Nothing new, but I think a cardiac switch combo is kinda underrated / not discussed enough.
F.e. a drug like amitriptyline or chloroquine acts as the one leading to cardiac arrest, combined with strong sedatives to put yourself in a deep sleep so you don't notice the pain and other associated symptoms.
@4g1vvvven I think it was 300 posts, not 100.
Aside of that there is also an account age requirement, but seeing that your account is one year old you should have no problems there.
No, no, these meds are highly dangerous if taken over quantity. Just 3-4 tablets would make you sleep for more than a day and will make you feel so weak.
Making you sleep isn't necessarily related to being able to kill you.
Take benzos f.e., just a small od and you sleep like a stone, but even with a significant od you'll most likely just sleep very deeply for a few days.
Would be great if they were deadly since depressants are relatively accessible but sadly that's not how it works.