

Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
there's my github

most least significant bit,
msb,lsb,big,little,endian msb[1,0,0,1]lsb, pop3,imap,rc4,base64,xml,zlib,registry,opengl,rsa,ssl,md5,xor cipher ,ftp,html,ports 80,20,21 , mysql, http, post,get,cgi,sockets, win32api,gui,windows,inf,rgb,palette
binary 8,4,2,1, zero and ones 0011,logic and not or nand xor nor,shift bits left right,power,sin,cos,sqr,sqrt,min,max,degress to radians,abs,floor,wrap,pi 3.14159,vector,normalize, magnitude ,direction,dot and cross product, hash functions sha1, ascii characters set,
strings,int, float, integer,short,word,dword,boolean,byte,bits, binary,octal,decimal,hex,matrix,ocr,neuron,weight,threshold,socks4,tcp ip,fat32, ntfs, exfat,partition, GUID, 8 bit 256, 16 bit 65536, 32,64,128, #FF , frequency, amplitude, gdi, ram,rom,circular buffer ,Inverse-square law, point_direction, distributed hash table, peer routing table, bootstrap node, pwm, random, randomseed,
kb 1024, 1000
mb=1024*1024, 1,000,000
gb=1024*1024*1024 1,000,000,000
tb=1024*1024*1024*1024 1,000,000,000,000

3d, view frustrum ,backface culling, painter's algorithm, ray tracing, binary space partitioning (BSP) , Visible Surface, md2 3d model, polygons quads,fps,camera

circle radius,
circumference divided by diameter gives PI,
by multiplying 3.14 pi by the diameter of the circle gives the circumference
point_distance(x1,y1,x2,y2), x = pow(x1-x2,2) y = pow(y1-y2,2) return sqrt(x + y)
if distance between two circles is less than combind radius than colliding with eath other

cellular automata,turing machine, lexer, parser, virtual machine interpreter, bytecode, x86 asm, opcodes, z80,6502,arm,4000 chips,pic12f675, nop 0x90

CPU, alu, control unit, registers, fetch,program counter, data bus, address bus, store, load, interrupt,, system clock, full adder, shift register, jk flip-flop, bcd, decoder, multiplexer,opcode

asymmetry, symmetry,
bresenham's line algorithm, flood fill, eclipse,virtual screen, c malloc,dos mode 0x13, 0xA000, 256-Color.
texture mapping,sprite,texture atlas
steering behaviors flee,arrival,wander,seek,

delta time, frame rate independent movement, system time,
1000 millseconds per second , pixels per second 120
120/1000= 0.12 *elsapedtime, delta time
1000/60(fps) =16.666666666666666666666666666667
0.12*16.666*60 =120 pixels, bitmap
0.12 speed
16.666 delta_time

k value between 1 and 26 the key,
shift cipher,
cipher mod 26,

perlin noise, encryption alice bob, private, public,key,
linear interpolation,lerp,distance -kademlia,field of view, serialization, deserialization, json, inputs, outputs, dma,immediate,absolute,memory mapping, lookup tables,truth tables,stacks, pop, push,top ,queues,first in first out, last in first out, FIFO & LILO , LIFO & FILO, link list, double linked list, node,child,root,head,tail,pointer,
two's complement, addition, subtraction, a star, modulo, windows environment variables, a variable

a=not(a) toggle on and off 0,1 repeatedly

(angle * (PI/180)) degtorad
(angle * (180/PI)) radtodeg

and_bits(test_integer, 1) = 0 is_odd or is_even

record input steam plus delta time between frames
then to playback replace the delta time with the record dt and to keep the same game state make everything deterministic and update each system with the dt, use the record input stream to create the output stream at each tick of the game 8 bits for movment 1 bit for each button plus 4 bytes for the dt
also a global seed for the random_seed function saved

function wrap_between(integer v,integer min, integer max)
return v - (max - min) * floor( v / (max - min))
end function

hash a image
image_data[23,1,66,12,11,7...] rgb colour values from a picture 24bit
16,777,216 colors
for i=1 to length(image_data) do
end for
return wrap_between(hash_index, 0,1000) room for one thousand images with hash collisions

packet protocol 5 bytes+data
5 byte header+data, per packet type
first byte packet id 0--255
next four bytes, data length is the total size of the packet-5
read and write ,byte,string,int,float,bool,short
if (buffer>=5)
if (packet_length>length(buffer)-5)
//packet is ready to be read
packet_id //decides the amount and type of bytes to read from the data buffer

32*32=1024 total number of pixels
1024*8=8192 total number of bits
256 colours per pixel
2^8192 total number of pictures

8192 bit full adder

constant number_of_bits=8192
sequence a,b,cin,sum,cout


integer xor1
for i=1 to number_of_bits do

if cout=1 then
end if

if (a=1 and b=1) or ( xor1=1 and cin=1) then
end if
end for


for i=1 to 8192 do
skip_speed = rand(1)
end for

reset values
add or subtract mode
need two's complement for subtraction
skip forward by 8192 bits constant skip_speed
display image on screen 32,32 resize to 320,320
gain some limited access to all images 2^8192

apache,7zip,euphoria,dev c++,code blocks,visual stuido,java, game maker,allegro,sdl,ollydbg, cheat engine,filezilla,virtualbox,bit torrent, camstudio,core temp,cpu-z,dosbox,firefox,fscapture,vcl player,tortoiseSvn,magic disk,power iso, fraps, joytokey,gpu-z
By the end you just started listing random programs, lol.

I'm gonna put on LinkedIn now that I'm 'fluent with 7zip and Firefox browser' and have 'ample experience downloading movies with BitTorrent'.
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Aug 3, 2022
Yet another coder checking in. Worked mostly in C# and some C++ and JS when I was still actively working, but it's been a few years. These days I check out some problems from leetcoder every once in while to see if my brain can still do what it used to do. Sometimes I get one right, often times I end up giving up because the fog is too thick.

Most recent "fun" project, before my major med crash a couple of years back, was an embedded hardware/software project where I built a board with a small MCU on it and programmed it to translate signals from the steering wheel switches on a classic 1980s car that I own and made it control an aftermarket radio head unit. Still proud of myself for figuring out the hardware and PCB layout side of things, as well as reverse engineering the switch protocol. Was my first foray into the world of embedded dev. I long to be able to do things like this again, but feel like I'm so far from it. Even the mental exertion of reading these forums for a couple of hours in a day is enough to exacerbate my brain fog to the point where I feel like my head is just a pile of goo right now.


Sep 9, 2022
I'm a gml dev. Just a game programmer for now. No one wants to help me though on my game. Trying to get into demo day.
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Jul 29, 2021
I'm a gml dev. Just a game programmer for now. No one wants to help me though on my game. Trying to get into demo day.
what version of game maker stuido do you use i can't stand the new interface on game maker studio 2.0


Sep 9, 2022
what version of game maker stuido do you use i can't stand the new interface on game maker studio 2.0
I use Game Maker: Studio 2.0, lol. I've been programming starting with Game Maker 8.0 since I was little. I hated the interface too but got used to it. It has some useful tools but drawbacks as well. Useful being: The onion skin for animation, better room editor, no data corruption which was a huge issue for Game Maker 8.0. The sprite editor sadly isn't very good in general. Do you program games?


Oct 7, 2021
Yet another coder checking in. Worked mostly in C# and some C++ and JS when I was still actively working, but it's been a few years. These days I check out some problems from leetcoder every once in while to see if my brain can still do what it used to do. Sometimes I get one right, often times I end up giving up because the fog is too thick.

Most recent "fun" project, before my major med crash a couple of years back, was an embedded hardware/software project where I built a board with a small MCU on it and programmed it to translate signals from the steering wheel switches on a classic 1980s car that I own and made it control an aftermarket radio head unit. Still proud of myself for figuring out the hardware and PCB layout side of things, as well as reverse engineering the switch protocol. Was my first foray into the world of embedded dev. I long to be able to do things like this again, but feel like I'm so far from it. Even the mental exertion of reading these forums for a couple of hours in a day is enough to exacerbate my brain fog to the point where I feel like my head is just a pile of goo right now.
Damn that's awesome, I really hope your fog disappears.. I've wanted to do embedded programming for a while now, but never got to it.. First I need to figure out my mental blockage and devotion of energy when it comes to work, I fear that I'll get fired...


Jul 29, 2021
I use Game Maker: Studio 2.0, lol. I've been programming starting with Game Maker 8.0 since I was little. I hated the interface too but got used to it. It has some useful tools but drawbacks as well. Useful being: The onion skin for animation, better room editor, no data corruption which was a huge issue for Game Maker 8.0. The sprite editor sadly isn't very good in general. Do you program games?
i cant' get use to game maker studio 2.0 which is a shame because i've been using it since game maker 5.2, yes i program games, https://www.mpgh.net/forum/showthread.php?t=832143

come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I wonder what makes all these professional high flying programmers want to ctb. To me it sounds like theyve made it in life


Oct 7, 2021
I wonder what makes all these professional high flying programmers want to ctb. To me it sounds like theyve made it in life
You'd be surprised at the shit I do.., but mental issues and lost of jobs is a good reason.

come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
You'd be surprised at the shit I do.., but mental issues and lost of jobs is a good reason.
loss or jobs or lots of jobs? i always heard programmers had lots of jobs. sounds like the best career to be in.


Oct 7, 2021
loss or jobs or lots of jobs? i always heard programmers had lots of jobs. sounds like the best career to be in.
Loss.. it is truly one of the best careers out there, but it's also mentally intensive and if you have mental issues, that can sabotage your performance..


Sep 9, 2022
Pretty cool, what is your game?
It is very bare bones, calling it a demo will be too nice. Pretty much a movement test. I'm a slow learner but I know with video games you have to really nail the movement. I could post sometime. Thank you.
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Oct 7, 2021
It is very bare bones, calling it a demo will be too nice. Pretty much a movement test. I'm a slow learner but I know with video games you have to really nail the movement. I could post sometime. Thank you.
Sure when you have something post it, I'd love to see it.
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Jul 29, 2021
It is very bare bones, calling it a demo will be too nice. Pretty much a movement test. I'm a slow learner but I know with video games you have to really nail the movement. I could post sometime. Thank you.
you do know to use the system time to do frame rate indepentent movement right? if not i can teach you
so that a player or projectile moves a set number of pixels per second instead of it being varaiable depending on the fps
Last edited:


Aug 3, 2022
I wonder what makes all these professional high flying programmers want to ctb. To me it sounds like theyve made it in life

Speaking from experience, I think the old saying "the higher you fly, the farther you fall" fits here. I was making a very good salary, I had a nice house on some acreage in the woods in the Pacific Northwest. I had quite a few good friends (all from work, though), and hobbies that I enjoyed. Then I had my car accident and ensuing medication + mental health problems, and it all went away. Now I'm living in a shitty rust-belt town in the midwest, because it's near family and I can stretch my savings further here. I've only been able to stay in touch with a couple of people from my work days via online chat. I haven't worked at all in 4-5 years, and my brain fog has gotten progressively worse over the past 2 years. My hobbies, project cars, electronics projects, etc, are either rusting away in my shed or gathering dust still packed in boxes from the move. I don't have the mental acuity or motivation to deal with any of them right now. Truth be told, all I want to do is sleep, 24/7. But I usually end up awake for at least part of the day, wasting time online.


SN Arrived!
Aug 24, 2022
I'm shit at coding. I regret taking my university degree that is based on it.

come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
Speaking from experience, I think the old saying "the higher you fly, the farther you fall" fits here. I was making a very good salary, I had a nice house on some acreage in the woods in the Pacific Northwest. I had quite a few good friends (all from work, though), and hobbies that I enjoyed. Then I had my car accident and ensuing medication + mental health problems, and it all went away. Now I'm living in a shitty rust-belt town in the midwest, because it's near family and I can stretch my savings further here. I've only been able to stay in touch with a couple of people from my work days via online chat. I haven't worked at all in 4-5 years, and my brain fog has gotten progressively worse over the past 2 years. My hobbies, project cars, electronics projects, etc, are either rusting away in my shed or gathering dust still packed in boxes from the move. I don't have the mental acuity or motivation to deal with any of them right now. Truth be told, all I want to do is sleep, 24/7. But I usually end up awake for at least part of the day, wasting time online.
To be honest I'd still rather be a mediocre prpgrammer in the rust belt than my current life situation. Your current situation sounds like what I would be aspiring to get to were I not going to ctb.

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