

Nov 21, 2018

It really triggers me a bit. Such a contrast to this place. All the people trying to be polite but saying "make no mistake, suicide destroys lives".

Again, expecting us to live for them. No concern for what the person was going through. And reinforcing an abusrd and disgusting idea that "people care about you". They don't. Not everyone has people who care about them.
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Sep 19, 2018
Living will eventually destroy everyone's lives! That is an objective and empirical fact that 99% of humanity still can't seem to comprehend.

CTB is only speeding up the inevitable. Like if you were trapped in a burning building. 2 options - make the choice to jump or let the fire consume you.

EDIT: Another myth that humanity pulled out of their assholes is the concept of safety. Safety doesn't exist. Let's say you are a parent of a child who wants to live. Ok that's his choice. But what if he gets mangled or killed on his way home from work by hitting a deer or winds up catching the flesh eating virus?

In my opinion, If you can't guarentee someone's safety then you shouldn't be creating "someones" in the first place. And also there is a big chance that if you live long enough your parents will die first. My point - no matter who goes first, a parent or child, a husband or wife, someone is going to be mourning a loss.

Life leads to loss. So we are fucked ethier way.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Reddit is where I go when I want to be aggravated (never).
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Nov 16, 2018
No, no, no. I can't read this shit. I can't feel guiltier than I already feel.
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Jul 13, 2018
Many of these same people who bereave the loss of a loved one to suicide are very likely the same people who weren't there for the person who was suicidal when they needed them most.

That's not meant to be a blanket statement, but that is typically the case.

'I wish I had done more, if I did, they'd still be here.'

I was molested by my mother, and I know for a fact that other members of my family had endured the same thing. They did nothing to challenge my mother. They are just as complicit in act as my mother was. I promise you, if I CTB'd tomorrow, these same people would be at my funeral trying to carry my casket saying the same shit.

'He was so selfish, he took his life.'

No Motherfucker, I wasn't selfish. Where were you when 5 year old me needed you. Where were you when you knew my mother was not feeding me? Where were you when you knew my mother was doctor shopping? What do you mean, suicide destroys lives? What about how my life was destroyed? Where we you bereaving people when my life was being destroyed? Oh right. No where. Because it didn't matter.

And in some cases, there are people who have tried their hardest, and it does affect them unfairly. Make no mistake, the suffering and anguish that every member here has suffered is an absolute tragedy. The way that many of us have been made to feel given what we've experienced. That fact that many of us will CTB is completely unfair. Unfair to us. Unfair that we were born into the shitty world and circumstances that we were. Unfair that we had to suffer and endure constant pain from things we had no control over. Born broke, impoverished, abused, with some mental illness, or whatever the case.

No one here deserves to have to take their lives. But it's the same people who 'Bereave our losses' that voted to take away affordable and accessible mental healthcare. It's those same people who were too busy for us. It's those same people who wouldn't walk that extra mile for us, when we truly and desperately needed them too.

If they want to stop bereaving suicide, tell them to start giving a shit about the person before they are gone.

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Nov 16, 2018

Lol you can just tell the bullshit here. A lot of people there are mourning the loss of their ''best friend''. Probably that best friend was in love with them and they rejected him, this being one of the multiple reasons that person commited ctb. Those people are trying to overcome their guilt over the death of their ''best friend'', not mourning anybody.
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Jul 13, 2018

Lol you can just tell the bullshit here. A lot of people there are mourning the loss of their ''best friend''. Probably that best friend was in love with them and they rejected him, this being one of the multiple reasons that person commited ctb. Those people are trying to overcome their guilt over the death of their ''best friend'', not mourning anybody.

Somebody give BlindStatue, Comment of the year award.

You understand exactly how I feel. Thank you.
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Nov 16, 2018
Somebody give BlindStatue, Comment of the year award.

You understand exactly how I feel. Thank you.
Hey, standing ovation to you. I could relate so much to your rant. Thank you!
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Nov 8, 2018
I've read a lot of these comments and articles about suicide bereavement. Sometimes I just want to comment on their posts and tell them the reality of it which is, "yes you could've done something but you were too busy that day while they cried their hearts out", but that would be too insensitive to say that. You die and suddenly the people that knew you would suffer, therefore they feel guilty, pain, and the spotlight is on them...again. It will always be on them and they love it.
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
Reddit? I wouldn't go to that site if my life depended on it.

Well, fuck my life, but still.......
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Yeah a lot of pro-lifers virtue signaling on that sub. It's really quite disgusting and quite sad at the same time. I believe it has to do with people's ego and wanting to feel good about themselves, not so much for the actual person who was suffering. People don't want to actually spend time and effort to help because it's too hard, too dark, or (insert whatever reason); and the very, very few that do, oftenly do it wrong.

Somebody give BlindStatue, Comment of the year award.

You understand exactly how I feel. Thank you.

I second this.
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Aug 29, 2018
Reddit used to have their own sanctioned suicide subforum, but then those inconsiderate pro-lifers just had to take it down, and now all that's left is garbage like the forum featured above.
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I see the chaos in your eyes.
Oct 8, 2018
Or when you have a breakdown and everyone leaves you because they don't know what to do or say anymore. I often wonder if anyone from my past would show up at my funeral. And if they did would they just shake their heads? Would they wish they had done something rather than just watch me crash and burn? I don't know. I just don't know.
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Sep 3, 2018
Eh, it just makes me grateful that I've done a much better job expressing just how hopeless my situation really is as far as ever enjoying life.

People know I'm living in hell because of what I got cursed with. They are expecting this. I'm probably letting them down by taking so long to finish it. I don't know, at least I'm kind of entertaining while they wait I guess. And I'm a damn good mule. I work harder than most and am quite easy to push around.
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Oct 5, 2018
Reddit is garbage, it's like an even crappier, more fascist version of facebook.
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