I wasn't a Christian, it was only when I learned more about why Christianity is such a big deal that I realized we need it. Without it unfortunately there's no civilization. Those values were what created prosperity, and it's why certain countries advanced more than others.
Christianity is under attack in the West and the result is, many people will no longer be having the high standard of living, wealth, and peace that we have had in the US for a long time. The less people behave responsibly in society, the more the resources are not allocated correctly, the worse the conditions will become over time.
Christianity is like freedom, anything that has to do with freedom they want to wipe out. No more nuclear families, kids growing up in intact homes which gives them best shot at a good life and upward mobility. If too many people grow up in stable homes with two bio parents, they are less likely to be dependent on the state, commit suicide, end up in poverty. That's just one way removing those values undermines civilization.