

Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
I used to think the saying "money doesn't buy happiness" was a load of crap, however, recently ive realised that that statement actually holds some weight.

I was feeling super low a few days back (even lower than usual), and i thought to myself, "what would it take to make me not want to leave this earth?", i had to actually think for a good hour and I couldn't think of anything. I could be the richest man on earth and id still want to die, i could visit a new place of the world every day and id still want to die. Money is useless if you see the world and society for what it really is, there's no going back.

Don't get me wrong i would rather be rich as opposed to poor, however id only be slightly less miserable and id still want to die, sadly i dont think anything could make me happy because the underlying problems in society and in my life would still be there.

What are your guys' thoughts on this? Do you share the same thoughts as me or would money genuinely make you happy and make you want to live?
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Mar 22, 2020
I think money could make me very happy but I would still be suicidal and I would probably end up ctb sooner or later.
I don't want to be a millonaire, I just want to understand the true meaning of life and this weird universe.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
Money can buy you temporary happiness. Eventually everything loses sentimental value or excitement. You'll be bored with material possessions or yearning for the next awesome experience. Notorious BIG said it best, Mo money, mo problems. Friends become less genuine, family members turn into potential con artists, and everyone is begging you for money. There's a lot of horror stories from people winning the lottery and later regretting it 5 years later.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No amount of money can get rid of chronic illness and can change the way that my mind functions. Maybe if I won the lottery i'd move to Belgium and use it to get euthanasia.
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Jan 31, 2021
Money definitely helps on a practical level, but, the power and thrill of buying things eventually subsides. We hear time and time again from the wealthy, that money doesn't always compensate for the emptiness they try filling with materialism. Not to sound cliched; it's also worth making note that money means nothing if there's no one worthwhile to share it with, which is why I no longer care to fulfill ambitions I once had.
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Apr 24, 2021
Of course there are things that money can't buy, but it can buy a lot. Money gives you freedom, comfort, better health care, you can go on vacations, adventures and buy cool stuff, participate in hobbies to distract yourself, you can also help others! I noticed that I always feel better when I get to shop or travel. But that doesn't happen often. Being so broke that you can't even afford to go to the dentist is really frustrating.
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Jul 8, 2018
No amount of money, no amount of love, no amount of friends..nothing.
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Apr 19, 2021
Right, but if you have money, you become more powerful and you can make your death easier and less painful. I wish I could buy the equipments for merciful death, unfortunately I can't so I decided to deal with life temporarily.


Mar 21, 2021
I worry about money a lot like I worry about everything but ultimately whatever happens I will never be homeless in the near future. I think a lot of money would be delightful at first like winning the lottery and it would feel so so nice. Then you'd get used to how you were living and just return to your old habits and self, you can't buy a new brain. I wouldn't want to anyway I don't deserve it there are people out there that do though.


Dec 11, 2020
Money can help with no longer having to pay bills, no longer having to worry about not having to worry about not having food. Those things are great. But if you don't already have inner peace then it could be used to fill that whole to no avail. So while money can be helpful. It isn't the end all be all. In spite of what society says. Money fixes material problems. But can't fix the emotional and psychological issues.
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May 29, 2020
money is nothing to me. whatever i have goes to my dogs and some food for me it does not change my decision


Mar 24, 2021
If money will make a person happy depends on several things. A poor, young and healthy individual will be happier with money because without money he or she can not do anything in a world where everything costs money. But a chronically depressed or disabled person will not be happy with money because mentally and physically health is more important than anything. And a poor, old and very sick person near death will not be happy with money because it is not possible to bring money to the grave. But if a chronically sick person, without hope of improvement, will get money to pay for euthanasia (which is expensie) to avoid years of meaningless suffering, that will make him or her happy. But I believe that the most important thing for most of us, as a general rule, is that happiness must come from inside. Everything in life is dynamic, changes in every moment, nothing can remain as it has been. If a person has the inner stability, it is possible to be happy even if he or she lacks the factors that are normally considered prerequisites for happiness. But do not forget that there is poverty in many countries and we live in a world where everything costs money.
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Mar 3, 2021
If money will make a person happy depends on several things. A poor, young and healthy individual will be happier with money because without money he or she can not do anything in a world where everything costs money. But a chronically depressed or disabled person will not be happy with money because mentally and physically health is more important than anything. And a poor, old and very sick person near death will not be happy with money because it is not possible to bring money to the grave. But if a chronically sick person, without hope of improvement, will get money to pay for euthanasia (which is expensie) to avoid years of meaningless suffering, that will make him or her happy. But I believe that the most important thing for most of us, as a general rule, is that happiness must come from inside. Everything in life is dynamic, changes in every moment, nothing can remain as it has been. If a person has the inner stability, it is possible to be happy even if he or she lacks the factors that are normally considered prerequisites for happiness. But do not forget that there is poverty in many countries and we live in a world where everything costs money.
Absolutely this. It's important to bear in mind that wealth is relative. Many of us on this forum live in the developed world, probably in material positions that millions of people in the developing world would love to be in.

And you are right about health. The saying "health is wealth" is cliche but, as like many cliches, it's absolutely spot on.

You can be privileged enough to be very healthy, work out a lot, etc but nowhere near as privileged as the person who nonetheless doesn't do those things and becomes depressed and develops physical issues due to the neglect brought on by the depression and who ultimately commits suicide. The former didn't have as much money, the latter had loads, but...things just happened.

I've heard of the child of a billionaire who developed an eating disorder and then died due to heart complications despite going to expensive rehab.

Yes, perhaps usually the money may act a buffer from a bad fate that someone without that money would suffer...but sometimes it may not, or it may 'artificially' prolong the suffering of the richer person, while the poorer person would've just killed themselves.

People take knowledge and culture for granted. You need to understand and connect with the world around you and yourself and other wealthy people, and know what to do with the wealth, in order to actually prosper. If you use it in the wrong way and make bad decisions it can even be damaging.
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May 17, 2020
I think that money can only make you happy if the only thing making you unhappy is a lack of money. Otherwise, more money may give you a temporary mood boost… but sooner or later, the familiar sadness will return.
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Mar 15, 2019
I can relate, I don't personally have much desire to be rich, however when I do have money I spend it recklessly trying to satisfy my needs that aren't really related to survival, such is entertainment, but it only gives me momentarily rush of feel good, soon I will again think that this is just nothing, that it's pretty much about survival and getting through, along the way I might have some pleasant experiences but nothing like long term, because, I just have this mindset that life is just suffering,
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All Things Must Pass

All Things Must Pass

Apr 14, 2021
If I have infinite money I'd bribe governments and set up free euthanasia clinics around the world to help those in need.
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Broken and hated 7-14 years long overdue
May 14, 2018
Nope society is still useless suffering. Humanity created their own suffering I don't feel sorry for what is to come of humanity In the future. While I feel bad for the naive and innocent and the unborn and there are still great minds among us that see society as barbaric that needs undone. Money wouldn't keep me here. Sure I'll be able to pay off debt sooner. However that doesn't change the experiences I have encountered and been exposed to and the trauma I have endured. So no thanks


May 3, 2021
In the end rich or poor, easy life or hard life, whatever it has brought you, we all die and leave with the same - nothing. So it makes you wonder about the desire to be "successful" and the terrible things people will do to get there. At the end it counts for naught, zero, nothing.

Maybe that's what religious texts are telling us, to make a difference while we're here, not because of what comes next, but because this is all there is but we don't think about/realise it.
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Bat 17

Bat 17

Bat 17
Mar 30, 2021
I suppose I am well off compared to most and have attracted envy in day-to-day life because of it. But it hasn't made me happy and I don't think money does. Having said that, I'm a much more materialistic person than I usually care to admit, and tend to spend a lot of money.
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Apr 17, 2021
I suppose I am well off compared to most and have attracted envy in day-to-day life because of it. But it hasn't made me happy and I don't think money does. Having said that, I'm a much more materialistic person than I usually care to admit, and tend to spend a lot of money.

Luckyyy. Money would make me happy, I swear.


Apr 17, 2021

For a little while.
This is one of the rare times I think pretty much every post in this thread has truths.

You're right. Money wouldn't make me ecstatically happy longterm but I wouldn't commit suicide if I were financially comfortable.
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
I am thinking it depends on the person/difficulties they are facing.

An indirect family member of mine was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. No amount of money could cure her; however, her husband was very wealthy and was able to make her life very comfortable (driver, caretaker, not in a state ward, good treatment, etc.). Someone with the same diagnosis without that kind of money would likely be put into a state ward - and the state wards here are awful.

In my case, I would be able to afford to get the help I need for my illness that I cannot get now, because it is wayyyy too expensive. And if you are stuck in the system here (without money to pay for really good doctors), you will get labeled and pills will be thrown at you until one hopefully sticks and these regimens themselves can be extremely toxic and cause a myriad of other problems (IME).

Having almost died a number of times, one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that when you die, no matter how much money you have, you can take nothing you have purchased with you. Even so, money would help me to attain some happiness because with it, I could help others - and that is one of the things that makes me happy.

But, like I said, it all depends on the person and the difficulties they are facing.

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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I have enough money for a few nice trips (if I still have the energy) and I will leave some to charity. If I was rich I would buy a beautiful condo, a nice car and an animal sanctuary.
my heart hurts

my heart hurts

Things could be worse, I guess.
May 29, 2019
Yeah. I make good money now and nothing's changed(actually, things have gotten worse because I realized my hope was false)
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Apr 24, 2019
No amount of money will make me feel better about myself. It would make day to day life easier for sure, but i dont like spending energy on fantasies


Dec 15, 2020
Often a moot point for the mentally ill: many of us know we will never make any real money.
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Apr 24, 2019
Often a moot point for the mentally ill: many of us know we will never make any real money.
As pessimistic as I am, I do not think this is an absolute. Over the years, I have been only a few small decisions away from amassing what would be considered by most, to be life changing wealth. It may even still happen, but naturally, the missed opportunities have only added to my personal struggles.
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Mar 11, 2021
If I had endless money I'd stop playing society's game and I would, actually, be happy. I'm unhappy because the world is cold and absolute. It categorizes people based on random tests, scores, and stereotypes without seeing them as individuals. Thus, one off day or bad year and you can be categorized and prejudged as someone you're not inside. As 'unworthy'.
I'm done fighting the uphill battle of re-proving my worth to others to survive. Endless money could enable me to pay my way out of this. And I'd commission a modest house + workshop in the woods and make music and art and travel. Unlike you, seeing a new place every day, especially in nature- would fill me with so much joy.
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Apr 5, 2021
For me money can by momentarily hapiness for sure. I'd be less suicidal in short term (3 years maybe... who knows). I'd do things like travel and buy cool stuff just to get away my suicidal thoughts. Eventually those things loses excitement and I'd end up in the same depressed state. No amount of money can fix my brain

At least I could have a propper exit method (N) which is nice

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