
Mar 25, 2021
I'm not trying to brag, I'm just being real. I wish I was stupid.

I'm in my last year of med school and made it through with flying colours, being in the top 5% of my class consistently throughout. I'm good at most things I genuinely attempt - I play bass in a band and songwrite for it, I draw, I've even published poetry. On the outside, I am an "accomplished young lady" etc etc. But it's not all daisies and dalliances. Being smart often makes me feel alienated because it seems like all my intelligence came directly from my social skills and charisma. As if I was a video game character and I blew all my points on one stat so now I'm walking around with 0s for everything else. As a result, all my life I've said the wrong things, had a hard time keeping friends and genuinely been a social pariah walking around filled with existential dread.

Over time, I've begun to feel like my intelligence is being wasted on me. Sure, I'm in med school, but the passion I originally had for the subject has faded out over time as a result of examination and the institutionalisation of the subject. I used to be filled with curiosity and wonder at the world and I kept this childlike fascination with me until my late teens, guarded it like a flame in a hurricane, but the world is cruel and I realised mysteries and magic are a thin veneer for pain. I don't mean to sound dramatic but everywhere I look is pain. Or someone being too trapped inside themselves and too ignorant to notice the blatant pain - this being the only way to possibly be happy.

I have the skills I need to make a good life for myself. But what the fuck even is a good life? Money, materialism, status. Security. Sustainability. Being a good little slave and contributing to the economy... It bores me. I want to sleep under the stars and drink from rivers and climb trees, feeling the sticky sap cloy between the cracks in my palms. But I'm soft and would definitely starve to death ASAP or possibly die of exposure if I tried to have a go in the wild, our apparent adaptation to such an environment be damned. I would be like a released animal born and raised in captivity, tooth and nail blunt and muscles weak from never having to hunt my own food once in my life. I feel robbed of a beautiful existence by the first human who decided to grow some wheat or some shit. Maybe modern life has its advantages, but freedom is an illusion and at least when existence is constantly a threat you don't have enough time to think about your place in the universe too hard. Family means something because you rely entirely on each other to stay alive, you're not just pushed together by blood and law. But it's pointless complaining. What's done is done.

I looked into This recently (pollution is causing sperm count to lower and the downfall of civilization, rip) and do comfort myself with the fact that humanity will either need to drastically change or go extinct soon. But I'm not naive enough to say that either option is guaranteed - knowing us, we'll be stubborn enough to stick to our deranged ways and just live out this exact same existence in a Wall-E style space ship, anyone who doesn't make the cut be damned.
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Mar 22, 2020
Smart or not, we're still human beings.

However, I've realized that people with a basic mind are quite happy because their lives are just "work, study, get married, have children, keep working as a slave until you die" and that's it! They look so joyful on their pictures! I envy them.

I don't know if I'm smart but at least I'm different. Just like you, I look at the human species as some individuals who are bound to go extinct soon. Technology is awesome but it will clearly destroy us.

I think you can have a happy life but you gotta find something which really motivates you. It could be travelling, learning languages, finding the love of your life, etc. After all, a life without motivation is not a life at all.

Yet, being depressed is not easy. I suffer from bipolar disorder and there are days when I'm basically in hell.

Anyway, wish you the best and hope things get better.
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Jan 23, 2021
I'm not trying to brag, I'm just being real. I wish I was stupid.

I'm in my last year of med school and made it through with flying colours, being in the top 5% of my class consistently throughout. I'm good at most things I genuinely attempt - I play bass in a band and songwrite for it, I draw, I've even published poetry. On the outside, I am an "accomplished young lady" etc etc. But it's not all daisies and dalliances. Being smart often makes me feel alienated because it seems like all my intelligence came directly from my social skills and charisma. As if I was a video game character and I blew all my points on one stat so now I'm walking around with 0s for everything else. As a result, all my life I've said the wrong things, had a hard time keeping friends and genuinely been a social pariah walking around filled with existential dread.

Over time, I've begun to feel like my intelligence is being wasted on me. Sure, I'm in med school, but the passion I originally had for the subject has faded out over time as a result of examination and the institutionalisation of the subject. I used to be filled with curiosity and wonder at the world and I kept this childlike fascination with me until my late teens, guarded it like a flame in a hurricane, but the world is cruel and I realised mysteries and magic are a thin veneer for pain. I don't mean to sound dramatic but everywhere I look is pain. Or someone being too trapped inside themselves and too ignorant to notice the blatant pain - this being the only way to possibly be happy.

I have the skills I need to make a good life for myself. But what the fuck even is a good life? Money, materialism, status. Security. Sustainability. Being a good little slave and contributing to the economy... It bores me. I want to sleep under the stars and drink from rivers and climb trees, feeling the sticky sap cloy between the cracks in my palms. But I'm soft and would definitely starve to death ASAP or possibly die of exposure if I tried to have a go in the wild, our apparent adaptation to such an environment be damned. I would be like a released animal born and raised in captivity, tooth and nail blunt and muscles weak from never having to hunt my own food once in my life. I feel robbed of a beautiful existence by the first human who decided to grow some wheat or some shit. Maybe modern life has its advantages, but freedom is an illusion and at least when existence is constantly a threat you don't have enough time to think about your place in the universe too hard. Family means something because you rely entirely on each other to stay alive, you're not just pushed together by blood and law. But it's pointless complaining. What's done is done.

I looked into This recently (pollution is causing sperm count to lower and the downfall of civilization, rip) and do comfort myself with the fact that humanity will either need to drastically change or go extinct soon. But I'm not naive enough to say that either option is guaranteed - knowing us, we'll be stubborn enough to stick to our deranged ways and just live out this exact same existence in a Wall-E style space ship, anyone who doesn't make the cut be damned.
This is a classic problem, illustrated in the novel FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON, which was the basis for the movie CHARLIE, which was the basis for the Simpson's "HOMR"... (when it turned out that Homer is stupid because of a crayon lodged in his brain. It's removed, and he becomes smart, but his intelligence makes him depressed, so he sticks the crayon back in...)

In other words, "ignorance is bliss", so they say...

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Mar 25, 2021
This is a classic problem, illustrated in the novel FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON, which was the basis for the movie CHARLIE, which was the basis for the Simpson's "HOMR"... (when it turned out that Homer is stupid because of a crayon lodged in his brain. It's removed, and he becomes smart, but his intelligence makes him depressed, so he sticks the crayon back in...)

In other words, "ignorance is bliss", so they say...

I love that novel. However since a very young age I've felt like there's something deeply wrong with the world, even before I could pinpoint exactly what and why. I guess some people are also simply more sensitive.
Smart or not, we're still human beings.

However, I've realized that people with a basic mind are quite happy because their lives are just "work, study, get married, have children, keep working as a slave until you die" and that's it! They look so joyful on their pictures! I envy them.

I don't know if I'm smart but at least I'm different. Just like you, I look at the human species as some individuals who are bound to go extinct soon. Technology is awesome but it will clearly destroy us.

I think you can have a happy life but you gotta find something which really motivates you. It could be travelling, learning languages, finding the love of your life, etc. After all, a life without motivation is not a life at all.

Yet, being depressed is not easy. I suffer from bipolar disorder and there are days when I'm basically in hell.

Anyway, wish you the best and hope things get better.
Of course, but I feel like being classically Smart™ puts unique pressures on you also. All my life I've been expected to go down a certain path just because I'm capable of it and the expectations are just so high. It's very stressful. Not that it even matters what other people think of me, but it's something to beat yourself up over during overly long showers.

I'm not sure if anything motivates me. My plan is just to CTB and save myself the growing pains. I really admire people with the motivation and will to pursue happiness but I just can't seem to see a point to it.
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Aug 18, 2020
Some people consider me as quite intelligent. In school i was one of the best. However i cannot cope with stress due to bipolar disorder. So my talents are wasted.
My life is destroyed due to this illness. If I did not have it i might have a career in politicial science. I rather ctb than to live in poverty and depression.
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Mar 16, 2021
This is a classic problem, illustrated in the novel FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON, which was the basis for the movie CHARLIE, which was the basis for the Simpson's "HOMR"... (when it turned out that Homer is stupid because of a crayon lodged in his brain. It's removed, and he becomes smart, but his intelligence makes him depressed, so he sticks the crayon back in...)

In other words, "ignorance is bliss", so they say...

Omg, Flowers for Algernon! I adored it.
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Feb 25, 2020
Being smart can be a gift and curse cause you can see life for what it really is.

Depending on your medical specialty, put your twist on it.

I think most mainstream doctors suck.

I was able to cure various medical issues myself using alternative medicine, diabetes is the most noteworthy one.

I also developed regiments to cure atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's which would surely have worked, but the loved ones died before I had a chance to test.

I'm willing to share my notes if anyone is interested.

Also, get in touch with your spiritual side.

Go out and find the meaning of true spirituality away from mainstream religion.

Buddhism would be a good place to start. Even then, still try to find your own way.

Overall, find your purpose in life, not what anyone or circumstances tell you.

Are you here to make a difference in the world or someone's life in particular? Is there a recurring life lesson you need to learn?

Do you want to experience true love? You just want to put your head down and watch the years pass?
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I'm stupid and a retard. But also not happy ;-;
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Jan 23, 2021
Just out of curiousity, and related to FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON: anyone hear ever read THE NEW ADAM by Stanley Weinbaum? The character there had a similar problem, and a familiar outcome...

"Edmund Hall, born a mutant with too many joints in his fingers and a double mind, tries to find a purpose in a society of humans. This superman is no caped crusader fighting for justice though. Rather, he is a dual-brained super-intellect with an IQ so far off the charts that normal human beings appear as Neanderthals next to him. In this story, our evolved human is born into modern society without anyone knowing his nature. While pondering whether he's a superman or the devil, he explores pleasure, power, and passion. Slowly he realizes the differences between himself and contemporary humans, and therein lies a fascinating story. "



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My wings were cut and now I can fly no more!
Oct 3, 2020
I used to be smart and talented, I did well in school and uni , I had a talent of music, I played guitar but then I lost all of it , now i feel retarded, apathetic and dumb and my talent of music is no more , thanks psych meds! Losing all the good stuff in life is the price I had to pay for trusting the "professionals" .
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Mar 10, 2021
I don't know if I was actually smart or talented, or if my parents just taught me that the only important thing in life was getting perfect grades and higher education degrees. I did do well in school but I have a lot of the same feelings as you do. I don't feel like I should be considered smart just for having earned straight As my whole life.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
I was considered a "gifted student" and excelled at school before my brain got ruined by psychiatric drugs
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Feb 9, 2021
If I was to give another 'smart' person one genuine piece of advice it would be just because you're intellectually capable of doing something doesn't mean you should if it wrecks your health and happiness. I think that a big problem that 'smart' people tend to have is that other people begin to pressure them to do accomplish more than is reasonable to 'exercise your potential' and run them into the ground physically and emotionally. I could get a 4.0 in university and I did, but I promise you that it was not worth what I had to do to make it happen and the people who traded mediocre grades for a low-stress experience where they could have a social life probably chose more wisely than I did.
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Nov 27, 2019
I used to be smart and talented, I did well in school and uni , I had a talent of music, I played guitar but then I lost all of it , now i feel retarded, apathetic and dumb and my talent of music is no more , thanks psych meds! Losing all the good stuff in life is the price I had to pay for trusting the "professionals" .

I was considered a "gifted student" and excelled at school before my brain got ruined by psychiatric drugs

Same. I'm losing braincells at a rapid speed with severe depression and all the useless medications I have taken.
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Mar 10, 2021
other people begin to pressure them to do accomplish more than is reasonable to 'exercise your potential' and run them into the ground physically and emotionally.
This times 1000. This kind of pressure definitely screwed me up as far as my life and career.
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Jan 23, 2021
Mentioned this movie on a similar thread a little while ago, but always worth another mention/rewatch...

"Mitch begins packing, now intent on leaving Pacific Tech, and Chris tries to reason with him as to why he should reconsider his decision by advising him on how to deal with the pressures and burdens of being highly intelligent and relating his own history and former student, Lazlo Hollyfeld's at Pacific Tech. Lazlo, as a result of "cracking", dropped off the map apparently, and Chris felt that the same could happen to him or any other super-intelligent person unless they lighten-up and enjoy life in addition to devoting themselves to their work."



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Mar 7, 2021
I feel like my anxiety helps me pick up new things really fast because I focus so much when learning so I don't make mistakes. The anxiety means I get panicked easily down the line though and prevent me progressing in my careers (I've had several haha)

Definitely wish I could just be a person happy with chilling in a normal boring job but I can't do it. I see people working in the most dull sounding jobs in the role I'm in and don't know how they survive.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Same. I'm losing braincells at a rapid speed with severe depression and all the useless medications I have taken.
Half that shit is sugar pills with shittier side effects. The other work (as well as can be expected) but can fuck your shit up.
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A Nameless Monster
Mar 7, 2021
Intelligence being wasted on you? Would you really prefer worse odds in life?

What leads people to view intelligence as segregated from the rest of them? Is that such a helpful abstraction? Like it's being held for ransom or maybe work/university/parents/etc. are blackmailing them over it. Maybe that's the case. It's a shame that you feel oppressed and treat your gifts as something to make survival more bearable.

Used to wager my main problem was environment. There's a communication gap between people with average and above average intelligence. It matches my experience perfectly, at least. It can probably have a prominent effect under unusual life circumstance(I moved countries) and in the formative years, where most of us don't have that level of control over our social circles. If my parents had "fuck you" money and had shipped me off to the toughest private school or insisted on early entry into university there are exactly zero guarantees my life portrait would improve. And just like you said; improve, what... the day-to-day human hustle?

Everyone I knew harped on about the benefits of close personal relationships. Supposedly this keeps the 'other thoughts' tame, or temporarily pushes them away which popular advice says is just as good! Literally deluding myself is good! It's not that social expectations made me anxious or afraid, just slightly sick. Sick like I'd just got through a day of toil out in a hot field. I don't even experience that nausea anymore. I keep coming up with other possible things to desire, or some ambitious plan to fulfil. Increasingly I've come to want a final project of sorts I can pour my soul into and afterwards vanish.
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Nov 4, 2019
I possess plenty of raw intelligence and zero social intelligence. I would very much prefer that it was the other way around.
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kristallene Bergluft über verfallener Gruft
Aug 20, 2019
I'm not trying to brag, I'm just being real. I wish I was stupid.

I'm in my last year of med school and made it through with flying colours, being in the top 5% of my class consistently throughout. I'm good at most things I genuinely attempt - I play bass in a band and songwrite for it, I draw, I've even published poetry. On the outside, I am an "accomplished young lady" etc etc. But it's not all daisies and dalliances. Being smart often makes me feel alienated because it seems like all my intelligence came directly from my social skills and charisma. As if I was a video game character and I blew all my points on one stat so now I'm walking around with 0s for everything else. As a result, all my life I've said the wrong things, had a hard time keeping friends and genuinely been a social pariah walking around filled with existential dread.

Over time, I've begun to feel like my intelligence is being wasted on me. Sure, I'm in med school, but the passion I originally had for the subject has faded out over time as a result of examination and the institutionalisation of the subject. I used to be filled with curiosity and wonder at the world and I kept this childlike fascination with me until my late teens, guarded it like a flame in a hurricane, but the world is cruel and I realised mysteries and magic are a thin veneer for pain. I don't mean to sound dramatic but everywhere I look is pain. Or someone being too trapped inside themselves and too ignorant to notice the blatant pain - this being the only way to possibly be happy.

I have the skills I need to make a good life for myself. But what the fuck even is a good life? Money, materialism, status. Security. Sustainability. Being a good little slave and contributing to the economy... It bores me. I want to sleep under the stars and drink from rivers and climb trees, feeling the sticky sap cloy between the cracks in my palms. But I'm soft and would definitely starve to death ASAP or possibly die of exposure if I tried to have a go in the wild, our apparent adaptation to such an environment be damned. I would be like a released animal born and raised in captivity, tooth and nail blunt and muscles weak from never having to hunt my own food once in my life. I feel robbed of a beautiful existence by the first human who decided to grow some wheat or some shit. Maybe modern life has its advantages, but freedom is an illusion and at least when existence is constantly a threat you don't have enough time to think about your place in the universe too hard. Family means something because you rely entirely on each other to stay alive, you're not just pushed together by blood and law. But it's pointless complaining. What's done is done.

I looked into This recently (pollution is causing sperm count to lower and the downfall of civilization, rip) and do comfort myself with the fact that humanity will either need to drastically change or go extinct soon. But I'm not naive enough to say that either option is guaranteed - knowing us, we'll be stubborn enough to stick to our deranged ways and just live out this exact same existence in a Wall-E style space ship, anyone who doesn't make the cut be damned.
People always tell me how intelligent and talented I am, but I'm not really. I can remember stuff quite easily, but that is about it. I wish that everyone wouldn't put unrealistic expectations of intelligence onto me.

Also, there is a balance in nature, when humans grow too tall we'll be cut down, but I doubt we'll go extinct any time soon.
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⸙𖦹killing the self as to protect it from harm𖦹⸙
Feb 6, 2020
I have a certain amount of people who refer to me as talented, or people who say I'm intelligent, but both of those really don't hold any merit to me. All of my knowledge is just regurgitated facts and useless trivia or snippets I've read that I spill back out, there's hardly a sliver of originality in what people consider my intellect as.

I dropped out of high school my sophomore year to care for my family, and even while I was in school my learning disability made it agonizing every day to understand what was going on. I knew what others expected of me, but I lacked the ability to execute any of it.

It was as though my mind as a 2 x 2 inch box getting 100 lbs of shit forced into it every day.

Every day since I was around ten or nine, I've done traditional art and have been doing my best to improve with every piece. But most days impostor syndrome hits me and none of it feels as though it's really mine? Granted artists learn by observing and carrying on their inspirations, even with that I still feel my work isn't genuine.

I spent over 7 hours this last week on a piece, it got just about no reception. I wonder if I create for myself exclusively, or for others? If it's the latter, I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I'm not.

Either way, I feel my supposed intelligence or talent is being wasted on me. Those who have emotional intelligence can truly be miserable with what they know and take in from the world. I can only hope that after my death someone might find solace in what I've left.
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Mar 25, 2021
Intelligence being wasted on you? Would you really prefer worse odds in life?

What leads people to view intelligence as segregated from the rest of them? Is that such a helpful abstraction? Like it's being held for ransom or maybe work/university/parents/etc. are blackmailing them over it. Maybe that's the case. It's a shame that you feel oppressed and treat your gifts as something to make survival more bearable.

Used to wager my main problem was environment. There's a communication gap between people with average and above average intelligence. It matches my experience perfectly, at least. It can probably have a prominent effect under unusual life circumstance(I moved countries) and in the formative years, where most of us don't have that level of control over our social circles. If my parents had "fuck you" money and had shipped me off to the toughest private school or insisted on early entry into university there are exactly zero guarantees my life portrait would improve. And just like you said; improve, what... the day-to-day human hustle?

Everyone I knew harped on about the benefits of close personal relationships. Supposedly this keeps the 'other thoughts' tame, or temporarily pushes them away which popular advice says is just as good! Literally deluding myself is good! It's not that social expectations made me anxious or afraid, just slightly sick. Sick like I'd just got through a day of toil out in a hot field. I don't even experience that nausea anymore. I keep coming up with other possible things to desire, or some ambitious plan to fulfil. Increasingly I've come to want a final project of sorts I can pour my soul into and afterwards vanish.
Indeed I would prefer "worse odds." If you look at mental illness, one definition which has largely fallen out of favour is statistical abnormality. Even though having an IQ below 80 is just as uncommon as a genius IQ, we largely view the former in a negative light and the latter as very positive. Blessed. A gift. Well, there s evidence high IQs correlate with morbidities such as depression and as the IQ gets further and further away from average, the worse it gets. So I don't think it is a blessing or a gift. It matches societal ideals, sure, but I'd trade this for good social skills in an instant.
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Mar 14, 2021
I'm not trying to brag, I'm just being real. I wish I was stupid.

I'm in my last year of med school and made it through with flying colours, being in the top 5% of my class consistently throughout. I'm good at most things I genuinely attempt - I play bass in a band and songwrite for it, I draw, I've even published poetry. On the outside, I am an "accomplished young lady" etc etc. But it's not all daisies and dalliances. Being smart often makes me feel alienated because it seems like all my intelligence came directly from my social skills and charisma. As if I was a video game character and I blew all my points on one stat so now I'm walking around with 0s for everything else. As a result, all my life I've said the wrong things, had a hard time keeping friends and genuinely been a social pariah walking around filled with existential dread.

Over time, I've begun to feel like my intelligence is being wasted on me. Sure, I'm in med school, but the passion I originally had for the subject has faded out over time as a result of examination and the institutionalisation of the subject. I used to be filled with curiosity and wonder at the world and I kept this childlike fascination with me until my late teens, guarded it like a flame in a hurricane, but the world is cruel and I realised mysteries and magic are a thin veneer for pain. I don't mean to sound dramatic but everywhere I look is pain. Or someone being too trapped inside themselves and too ignorant to notice the blatant pain - this being the only way to possibly be happy.

I have the skills I need to make a good life for myself. But what the fuck even is a good life? Money, materialism, status. Security. Sustainability. Being a good little slave and contributing to the economy... It bores me. I want to sleep under the stars and drink from rivers and climb trees, feeling the sticky sap cloy between the cracks in my palms. But I'm soft and would definitely starve to death ASAP or possibly die of exposure if I tried to have a go in the wild, our apparent adaptation to such an environment be damned. I would be like a released animal born and raised in captivity, tooth and nail blunt and muscles weak from never having to hunt my own food once in my life. I feel robbed of a beautiful existence by the first human who decided to grow some wheat or some shit. Maybe modern life has its advantages, but freedom is an illusion and at least when existence is constantly a threat you don't have enough time to think about your place in the universe too hard. Family means something because you rely entirely on each other to stay alive, you're not just pushed together by blood and law. But it's pointless complaining. What's done is done.

I looked into This recently (pollution is causing sperm count to lower and the downfall of civilization, rip) and do comfort myself with the fact that humanity will either need to drastically change or go extinct soon. But I'm not naive enough to say that either option is guaranteed - knowing us, we'll be stubborn enough to stick to our deranged ways and just live out this exact same existence in a Wall-E style space ship, anyone who doesn't make the cut be damned.
That is a powerful Thread and agree with a lot especially being in the Wild that has always been my dream one of my heros is Christopher McCandless (into the wild) but why not become a doctor work for six months of the year as a locum and travel to these wild places the rest of the year you could even travel the World as a locum for the next fifty years you can get a taste of the wild, loads of Travel Companys put you in the Wild without risking your life and starving to death Personally I've no money left maybe just one trip to Everest Base Camp before I go Obviously your outlook might be completely different
Also I'm beautiful and have a high IQ Lifes no walk in the park for me either Boom Boom
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Feb 15, 2020
This is a classic problem, illustrated in the novel FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON, which was the basis for the movie CHARLIE, which was the basis for the Simpson's "HOMR"... (when it turned out that Homer is stupid because of a crayon lodged in his brain. It's removed, and he becomes smart, but his intelligence makes him depressed, so he sticks the crayon back in...)

In other words, "ignorance is bliss", so they say...

I absolutely loved Flowers for Algernon! So nice to see it being mentioned here.

In response to the OP, I am neither smart nor dumb, somewhere in the middle I would say. Though I wish with all my heart that I was born stupid. I don't mean to be rude, but I've known rather unintelligent people to be happier simply because they don't know any other way of being and seem to have low(er) expectations. My (rather unintelligent) friend had no idea what the Holocaust was and I thought to myself how nice it must be to live without so much vast knowledge of the evils humans are capable of. It's mind boggling. I want to be more like him. An innocent naivety.
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Jan 23, 2021
I've known rather unintelligent people to be happier simply because they don't know any other way of being and seem to have low(er) expectations. My (rather intelligent) friend had no idea what the Holocaust was and I thought to myself how nice it must be to live without so much vast knowledge of the evils humans are capable of. It's mind boggling. I want to be more like him. An innocent naivety.

Image result for doctor who forgetting superpower
"It's a human superpower, forgetting. If you remembered how things felt, you'd have stopped having wars." -DOCTOR WHO
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
I was called a "gifted" child when I was young. Little did they know I had to study like a work horse cause my mom would guilt trip me for making her work more for my education.

It did help tho. Got my medical license and all that nerdy jazz. Too bad manipulation doesnt work when you dont care anymore tho..
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Wow, this resonates a lot with me. If I met you in the real world, I'd wish I could be your friend, so you didn't have to suffer with this crippling social isolation. You seem like a very kind, intelligent, and interesting person.

When I was younger, I was also an overachiever type. It made me smile just now to see Flowers for Algernon mentioned in this thread, it was one of my favorites when I was able to sit down and read books for hours and hours on end.

Reading and writing was my penchant as a child. I was hyperlexic in spite of speech difficulties that arose due to Autism and I was constantly picking up new books and engrossing myself in study.

People used to say that I was "going places." I won awards every year for my marks in school and the number of books I borrowed from the library. Little did anyone know that reading was an escape from the hellish life I endured at home.

I had to skip a couple years of school because I was pulled out due to a traumatic event that happened in my early teens. I managed to bounce back with no recoil. I scored in the 98th-99th percentile on many exams. If you've ever seen the film Meet the Robinsons, there's a scene where a news reporter tells the main character during a science fair, "Kid, you've got a bright future ahead of you!"

Academically, I felt like I had a bright future. This all changed when I got chronic fatigue syndrome. The first couple years were bad, but not unbearable. I had to drop many obligations and take my education slower, but I was involved in high level research, I was learning languages, I kept fairly high grades in my part time uni classes, and I won several awards for debate.

Then it all came crashing down when I got IBS and doctors forced me to take take loads of psych meds and stimulants in a futile attempt to alleviate CFS symptoms. My chronic fatigue got worse and my neurological issues reached an all time high. My memory is not as robust as it used to be, my concentration is shot and my vision is akin to that blurry hallway photo in my profile banner.

I had to give up my spot at one of the best universities s in the entire world, because I would not have been able to tolerate the stress. This was an absolutely crushing blow to me. While my new uni is prestigious and is seen as quite rigorous and well respected, I am always kicking myself over what could have been if I'd not gotten sick and I'd have been able to go to the uni I actually wanted to attend.

My specialism is incredibly difficult and memorization heavy. I have no idea how I will manage the last 2 years of my Neuroscience degree. When I was still relatively unscathed by chronic pain and chronic illness, I dreamed of getting my PhD and becoming a medical researcher. Now, I am struggling to get by in a fucking bachelor's. I had to stop doing my extra hobbies like language learning, reading, music, and debate because my body doesn't make enough energy. Most days I am so weak I can hardly move.

Losing my intelligence and my ability to have full time work is a slap in the face. I am only 21 years old and I feel like an 80 year old. With time, these cognitive problems will only get worse. This is a fate worse than death and a major reason why I want to ctb too.
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