As the Title says ... please , I really want to get better but I'm having a hard time managing my feelings and it's really overwhelming. Does anyone have any tips ? I would really appreciate it please.
Sure: from DBT therapy, and only to be used in high distress --
Breath in through your nose to a count of 4, hold to a count of 6, breathe out through your mouth to a count of 8. Vary the counts to be comfortable, but always counting up by two.
Place an ice pack over your eye sockets, hold your breath, lean forward a little if it's comfortable. This triggers the dive response and will wipe out any emotion as your body prepares to swim in freezing water.
These are for periods of high distress. You do want to be using more everyday coping mechanisms on average but this will, especially the second one, reduce your heart rate.
A third option is to do strenuous exercise, which won't slow your heart but will make it very difficult to keep spiraling around the same thoughts. It's just hard to think of other things during conscious exertion.
Good luck