr owing fi t s ov er the st upidest thing s and co nstantly wanting thing s my way. I have tr ied to put myself together, but no matter how ha rd I try, I alway s keep thr owing fi t s and stuff. It is no t that want to. I alway s feel gu ilty as sh it aft er wa rd s. I just can no t st op myself from being su ch a br atty person no matter wh at. It is like I am destined to be a sp oiled sh itbag forever. Anyone else fe el this way?


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
Yeah, pretty much. I get in bad moods easily over little things and I feel like I complain too much despite having it pretty good over all.