
Sep 16, 2020
The focus of care is people complaining they got called black, white, gay or straight.... I know too many people who identify with their race or aexuality and go around seeking for someone to say something derogatory, they aren't happy unless complaining.
A drug dealer and woman torturer gets chocked to death by cops.
But nobody mentions everyday disabled people getting tortured by people who think its a bit of funny why their out getting drunk.
Disabled people having their home broke into, tied up and burned alive, being disfigured, raped, and the perpetrators face no consequences because the life of a disabled person is considered pretty much nothing. If they did that to someone else like them you're talking a life sentence but because the disabled person isn't a real person according to the corrupt evil judges they get a suspended sentence because it means their kids not having a parents around would suffer.

When nobody suffers like the disabled and mentally ill people are ridiculed, bullied, spat on, attacked, robbed, manipulated, deceived, abused...
We are made the laughing stock that doesn't get mentioned because normal people find it too funny and the energy vampirizing is too good to want to give it up.

I saw the new Joker movie and to my surprise for a mainstream Hollywood film it seemed to be warning why society needs to stop bullying physically and mentally unwell people.

Are there any more movies perhaps more serious that address this sick problem?

Who wants to live in this fuckin world.
Humans are so sick and evil it's like many of them who like dogs but not cats actually laugh when they see a cat being killed, we pick and choose what to hate.
The idea humans are inherintly good is the biggest piece of bullshit in the universe.