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done with everything...
Apr 4, 2023
I've been thinking a lot about the stigma against Catching The Bus in our society. I genuinely can't wrap my head around why it's so controversial to want to be able to make that kind of choice for yourself. If an adult decides they no longer want to live anymore, why should that be anyone else's business?

Where did this stigma even originate from? It's so deeply ingrained in our society I fear it would probably take decades or even centuries to move towards a pro-choice society.
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May 11, 2023
I think it's because you're not meeting the "expected" goals of human existence.
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May 4, 2023
It's weird to me too, I guess because I don't view death or suicide as a big deal.

I don't really know why it's so stigmatized, but I think at least some of it stems from Judeo-Christian religion's opinions on suicide being a sin.

Wow yeaaah, why do people care so much? Honestly makes no sense.

It also might be that people are often hurt by loved ones killing themselves. Honestly I'd love to hear from some pro-lifers on why suicide is a negative outcome.
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May 8, 2023
I actually was thinking about this a couple of hours ago, and I completely agree with what you're saying. It's crazy that ctb is stigmatized as if it was something natural to look down on, the same way it's natural to eat when you're hungry. Maybe each person has their own personal feelings on the matter(like thinking it's selfish or cowardly) but in the end if that's all their thinking then let them think all they want. Why should those feelings translate into an unspoken law that gets a fishy eye staring at you(at the VERY least) if you even mention it?
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Apr 12, 2023
There's nothing to be confused about. It's stigmatized because:
A. People view it as taboo
B. Others avoid talking about it, shying away from the subject, especially when brought up
C. Mention suicide to any normal group, online or irl and all heads will turn—awkward silence ensues
D. They see you as crazy or mentally ill
E. Pro-lifers

At least my game would break some of those barriers, if it released.
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Life sucks and then you die.
Mar 14, 2023
well, at least before you could have been sent to jail for a failed suicide attempt, but now you will be put in a hospital at most. It all depends on the degree of development of society, in some countries there is evianism, but in some there is not.
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Apr 12, 2023
Imagine being fucking apprehended for being in pain—chronic pain, and having control over your own autonomy to end that pain.
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May 1, 2023
Religion taught us in the Ten Commandments, "Thou shalt not kill." We were told that if we took our own lives, not only would we be barred from entering heaven, but also from being buried in a Catholic cemetery. Consequently, the act of suicide is universally stigmatized.

Voluntary euthanasia is only acceptable for the elderly, ill, and weak. It's seen as a "mercy killing."
There is "modern healthcare" for everyone else.

Many suicidal people have mixed feelings about death. They want their pain and suffering to end, but they can think of no way to make it happen.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think it's a whole mixture of things. Asides from religion and economics (governments need wage slaves/consumers,) I suppose there's the emotional side.

I think that most suicides are seen as tragic. As the apex species on this planet- we have been given an amazing biological tool (if it's working properly of course.) The world CAN also be a beautiful place with amazing opportunities. I guess it's just that for the people here- life likely hasn't been like that. For whatever reason- and quite often by cruel chance, things have become intolerable. I think maybe it's this whole rose-tinted view of lost potential- when someone CTB. ESPECIALLY if they are young. How many times do we read how young people who CTB had bright futures ahead of them? How do they even know that?!! I think a lot of these pro-lifers maybe still believe that we still have the potential to live happy, fulfilling lives- and CTB puts an end to that potential.

Many people seem to think that their loved one was taken over by depression and it was the depression- or- mental illness that killed them. I suppose that's debatable really. I think people's own experience of ideation varies. Some find these thoughts alien and intrusive. Others find them logical. From an outside perspective though- I've found that families seem to prefer to think of it as an illness or a disease that made their loved one kill themselves- rather than a choice they made rationally.

I also think suicide likely does decimate some families. It may even lead to more suicides within that family. I suppose- the ones that want to live don't want to lose their relatives.

I suppose where there is some leniency is within the elderly and terminally/chronically ill. If people can SEE someone physically suffering, they seem to empathize a little more.
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Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
I think it originates from religious beliefs, similar to the hate towards lgbtq communities. A lot of the old religious people are kind of an asshole, so not a surprise. Aside from that, I think people just don't understand the suffering we go through. These idiots truly believe that the world is worth living for and nobody should give up their lives. That and we are causing harm to ourselves, which is bad, even if it's voluntary. Harm of any kind is seen as bad in today's society, and suicide got dragged under the bracket.


Jul 30, 2020
In some societies it isn't. The answer, as far as our soceity is concerned, is certainly christianity.

If christians want to believe that they were placed here by a god who insists that they stick with life in all circumstances, that's their business. They can live their life according to that belief if they wish; it doesnt concern me But many people are not christian, do not share christian beliefs, and should not be bound by customs that are drived from christianity.


Mar 11, 2019
not facing up to your problems. the real philosophical question, is when suffering incapacitates you, what is the logical course of action?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
To me the people who are unable to see suicide as being the logical option that it truly is come across as being incredibly delusional and completely lacking awareness of the cruel and harsh reality of existing. But I think that a lot of people are brainwashed by society into believing that suicide is "irrational" as after all the society needs slaves. This could explain why anything in relation to suicide being a valid option is censored and why suicidal people get cruelly locked away into psych wards.

I do see it as being so incredibly inhumane how other people wish to make us prisoners to this existence, I do think that in fact wanting to die is the most rational option in this harmful world filled with unlimited potential for pain. Existence truly is nothing more than slavery to me, as we are slaves to suffering, slaves to the prison that is consciousness and this decaying flesh prison, enduring this cruel punishment only because some people were selfish enough to procreate. The common attitudes towards suicide in this society just shows how horrible the human species truly is, in this world there is no compassion towards suffering.
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Mar 3, 2023
I can't really understand it either, the only reason I could imagine is that most people act pretty irrationally, if they don't understand something then it's bad.

Most people feel naturally scared of dying which in itself is totally okay, but because of that they cannot and refuse to understand people whose lives are so miserable that they want to end it.


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Lmao, every week one of these... Yawn.


"A black light bulb. The repression of an idea."
May 25, 2023
I do understand why CTB is so stigmatised, the human goal after all, as with every other species, is to reproduce and to "live out your days". But it is confusing why we as a society that should be far beyond the animalistic desire to reproduce and live, choose to not see the fact that easy and painless suicide should be a human right.


Apr 3, 2023
I've been thinking a lot about the stigma against Catching The Bus in our society. I genuinely can't wrap my head around why it's so controversial to want to be able to make that kind of choice for yourself. If an adult decides they no longer want to live anymore, why should that be anyone else's business?

Where did this stigma even originate from? It's so deeply ingrained in our society I fear it would probably take decades or even centuries to move towards a pro-choice society.
Suicide is a taboo subject, people think there's always hope. I'm sure in most cases there is, but not everyone. If you've done everything you could, then it's really up to u with what u want to do, there's always MAiD, but that isn't available in many countries.

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