

drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
Anyone else here had a life they loved/ a promising future, but then your life got completely destroyed by something unexpected?
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Feb 3, 2021
Yes ironically it was my mother committing suicide recently but in the end I am glad she's at peace and no longer here living in pain. Ever since though my life is exhausting, I just want to die but I am too cowardly to do it most days.
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Dec 26, 2020
Yes ironically it was my mother committing suicide recently but in the end I am glad she's at peace and no longer here living in pain. Ever since though my life is exhausting, I just want to die but I am too cowardly to do it most days.
My heart goes to you for your loss
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Feb 19, 2021
I was already depressed and traumatized by 16, but I think I still had a chance. then my brother r*ped me, and that was it.
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Mar 22, 2020
Mmm yes, my high school fucked everything up. I was a very happy boy.
Still, I've had great moments in life but I can't forget those days.
I kinda envy those people who have friends from school.
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
Yes. I became addicted to crystal meth and hit my rock bottom two years ago when I was arrested. The story of my arrest appeared on the TV news and now it's memorialized on the internet. As a result, I lost my job and my reputation. Now I'm about to lose my home. I hired a company to get the story removed, but so far they have had no success. This, in spite of the fact that I was found not guilty by a jury. Everybody seems to think that I can somehow recover from this. Am I the only sane person in the room? What is it that nobody is getting? I'll never be able to find a job and support myself again. So I guess that my life is over.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
Yes. I became addicted to crystal meth and hit my rock bottom two years ago when I was arrested. The story of my arrest appeared on the TV news and now it's memorialized on the internet. As a result, I lost my job and my reputation. Now I'm about to lose my home. I hired a company to get the story removed, but so far they have had no success. This, in spite of the fact that I was found not guilty by a jury. Everybody seems to think that I can somehow recover from this. Am I the only sane person in the room? What is it that nobody is getting? I'll never be able to find a job and support myself again. So I guess that my life is over.
Omg that's so sad I'm so sorry :( It's horrible that the news can do that!! Sharing stories of vulnerable people just for money! hate how society works. This is not to minimize your pain, just an idea, but have you though of working in a NGO or clinic helping other people recover from addiction? I'm not an addict but my parents send me to illicit drug recovery center a while ago because supposedly they also treated suicidal people. However a lot of recovered addicted worked there helping others recover, it was Narcotics Anonymous/ AA model. I know this probably isn't helpful but I just thought about it. I'm so deeply sorry this happened to you.
Yes ironically it was my mother committing suicide recently but in the end I am glad she's at peace and no longer here living in pain. Ever since though my life is exhausting, I just want to die but I am too cowardly to do it most days.
I'm so deeply sorry for your loss <3 :hugs:
I was already depressed and traumatized by 16, but I think I still had a chance. then my brother r*ped me, and that was it.
I'm so sorry that happened to you!! horrible abuse :(
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
Omg that's so sad I'm so sorry :( It's horrible that the news can do that!! Sharing stories of vulnerable people just for money! hate how society works. This is not to minimize your pain, just an idea, but have you though of working in a NGO or clinic helping other people recover from addiction? I'm not an addict but my parents send me to illicit drug recovery center a while ago because supposedly they also treated suicidal people. However a lot of recovered addicted worked there helping others recover, it was Narcotics Anonymous/ AA model. I know this probably isn't helpful but I just thought about it. I'm so deeply sorry this happened to you.
Thanks. Yeah, it was Fox News so what do you expect? They'll do anything for a sensational story. The story, on its face, wasn't even true, which is why I was found not guilty, but they're never going to follow up and report that.

As to your suggestion, I doubt that I would be able to get a job in recovery. I tried NA but quit before even working on the 12 steps. Don't get me wrong - I've been sober for over a year and a half. That part was easy for me. But it's just that everybody else in the groups didn't hit rock bottom in such a grand fashion like I did, so I always felt "terminally unique". Everbody else had somehow managed to keep their jobs and their homes while I lost mine. So, not having done the steps and with no interest in doing them, I'm at an impasse. Besides, I can't bear the thought of that story out there for all the world to see for years to come. Honestly, I would rather be dead than have to live with the shame of that.
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Wise woman and Celtic sky person
Mar 7, 2020
When my Grandad died. I was 9 years old. He died of Stomach Cancer. He had a Duodenal ulcer and it progressed into Cancer. When he died.. a part of me died and I've never been the same.
My life was fulfilled because he was in it. When he died the world was no longer the same for me. I have felt hollow ever since. Nothing had gone right ever since. Although I doubt he'll be proud of me.. I'm a screwed up mess.
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Please kill me. Please? PLEASE!
Nov 8, 2020
Psychiatric abuse at 17. I had mild depression, caused by life events. No friends, trouble in school, that kind of stuff. Asked for help, was forced into inpatient on my 3rd therapy appointment, and it ruined me. Between being trapped and helpless, all the coercive and forced medication, and a lot of other things.

When I dispose of this empty physical shell, the SN will only be the tool. The American mental health system is the one that truly took my life.
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
Psychiatric abuse at 17. I had mild depression, caused by life events. No friends, trouble in school, that kind of stuff. Asked for help, was forced into inpatient on my 3rd therapy appointment, and it ruined me. Between being trapped and helpless, all the coercive and forced medication, and a lot of other things.

When I dispose of this empty physical shell, the SN will only be the tool. The American mental health system is the one that truly took my life.
Omg I'm so deeply sorry you are also a victim of psychiatry... I have a very similar story. I was also abused by psychiatry starting age 13 but at age 17 was when I consider they killed me because of a drug they forced me to take that left me completely disabled. Psychiatric abuse is hell. I'm so sorry the mental health system also killed you. I also consider I was killed may 2020 due to the drug. SN will only off the rotting flesh that's left from what I used to be. Again I'm so so sorry, I feel your pain.
Thanks. Yeah, it was Fox News so what do you expect? They'll do anything for a sensational story. The story, on its face, wasn't even true, which is why I was found not guilty, but they're never going to follow up and report that.

As to your suggestion, I doubt that I would be able to get a job in recovery. I tried NA but quit before even working on the 12 steps. Don't get me wrong - I've been sober for over a year and a half. That part was easy for me. But it's just that everybody else in the groups didn't hit rock bottom in such a grand fashion like I did, so I always felt "terminally unique". Everbody else had somehow managed to keep their jobs and their homes while I lost mine. So, not having done the steps and with no interest in doing them, I'm at an impasse. Besides, I can't bear the thought of that story out there for all the world to see for years to come. Honestly, I would rather be dead than have to live with the shame of that.
I'm so deeply sorry :( nobody deserves to be defamed in that way! I sympathize with your pain. I hope you find peace from this toxic world. <3
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Narcissist Gay NEET-cel
Mar 4, 2020
No. I was always in the shit. I never had the chance to shine, it was just not meant to be
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
My life was fucked from the start, but I did had stretches of a life fulfilled until I fucked something up. Self-sabotage tends to be one of my traits.
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Feb 27, 2021
Anyone else here had a life they loved/ a promising future, but then your life got completely destroyed by something unexpected?
From what I can recall I had a so called normal life than shit turnt left all at once with all my immediate family becoming sick and dying in a short period of time. I was born on a Friday the 13th....that should've been a sign
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My wings were cut and now I can fly no more!
Oct 3, 2020
I was a smart kid in school, got good grades, could work a lot,was a music lover, made great music, played guitar, music was my life , and then psychiatry came to my life and I lost everything, by everything I mean everything I was I lost, now after psychiatry ruined my life , I have become so numb and emotionless, no motivation to do anything , like a zombie , I'm just alive for the sake of bieng alive , that's it, now all I do is eat and sleep , this is what dangerous psychiatric drugs can do to a person , they can make a person full of life into a vegetable in a very short time ,
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Jan 30, 2021
My life was going perfectly , Family life, money etc, Job was even ok but unfortunately last year it went very badly wrong to the point i may lose everything including family. Cannot go into the reasons but one minute everything was pretty much very good the next living a living current nightmare.

Just waiting to see how things pan out but worst case i have already written my suicide note and have made some plans to settle a few things if i do CTB.

Video gaming and religion ( interesting combo ) has been giving me some welcome distraction and solace.
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Feb 27, 2021
I was a smart kid in school, got good grades, could work a lot,was a music lover, made great music, played guitar, music was my life , and then psychiatry came to my life and I lost everything, by everything I mean everything I was I lost, now after psychiatry ruined my life , I have become so numb and emotionless, no motivation to do anything , like a zombie , I'm just alive for the sake of bieng alive , that's it, now all I do is eat and sleep , this is what dangerous psychiatric drugs can do to a person , they can make a person full of life into a vegetable in a very short time ,
I feel for you man, for most of my life I worked in music related jobs...record store, field rep creating music displays for stores, account rep for a music distributor living the rock and roll jr. lifestyle then so called real life came crashing down


Feb 27, 2021
Was pretty ok until last year. had a decent job, was about to buy a small flat, was doing my hobbies after the work, but than my health got fucked and now I'm fighting to either survive or ctb if meds won't help.
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Dec 11, 2018
My life was alright but then psych meds ruined it for good.
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Feb 15, 2019
Yes. I became addicted to crystal meth and hit my rock bottom two years ago when I was arrested. The story of my arrest appeared on the TV news and now it's memorialized on the internet. As a result, I lost my job and my reputation. Now I'm about to lose my home. I hired a company to get the story removed, but so far they have had no success. This, in spite of the fact that I was found not guilty by a jury. Everybody seems to think that I can somehow recover from this. Am I the only sane person in the room? What is it that nobody is getting? I'll never be able to find a job and support myself again. So I guess that my life is over.

This story nauseates me, I am so sorry this happened to you.

Psychiatric abuse at 17. I had mild depression, caused by life events. No friends, trouble in school, that kind of stuff. Asked for help, was forced into inpatient on my 3rd therapy appointment, and it ruined me. Between being trapped and helpless, all the coercive and forced medication, and a lot of other things.

When I dispose of this empty physical shell, the SN will only be the tool. The American mental health system is the one that truly took my life.

I am also suicidal due to a forced "inpatient" stay, it happened to me at the same age too. I am very sorry this happened to you.

Were you forced by your parents or did they put you on a psych hold?
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I was doing well enough in school and was on track to becoming an engineer but got undermined by my bitch-retard cringe psychology.
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Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
Yeah, my father died. I miss him a lot ... Though, he was also the breadwinner of our family. My life was emotionally and financially much easier when he was alive.
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sorella santini

sorella santini

Jan 19, 2021
Just one garden variety chronic disease after another here. Going on eight years of that. Before that life was actually pretty good. Wish I could go back there.
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Please kill me. Please? PLEASE!
Nov 8, 2020
I am also suicidal due to a forced "inpatient" stay, it happened to me at the same age too. I am very sorry this happened to you.

Were you forced by your parents or did they put you on a psych hold?
I had several inpatient stays, totalling about 8 months over the course of 2014. First time was a custody order followed by "voluntary" (told me I would have a 1-on-1 after forced admission if I didn't sign the papers) commitment. After that, it was a mix of parents, psych holds with extensions after trial, and "volun-told" like the first time.

Maybe I could have healed if I got the help I wanted at that point. Outpatient therapy could have really helped. But after those traumatizing experiences, things went downhill fast. And I haven't been able to fix it. It is catching up to me again after years of hard work and distractions.
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Love. Leave. Rinse. Repeat
Feb 22, 2021
Anyone else here had a life they loved/ a promising future, but then your life got completely destroyed by something unexpected?
Yes, i was in college on honor roll had a car, job, and was taking care of my daughter with her dad. I got hit by a HUGE SUV and my spine was hurt severely. Then i developed an opiate addiction, lost custody of my daughter and now everyday feels like a hunt for any good reason NOT to ctb. Life sucks..
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Apr 7, 2019
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
I was a smart kid in school, got good grades, could work a lot,was a music lover, made great music, played guitar, music was my life , and then psychiatry came to my life and I lost everything, by everything I mean everything I was I lost, now after psychiatry ruined my life , I have become so numb and emotionless, no motivation to do anything , like a zombie , I'm just alive for the sake of bieng alive , that's it, now all I do is eat and sleep , this is what dangerous psychiatric drugs can do to a person , they can make a person full of life into a vegetable in a very short time ,
I'm so sorry psychiatry also destroyed your life... I have the same situation... I am a zombie because to their drugs.
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Jul 6, 2020
A criminal investigation against me at 17 years old resulting in me being sentenced to 5 years probation and subjected to ridiculous restrictions. I have no hope for my future whatever.
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Feb 18, 2021
Yes, everything in my life was actually very good but then I had a manic episode (induced by prescription amphetamines) where I nuked it all... lost all my money and basically gave myself brain damage... lost a beautiful relationship, my cognitive ability, not able to program anymore or listen to music without feeling sick... I don't want to give up but everything in my life was ruined by one bad decision while manic
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Dec 29, 2020
Chronic health issues and severe side effects to medication. Almost went blind.

To be honest, it's not even that bad compared to what other people go through on here.

But it launched me into a deep depression and hysterical amounts of anxiety.

I don't know what I want anymore. I don't know how to continue.

I could wake up with everything I wanted tomorrow and it still would not satisfy me.

What's life without decent health?
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Reactions: anhedonicNfoggy, disfiguredone and killedbypsychiatry

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