
Apr 19, 2020
I believe that genuine confidence or some kind of mental 'zone' probably influences your behavior or ability, but I don't believe that it's something you can think; I think it has to be something you genuinely, subconsciously believe.
Firstly because our subconscious mind makes decisions before we consciously think them, and secondly because of the profound effect that the circumstances that put you into your mindset in the first place have. I know that thinking encouraging or confident thoughts to myself haven't had an effect on my performance on tasks or my motivation to keep going, and I also know that when I have done something risky or confident, it was because my mood at the time meant that any thoughts to the contrary simply bounced off of me or didn't even occur. This is essentially how I began exercising; the promise of mental salvation meant that the thought of exhaustion simply bounced off.
When it comes to mindset, I believe that the event comes before the attitude, of course, so unfortunate events create a pessimistic attitude. But the idea that your attitude can change isn't exactly a saving grace when a negative attitude means fatigue and unwillingness to jump through the hoops that are deemed necessary for happiness. If happiness requires a mental solution, then it's just unfortunate that mental illness destroys the mental tools needed for the job. That being said, I don't think things like your views on the fundamental aspects of life will be very much affected by attitude, if that's a factor, nor do I think you can just decide that you like something; otherwise I'd decide to like being homeless and go out on the street right away.
It's true that choosing to think something and actually thinking it are two different things, and the unconscious will always be the most powerful driving force in our minds. But we don't have NO relationship with our unconscious, it's actually critically important to develop one; Jung spent a lot of time on this. In terms of LoA and magic stuff, this is about the concept of Will (different from simple willpower or 'bootstraps'). Exercising and building patterns. That's what mental illness does in the first place but in a bad way and that's why it's so hard to get out of it.

One book suggests this exercise to develop Will:
For the next month or longer, every time you open a door, only open it with your left hand. Wear a hairtie or something around that wrist, and each time you don't use your left hand to open a door, just give the hairtie a light snap to remind yourself. This very simple choice, that seemingly has no other meaning, is an exercise of Will and building it will grow your ability to use it.

This isn't 'fake it till you make it', it's choosing a reality and using the power of your mind to make it true, rather than letting your mind drag you wherever it wants like a leaf on the wind.

Does that make sense?


Jun 30, 2020
It's true that choosing to think something and actually thinking it are two different things, and the unconscious will always be the most powerful driving force in our minds. But we don't have NO relationship with our unconscious, it's actually critically important to develop one; Jung spent a lot of time on this. In terms of LoA and magic stuff, this is about the concept of Will (different from simple willpower or 'bootstraps'). Exercising and building patterns. That's what mental illness does in the first place but in a bad way and that's why it's so hard to get out of it.

One book suggests this exercise to develop Will:
For the next month or longer, every time you open a door, only open it with your left hand. Wear a hairtie or something around that wrist, and each time you don't use your left hand to open a door, just give the hairtie a light snap to remind yourself. This very simple choice, that seemingly has no other meaning, is an exercise of Will and building it will grow your ability to use it.

This isn't 'fake it till you make it', it's choosing a reality and using the power of your mind to make it true, rather than letting your mind drag you wherever it wants like a leaf on the wind.

Does that make sense?
Oh, I definitely agree with the concept of building habits. Doing something over and over will make it feel more natural. I think I just take issue with the idea of changing your entire perception of reality in this way. We still rely on positive and negative stimuli to decide how we think for the most part, just like how the door opening experiment you mentioned relies on the negative stimuli of the hairtie, or even the feeling of doing something 'right' or 'wrong' if you forgo the hairtie. Doing something rote is also very different than changing how you view something; going out to exercise feels more natural to me now but I still hate it and don't feel up to a full effort most of the time, so I wonder if trying to create the habit of positive thinking would result in positive phrases popping in your head a lot more but no positive feelings. Although I imagine the disconnect would mean the habit doesn't form anyway.


Apr 19, 2020
Doing something rote is also very different than changing how you view something
This is very true, and often why this kind of thing struggles. It's like going to meditation and just sitting there for a set period of time without engaging, thinking that you did it and it didn't work, so therefore meditation must be bullshit.

going out to exercise feels more natural to me now but I still hate it and don't feel up to a full effort most of the time
Maybe you could find a way to ritualize the concept of exercise? Doing something because it's meaningful generally is more effective than just doing something because you should, treating it like brushing your teeth, etc. Exercise can be a very powerful and beautiful thing, because you're building a relationship with your own body, even your own mind, or if you're running, etc connecting with nature and the world around you. These are all things from which deeper meaning can be extracted than 'it keeps me in shape and makes me feel better'. I don't know.


Jun 30, 2020
Maybe you could find a way to ritualize the concept of exercise? Doing something because it's meaningful generally is more effective than just doing something because you should, treating it like brushing your teeth, etc. Exercise can be a very powerful and beautiful thing, because you're building a relationship with your own body, even your own mind, or if you're running, etc connecting with nature and the world around you. These are all things from which deeper meaning can be extracted than 'it keeps me in shape and makes me feel better'. I don't know.
I only began exercising (running and cycling) because I felt that I should, as it's constantly advised that it's good for your health. I don't really have any interest or passion for it outside of it being a means to an end, and it hasn't worked in that aspect either. So in terms of meaning, I can't really think of any way to find that in exercise, and the same goes for most aspects of my life. I've noticed that my energy and motivation to run or cycle further is increased when something decent happens, like when lockdown first began or when I first got my bike. My difference in feeling between when I can barely do ten minutes versus going for two hours really emphasises to me that we don't really know how much someone struggles with something, even something as basic as getting through the day.


Apr 19, 2020
I only began exercising (running and cycling) because I felt that I should, as it's constantly advised that it's good for your health. I don't really have any interest or passion for it outside of it being a means to an end, and it hasn't worked in that aspect either. So in terms of meaning, I can't really think of any way to find that in exercise, and the same goes for most aspects of my life. I've noticed that my energy and motivation to run or cycle further is increased when something decent happens, like when lockdown first began or when I first got my bike. My difference in feeling between when I can barely do ten minutes versus going for two hours really emphasises to me that we don't really know how much someone struggles with something, even something as basic as getting through the day.
So you only started exercising because you felt like you should, that it is 'what people do'? Why do you keep up with it? Do you have specific health concerns you want to avoid?


Jun 30, 2020
So you only started exercising because you felt like you should, that it is 'what people do'? Why do you keep up with it? Do you have specific health concerns you want to avoid?
It's not physical health concerns, but mental health, although it hasn't really helped me there. I think it's just that the guilt of the self-improvement fad has been conditioned into me now, so I feel like if I'm not doing certain things then my suffering is my fault even though the things I'm doing aren't really helping. I don't like doing these things and have no personal interest in them, but I can't help but think that once I stop doing them I'll blame the fact that I'm sad on me not doing these things, although that's clearly not the case. I don't even care about the physical health benefits of exercise, considering I'm on a forum for suicide, haha. I think exercise is one of those things where some people like it and then it turned into a thing where 'everyone has to do it or they're a lesser person'. It would be like if a juggler said juggling is proven to make you happier because he enjoys it, so everyone should juggle. That's enough ranting from me, but I think a sense of guilt pervades how I think and what I do; even though I don't believe in this "Law of Attraction" stuff for the most part, I still feel guilty that I'm not thinking positive and that it is perhaps therefore my fault for being sad, even though I think I can refute the ideas behind it. There's also the idea that once I stop doing certain things, people will say that I simply didn't do it for long enough (it's been close to a year now), which of course can be said whenever something doesn't work.


Jul 28, 2018
accually synchronicity exist. i found paper couple years back about synhronisation of particles that were bound and basicly if longer they were bound more similarities they shows between themself. there olso was something like threshold when the sinchronisation break down if time of being apart was to great.

so no it is no coincidence
vsauce is wrong. ofc theye are missconceptions in the world and people can be wrong and see what isnt there. but we can,t be blind on the truth of synchronisation.

aparently we know nothing about the world. fibonacci sequence appear in all universe everywhere
no one know why. i think it might be somethig with the fundamentals of psyhics we refuse to acknowledge
but i think there is someone that know the answer
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Jun 27, 2020
I believe LOA has some truth to it.
It has something to do with quantum physics, the energy vibration and whatnot.
Who said humans knows everything beyond explanation? Things like ultralights they are there, just coz you dont see them doesn't mean they dont exist.

I wouldn't say i successfully utilised LOA, but I've been positive enough through a previous period of my life that I attracted a few job opportunities that wouldn't have been possible otherwise.

Also been seeing 1111/1110 these type of numbers randomly from time to time, but thats a story for another time.
Humans definitely do not know even close to everything there is to know about the universe. We most likely never will. That said, there is no way to know if anything is beyond understanding. We simply do not yet have the capabilities and capacity to understand it yet. There is no evidence of any type of to establish any causal connection between thoughts attracting anything. There is no empirical reason to believe this law of attraction to be true. As of now it is an unfalsifiable claim, therefore it is useless.
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
accually synchronicity exist. i found paper couple years back about synhronisation of particles that were bound and basicly if longer they were bound more similarities they shows between themself. there olso was something like threshold when the sinchronisation break down if time of being apart was to great.

so no it is no coincidence
vsauce is wrong. ofc theye are missconceptions in the world and people can be wrong and see what isnt there. but we can,t be blind on the truth of synchronisation.

aparently we know nothing about the world. fibonacci sequence appear in all universe everywhere
no one know why. i think it might be somethig with the fundamentals of psyhics we refuse to acknowledge
but i think there is someone that know the answer

Assuming it's true,
it is best not everyone know about it.
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Apr 19, 2020
For those still unsure that the mind has a relationship to the external world, I present to you the torrid tale of The Lemon That Wasn't There:

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May 18, 2020
Here is why LOA fails for one thing: You have a subconscious mind that takes up about 90% of your thoughts only you are not in control of them or aware of them.

I will tell you what worked for me: the Wishing Machine I built.
I'm interested, would you be able to pm me some more details/info on this?


Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
I'm interested, would you be able to pm me some more details/info on this?

I think they also sell it online. about 200 USD I think, not 100% sure.

I just focus on the LOA basics, but perhaps I will also buy one when I'm good at it.
and then a couple more lol


*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
Yes our thinking does affect our reality TO AN EXTENT. Thinking as positively as possible and priming yourself all you want will not stop you from stepping on a mine or as happens more often in our society : to be a victim of harrasment, abuse, violence, rejection, lovelessness etc.

I've had horrible things happening to me despite changing my mentality for the better, not superficially but profoundly.

Sometimes my best attitude efforts don't prevent me from losing hope or self sabotaging either on a different note.

Which is really the worst when you've started making positive progress and are increasingly becoming freer of suffering then this makes you take two steps back and despair again. *Actually happening now*

The only thing that seems to have a real impact is a positive change in my circumstances : people, environment, events...

That makes you wonder what on earth you're supposed to do to be able to live a fulfilled life with your basic needs met...
Unless I'm a moron, that could also be.
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Apr 19, 2020
Which is really the worst when you've started making positive progress and are increasingly becoming freer of suffering then this makes you take two steps back and despair again. *Actually happening now*
Sounds like the part you're having the most trouble growing is the hardest part, how you view adversity. I won't spew any bullshit at you about how every bad thing that happens is part of a divine plan for the greatest good or anything, some things just suck. But it's important to examine that relationship and why it would be exactly the same if you've had so much genuine growth in your views.


death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
no sure if someone already posted that but you would have to raise your vibration (or mood in other words) in order t be a match to the (pleasant/high vibe) experiences you want to experience, have tried it many times. i'm convinced loa is real since i've experienced it, but the high vibe is crucial when it comes to match your goals. chances are low if you want to experience a certain thing in your life but you dont match that vibration of it already, your body has also many different vibrations/feelings stored inside, which most are not even conscious about, which also are a point of attraction i believe. affirmations are also kinda useless if your already manifested beliefs that actually hinder you from feeling and thus believing in that actual affirmation, at that point, most people jump straight into loa is bs. but its absolutely reasonable since loa is a very 'outside of the box' concept.. i think a living proof for loa are successful people, they are simply a match to the experiences we try to achieve, while others cant. i think its due to their mindset, they have many beliefs/past experiences which make it seem easy/the easiest (or even the only) route to just experience the feeling of being successful/rich. for them its absolutely possible and they gravitate towards the events/experiences which reflect back their beliefs about themselves being successful. if you give that person a million, they will most likely make another one of it, while the one who has a mindset of lack and poverty will most likely lose that money soon. reality is just like a giant projector screen, including everything in it like people, what is inside of you will reflected back onto your outside reality. how else would it possible for two different people to experience yet two completely different realities? how can some be convinced that there is a god, feel its presence, while other dont? we dont see the things as they are but as we are..

I feel like with LOA, if you are a non-believer, at least it gets you in a positive mood so that you actively seeks out things, if that makes sense.
There has to be a physical effort for things to be manifested.
i agree, but from my experience, it becomes nearly instantly and effortless if you reach a certain level of vibration. like you just think about something an you can already feel its about to happen, just feed that thought more of your energy and there you have it. beliefs are also kinda tricky here, if you believe, and thus feel like you dont deserve something good to happen to you, this will most likely hinder your manifestation to come into your reality fully.

The dude tells the truth though, and I speak from experience, when I was in psychosis, I have seen coincidences all over the place, on the plate numbers on cars, on the internet, everywhere, but turned out that it was a bunch of bs.
proves how much power your mind has has over your perceived reality, who wouldn't want to have more control over their reality?
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I just wanna go to my husband already.
Jun 5, 2020
no sure if someone already posted that but afaik you would have to raise your vibration (or mood in other words) in order t be a match to the (pleasant/high vibe) experiences you want to experience, have tried it many times. i'm convinced loa is real since i've experienced it, but the high vibe is crucial when it comes to match your goals. i think a living proof for loa are successful people, they are simply a match to the experiences we try to achieve, while others cant. i think its due to their mindset, they have many beliefs which make it seem easy/the easiest route to just experience the feeling of being successful/rich. for them its absolutely possible and they gravitate towards the evnts/experiences which reflect back their beliefs about themselves f being successful. reality is just like a giant projector screen, including everything in it like people, what is inside of you will reflected back onto your outside reality. how else would it possible for two different people to experience yet two completely different realities? how can some be convinced that there is a god, while other dont? we dont see the things as they are but as we are:)
How would i have to set and match my vibrations with universe to have universe kill me, since i only want to die.? Or would it come naturally with low mood and depression? Im honestly just asking cuz i want to know.. No offense


Apr 19, 2020
Trying to use Law of Attraction to get yourself killed is like trying to use a dishwasher to heat up a microwave dinner. You might technically be able to make it work, but you're really kind of wasting your time and might want to rethink your goals a little more, since you don't quite seem to get what a correct use of the available tool might look like
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
Sounds like the part you're having the most trouble growing is the hardest part, how you view adversity. I won't spew any bullshit at you about how every bad thing that happens is part of a divine plan for the greatest good or anything, some things just suck. But it's important to examine that relationship and why it would be exactly the same if you've had so much genuine growth in your views.

"Unless I'm a moron, that could also be. "
That's what I'm asking myself everyday and why I'm afraid that nothing that I do matter in the end and that I may be doomed anyway.
But that doesn't make sense to me.

I feel like I have permanent gains since my last suicide attempt, it definitely changed a lot, I relate to myself and the world differently and have taken a lot of actions I would never have dared to take before, I have been very proactive and determined to overcome my fears and suffering, I feel actually less stuck than before sometimes. I can stay with confidence that I have grown. Experience does that anyway regardless of where we end up.

But I do believe like someone else said that events > attitude, especially in the case of fragile people.
If you keep facing horrible stuff over and over and over again your good attitude is eventually going to falter, that sounds logical to me at least.
i agree, but from my experience, it becomes nearly instantly and effortless if you reach a certain level of vibration. like you just think about something an you can already feel its about to happen, just feed that thought more of your energy and there you have it. beliefs are also kinda tricky here, if you believe, and thus feel like you dont deserve something good to happen to you, this will most likely hinder your manifestation to come into your reality fully.

Here's how I feel about this if I humor personal development authors :

The problem with the vibe alignment is limiting beliefs caused by past experiences.
Say you try to align your vibe with the experience of romantic love and you can really feel there through vivid visualisation, especially since you already have a partial experience of it, and you feel very positive about meeting you soulmate soon, but unconsciously or otherwise your background of never having been truly loved, having been rejected, ignored, and subjected to constant abuse your entire life (still ongoing) makes you doubt whether you are actually worthy of love.

It feels like you're doomed in this situation, which makes me doubt the concept or feel like there should be another way that makes more sense.
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Aug 19, 2019
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Apr 19, 2020
If you keep facing horrible stuff over and over and over again your good attitude is eventually going to falter, that sounds logical to me at least.
You're absolutely right, this is true. I think the next step is to stop looking at events in black and white terms of good and bad, though. Easier said than done, even for me.
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Aug 8, 2020
Hey I tried applying the basis of the LOA regarding something and it's happened to me! Tho Not sure if it's a coincidence, luck or sarcasm from the universe
Am trying LoA to attract money.. I hope it works and I become Rich.. God bless me. The thing is that whenever I think about my life in the past, I feel I got all of it. I have always taken money for granted.. Maybe that's why I don't have it now.. Maybe if I start focusing more on money, maybe I become rich.
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Aug 21, 2019
what is Law of Attraction?
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Jul 19, 2020
what is Law of Attraction?
The belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. (from Wikipedia)

I would like to positively think about my death so it comes more quickly. Is that how it works?
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Aug 21, 2019
The belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. (from Wikipedia)

I would like to positively think about my death so it comes more quickly. Is that how it works?

What about all of the people who have everything but are still miserable?


Apr 19, 2020
I would like to positively think about my death so it comes more quickly. Is that how it works?

Trying to use Law of Attraction to get yourself killed is like trying to use a dishwasher to heat up a microwave dinner. You might technically be able to make it work, but you're really kind of wasting your time and might want to rethink your goals a little more, since you don't quite seem to get what a correct use of the available tool might look like

In other words, there's so much more it can do, think bigger


I am the lord of loneliness.
Feb 10, 2020
I just tried an exercise to manifest a text message from my wife. I may try this in general for my life in general. It's sooooo easy to manifest bad things. I'm really going to give this a try. What do I got to lose? More depression?
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Aug 22, 2020
I saw a lot of Law of Attraction stuff from back when I was on facebook and it was always people in the "hustle" lifestyle or in some multilevel marketing thing, like plastering vision boards of castles and fancy cars and shit and doing Amway stuff or selling mascara or vitamin shakes or essential oils and so on. Not really my cup of tea
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Aug 2, 2020
Magical thinking
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When will it be?
Jul 20, 2020
I love this thread. It could fit in well in the recovery section.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
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