

Aug 27, 2018
Title ^
What firearm and where do you intend to shoot? It seems that not that many people in here are using a firearm mostly gasses, rope or drugs.


Apr 4, 2018
I'm using my dad's .300 win mag rifle in the mouth to hit the brain stem. Was gonna go with partial hanging originally but while I was searching the house for rope I found that my dad had rifles hidden in the basement. Already loaded too so I don't have to worry about figuring that part out. I got extremely lucky because I was having a hard time with partial suspension and now I have a way easier and more lethal method.
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Jul 2, 2018
Probably going to use this method too. Don't want to but .... I can't fail the next time. So guess it's the bullet for me.
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Sep 3, 2018
Want to buy a .44 Magnum, stick it in my mouth, paint the walls and coagulate blood into the carpet of this hell hole apartment. Bonus if blood drips through and onto the bastards who live below me.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
I keep getting told not to use a gun m method.
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Jul 2, 2018
Want to buy a .44 Magnum, stick it in my mouth, paint the walls and coagulate blood into the carpet of this hell hole apartment. Bonus if blood drips through and onto the bastards who live below me.
My thought was to tape a stencil to the wall beforehand ... you know one of those life affirming happy ones?
Caustic Cardinals

Caustic Cardinals

Sep 1, 2018
two of my relatives used guns. BIG FUCKING MESS . unless you intend to give somebody ptsd maybe choose something cleaner?

If that is the case do it in a crowded government office.
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Sep 3, 2018
Whoever discovers me won't be smart enough to appreciate anything like that. Another reason I want out. It's a world full of dolts for the most part. You try to talk to people, even supposed professional, smart people with real jobs, and they just seem slower and dumber than hell. Not worth it. Worse yet, they're loud and unpleasant to be around. 91% of everyone is fat and stinking. It's hard to find people who aren't.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
two of my relatives used guns. BIG FUCKING MESS . unless you intend to give somebody ptsd maybe choose something cleaner?

If that is the case do it in a crowded government office.
That was my method for awhile but I failed. PTSD would suck to give someone.
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Aug 27, 2018
I'm using my dad's .300 win mag rifle in the mouth to hit the brain stem. Was gonna go with partial hanging originally but while I was searching the house for rope I found that my dad had rifles hidden in the basement. Already loaded too so I don't have to worry about figuring that part out. I got extremely lucky because I was having a hard time with partial suspension and now I have a way easier and more lethal method.
Fuck I hate to be that guy but please don´t use your dad´s gun, Years ago before I got any firearms of my own I was taken hunting classes for a hunters license and I was allowed to practice dry firing my dad´s shotgun (over and under) even when he wasn´t home, I was really depressed and thought of suicide all the time as I had done since I was 13-14yo. But I NEVER would´ve used my dad´s shotgun or rifle to commit suicide I can´t imagine how guilty he must feel knowing that had he not showed me where the key was he could have prevented it and also think how much your mother will hate your father for it, she might blame him because in her mind she might think "if he hadn´t had guns my son would be alive"

I of course don´t know if your dad is an asshole and might even have beat you or worse if that´s the case then by all means do it he deserves it but if he is a good father to you then at least get your own gun if you can like take hunting classes if your country is strict on handguns. I know it´s not our place to judge on this forum but when I read your comment I immediately thought back to when I had the opportunity to take my dad´s gun and kill myself and even though I thought about I could actually do it I never considered it not even once!

If you do decide to do it with HIS firearm will you please tell me what goes through your mind? That may have sounded judging but it wasn´t meant like that I like psychology and I want to know what can make you justify it, the only reason I can think of is that our parent´s put us in the world without our consent so we should be able to leave it by any means necessary, but what are your thought process?

Btw: thanks for specifying where you want to shoot yourself and a 308. well certainly do the trick if you do decide to do it.

Want to buy a .44 Magnum, stick it in my mouth, paint the walls and coagulate blood into the carpet of this hell hole apartment. Bonus if blood drips through and onto the bastards who live below me.
Excellent choice! I wish I at least had a 357. magnum because I have seen some pictures of suicides with these big caliber handguns and they too blow the brains out and that is really reassuring to me.

Where do you plan to shoot yourself? Temple, roof of the mouth, through the eye (that is how I will do it and try and hit the brainstem; go for the T shape kill zone)
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Apr 4, 2018
Fuck I hate to be that guy but please don´t use your dad´s gun, Years ago before I got any firearms of my own I was taken hunting classes for a hunters license and I was allowed to practice dry firing my dad´s shotgun (over and under) even when he wasn´t home, I was really depressed and thought of suicide all the time as I had done since I was 13-14yo. But I NEVER would´ve used my dad´s shotgun or rifle to commit suicide I can´t imagine how guilty he must feel knowing that had he not showed me where the key was he could have prevented it and also think how much your mother will hate your father for it, she might blame him because in her mind she might think "if he hadn´t had guns my son would be alive"

I of course don´t know if your dad is an asshole and might even have beat you or worse if that´s the case then by all means do it he deserves it but if he is a good father to you then at least get your own gun if you can like take hunting classes if your country is strict on handguns. I know it´s not our place to judge on this forum but when I read your comment I immediately thought back to when I had the opportunity to take my dad´s gun and kill myself and even though I thought about I could actually do it I never considered it not even once!

If you do decide to do it with HIS firearm will you please tell me what goes through your mind? That may have sounded judging but it wasn´t meant like that I like psychology and I want to know what can make you justify it, the only reason I can think of is that our parent´s put us in the world without our consent so we should be able to leave it by any means necessary, but what are your thought process?

Btw: thanks for specifying where you want to shoot yourself and a 308. well certainly do the trick if you do decide to do it.
I see what you mean, but I'm still going to do it anyways. I'm only 17 so I have no way of getting my own gun until I turn 18 and even then I don't have the money to get one and nowhere to hide it. My parent's known I've been suicidal for years and I've had multiple attempts so they definitely know my intent. Yet my dad still keeps loaded guns in the house that he doesn't even use for anything and denies that he has them. When I found them they weren't even locked up or anything. It feels like he's pretty much just asking for something bad to happen so there's really no reason for me to feel bad about it because he never made any effort to prevent it in the first place. So if he gets in any sort of trouble for it, so be it. This is my one and only opportunity for possibly years to finally do what I've been wanting my whole life and I'm taking that opportunity.
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Aug 27, 2018
I'm only 17
Well that explains it. With all the hormones as a teenager they can become pretty egocentric, I remember when I comtemplated suicide and even tried as a teenager how much feeling there went into it, feeling sadness just thinking about all the people who would miss me (the attention) Now I don´t feel anything.

And yes there is a good chance your dad will go to prison for a few years if charged with criminal negligence but again if you don´t love your parents and don´t care about them then just do it. I just know that it is hard enough as it is to get the courage to kms I mean I know my suicide will ruin my parents life just for me being dead but if my death would result in not only taking away their son but also sending on of them to prison I really think I should be very narcissistic to pull that off. I love my parents so I could never send them to prison on top of already having their lives ruin by my suicide.

I bet you live in the states since your dad doesn´t lock up his guns. If you do live in the states can´t you just get an illegal gun? They shouldn´t be too expensive over there like a couple hundred bucks and connections should be easy to come by. Maybe find a drug dealer and ask if he can get a cheap gun?

I´m sorry I keep talking about this I am just feel very bad for how this will effect your parents, but since you are going to ctb you must too be in insane pain like every person in here so I acknowledge this and hope you will find peace soon, life is really hard and really not worth the fight. Btw if you would like to talk in PM I would love that, I might even kms tomorrow night because I am going to take some amphetamine it´s been 7 years since last time I did it like 3 times when I was 16-17yo I am 24yo now. Just PM me if you would like to talk.


Sep 12, 2018
I thought about. I'd have to go way out of my way to get a gun and it would be too messy. Hanging will be easier on the family.
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Sep 12, 2018
I plan on going by using firearm.
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Aug 27, 2018
I haven't purchased the firearm yet, I intend to shoot myself in the head.
But where in the head? That is why I specified (temple, eye, roof of the mouth etc.) it was also my question for the thread at the beginning.


Sep 12, 2018
But where in the head? That is why I specified (temple, eye, roof of the mouth etc.) it was also my question for the thread at the beginning.
In the side of the head
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I plan to use a gun, and I would have chosen a pistol, but the state I reside in, it's harder to get a pistol than compared to a long gun. Also, if shooting, I would go from inside the mouth and aimed at a slight angle to try and sever the brainstem. I plan on getting a rifle to do this.
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Aug 9, 2018
Such a messy method... If you fail think about that...


Jul 20, 2018
I see what you mean, but I'm still going to do it anyways. I'm only 17 so I have no way of getting my own gun until I turn 18 and even then I don't have the money to get one and nowhere to hide it. My parent's known I've been suicidal for years and I've had multiple attempts so they definitely know my intent. Yet my dad still keeps loaded guns in the house that he doesn't even use for anything and denies that he has them. When I found them they weren't even locked up or anything. It feels like he's pretty much just asking for something bad to happen so there's really no reason for me to feel bad about it because he never made any effort to prevent it in the first place. So if he gets in any sort of trouble for it, so be it. This is my one and only opportunity for possibly years to finally do what I've been wanting my whole life and I'm taking that opportunity.
My dude your dad is going to go to prison. At least get your own gun and do it.


Aug 31, 2018
Yes. It's instant. With hanging I'd have to worry about not being found in time. With a gun, you just pull the trigger and you're gone. I'll have to use a black powder rifle because I cannot purchase a shotgun.
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Aug 11, 2018
I might be using a Glock 17 9mm because I can get that particular pistol very easily. I don't know though, it's not as reliable as people survive gunshot wounds to the head sometimes.

Am still waiting on my N that I ordered 3 weeks ago, so it depends if I get that.
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Sep 13, 2018
I would use a gun if I had access to one. I live in the UK, not sure what the law is on trying to obtain a gun license. I know I would need to prove that I hunt or use a gun range but not sure I could get one with mental health history
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Punished snake

Punished snake

Sep 9, 2018
Are you all from the USA? You're very lucky to have the chance of buying guns
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Sep 16, 2018
I bought a revolver yesterday. Planning for the right temple
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Jul 16, 2018
firearms are pretty tight here in australia, kind of always have been really, even before the 90s or 80s. then again, you hear a lot of things, all heresay and various news sources or wiki sources, about more background checking for those yanks in the States.
It certainly would have been my next best option that's for sure, if we're talking about modern pistols, not like those revolvers.


Jul 16, 2018
I would use a gun if I had access to one. I live in the UK, not sure what the law is on trying to obtain a gun license. I know I would need to prove that I hunt or use a gun range but not sure I could get one with mental health history

Aus, the land down under, doesn't fair much better here either. a shame.
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Sep 25, 2018
I am going to shoot myself while jumping from bridge...... I'm hoping no chance for survival . I'm Presuming I'll just fall forward
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