- Aug 6, 2018
- 10
- Student loan debt: $35,000 (not terrible but my major is basically useless in terms of finding a job)
- Credit card debt: $6,000 (two accounts currently in collections; $2000 for being involuntarily committed following suicide attempt, $1000 for dental emergency, rest was for food/rent/medication/etc over past year)
- University fine: $1000 (for withdrawing from classes due to being suicidal)
- Owe therapist for 5 sessions
- Owe sister $200
- Owe friend $140
- Owe friend $20
- Owe roommate $20
- Owe coworker $20
- Owe coworker $10
I've been living off the cheapest rice/beans/potato diet for the past 6 months, and have lost 20lbs this year from being underfed (almost back to my anorexic weight days which is ironic). I had to stop taking my medication since I couldn't afford the $7/month prescription. Received an ADHD diagnosis after 8 hours of testing but good luck getting meds without health insurance, guess I'll just stumble my way through classes and work like usual. Two of my teeth are quite literally rotten down, but no way I can afford an extraction (let alone a root canal). I can't even buy fucking tampons.
Turned down for every credit card and loan I could find. I have two classes left until I graduate, but I cannot register until the fine is paid (meaning I have no access to student loans or financial aid, not to mention no degree). I have two part time jobs, but my cat had to go to the vet unexpectedly so now I'm $10 short on rent and my check is going to bounce.
I guess I could get a 3rd job but why bother? Work 10 hours a day to try and empty the sea with a bucket? What kind of life is that? I'm so tired of the daily debt collector calls at home and work, the emails insisting I must pay this or that immediately or face dire consequences, the comments people make as if I'm just some idiot who doesn't understand how to budget, desperately wishing I could buy a fucking salad and some fruit instead of rice and beans for the 50th time since cat food and litter takes priority (not complaining, I'd do anything for her).
I like to live frugally. I don't own a car, I prefer to walk or take public transportation. I like to cook at home. I sold my TV, Xbox, computer, anything of value already. I never go to bars or movie theaters or go shopping for clothes or anything. I sleep on the floor so I don't have to buy a mattress. I live a life free of material clutter because it makes me happy.
I really don't care about money, but I'm forced to - my family and friends constantly worry about when I'm going to get a "big girl" job and own my own home and buy a car, but I don't want any of that! I don't mind working a few days a week to cover basic living expenses, but nobody does that. That's called "living paycheck to paycheck" and you're fucked the second something unexpected happens. My boss revealed she pays almost $700 a MONTH for decent-but-not-great health insurance....that's twice my rent....I just wanted a simple, quiet life with my cat....