
But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
Are you a "bad" person? I'm not talking the "I did bad things and I feel bad about it" kind of bad, as it seems many members can fall into this category. I mean the "I did/would do bad things and feel no remorse" kind of bad.

Not here to judge, but I am curious your reasons to ctb, if you're inclined to share.

Bonus, any actual psychopaths here? Or anyone with high dark triad tendencies? If yes, why do you classify yourself as so? (Diagnosis, online test, etc)
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
You're back!!!!!

But now I'm curious if you fall in the categories you're talking about. It seems at least you think you are....
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But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
You're back!!!!!

But now I'm curious if you fall in the categories you're talking about. It seems at least you think you are....

I have suspicions, but nothing more official than a few online tests, which I don't lend too much credence to. I tend to score higher than average test takers on dark triad traits, but notably in psychopathy. But after reading more about psychopathy, I don't think I have enough traits to be considered a psychopath, in the sense of the stereotypical definition.
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Everything Must Cease.
Sep 30, 2019
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
I look like an apple...
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Good god, let's eat !
May 9, 2020
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
Not really, I feel sympathetic for people when bad things happen and wouldn't cause them unless I was getting something out of it. I can be empathetic so definitely not a psychopath.
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But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
For my question's sake, I will define "bad" as culturally or socially unacceptable. There are a few people that can be classified under that definition.
1. The individual who does "bad" things but does not see themselves as bad because they are unaware of how society sees them.
2. The individual who does "bad" things and is aware of how society sees them, but does not allow society's view of them to affect how they see themselves. This individual does not consider themselves to be bad either.
3. The individual who does "bad" things and is aware of how society sees them as bad, and they accept this judgement in how they view themselves. This individual also feels shame, guilt, or remorse and may resolve to change or make amends.
4. The individual who does "bad" things and is aware of how society sees them as bad, and they accept this judgement but do not feel guilt, shame, or remorse. They feel no need to change.

I'm interested in #4's reasoning for ctb, if #4 is present on this site at all.
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Good god, let's eat !
May 9, 2020
For my question's sake, I will define "bad" as culturally or socially unacceptable. There are a few people that can be classified under that definition.
1. The individual who does "bad" things but does not see themselves as bad because they are unaware of how society sees them.
2. The individual who does "bad" things and is aware of how society sees them, but does not allow society's view of them to affect how they see themselves. This individual does not consider themselves to be bad either.
3. The individual who does "bad" things and is aware of how society sees them as bad, and they accept this judgement in how they view themselves. This individual also feels shame, guilt, or remorse and may resolve to change or make amends.
4. The individual who does "bad" things and is aware of how society sees them as bad, and they accept this judgement but do not feel guilt, shame, or remorse. They feel no need to change.

I'm interested in #4's reasoning for ctb, if #4 is present on this site at all.
Thanks, my own reason is not based on sadness, digust, defeat, betrayal, etc. I keep myself in check til check out time because i have a very real list of people who need to be dealt with. I can't allow that to happen, however just.


But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
Thanks, my own reason is not based on sadness, digust, defeat, betrayal, etc. I keep myself in check til check out time because i have a very real list of people who need to be dealt with. I can't allow that to happen, however just.
So if your reasons are not those you listed, may I ask what drives you to ctb? It sounds like you have goals and priorities to see to before you ctb, but I'm quite curious the root of the desire.

And to clarify, which category, if any, do you consider yourself closest to?
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Good god, let's eat !
May 9, 2020
Okay this is the meat of my story, https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/twitchy-and-peaceful-at-the-same-time.38773/
I feel like I might be #4-ish. I was beaten into that mold, I did not start out that way.
My plan in it's current form has been altered after a discussion with another user who presented wise counsel.
That does not diminish the rage/desire.
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But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
Okay this is the meat of my story, https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/twitchy-and-peaceful-at-the-same-time.38773/
I feel like I might be #4-ish. I was beaten into that mold, I did not start out that way.
My plan in it's current form has been altered after a discussion with another user who presented wise counsel.
That does not diminish the rage/desire.
I appreciate you sharing, and I'm sorry you had to live through those and presumably other abusive experiences. I don't think anyone starts out bad. I think the whole "bad" thing is entirely subjective honestly. Nonetheless, I appreciate your input to this conversation and I hope you're able to find peace, however that may be.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I was reading #4, the part about feeling no need to change.

This doesn't directly relate to what you're seeking, but the thread reminds me of a acquaintance I had. I once did something professional for him for a fee (minds out of the gutter, please), and offered him a future discount.

He told me that he had been diagnosed as a sociopath, that there was no abuse in his childhood, but I think it was in his late teens that he got the diagnosis, and when I knew him, he was in his mid-twenties. He said that he'd had to work to learn empathy, and he warned me about making concessions for him because his go-to was to take advantage. So I thought it was interesting when you mentioned not feeling a need to change. This guy chose to make changes, and even though his wasn't as naturally motivated as others, he showed me respect, honesty, and consideration that naturally empathetic, non-sociopathic people have never shown me.

Part of that is because it's not in the U.S. culture to act that way. I'm that way, but it was partially natural and partially learned. I lean toward honesty and directness anyway, and when I hung around with a German, I noticed that was her go-to, and so I emulated it. She said: "If I tell you what I think/feel, then you have no reason to guess." It may be abrupt, but I feel like everyone is safer if we're direct and honest with each other, and imo/experience, that comes from intention as much, if not more, than empathy.

The sociopathic acquaintance acted with intention, and if I recall, it seems like we discussed that he benefitted from better relationships for making the effort to make up for his lack of empathy.

Also, you may have heard this before, the story can be found online, I just don't remember the specifics. There was a doctor who was researching psychopathy, and all of the brain scans were coded for anonymity, including his. He was studying one of the brain scans of a psychopath and came to find out, it was his own. He was surprised. So I think, based on what I recollect from that story and my limited knowledge and experience, that just because one has the traits or that kind of brain, does not mean they necessarily go to the dark side, are anti-social, cannot be altruistic, cannot have meaningful, close, and safe relationships, etc.

Empathy can actually kick someone's own ass, especially if it's hyper-developed, such as people with an abuse history who become co-dependent. They have a hard time filtering out other people's stuff and defining the boundaries between where they end and others begin.

Again, nothing to do with your questions about ctb. But I do find this an interesting subject.
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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
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psycho, bi, wanting to die • 22
May 26, 2020
i have hurt people pretty badly in fits of rage (i'm a very angry person) but i would kill child abusers /rapists without hesitation if the opportunity arises. i've also done some arson... drug abuse.... fights... name it i have likely tried it
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Why the long face? Cause I don’t wanna live here.
May 19, 2020
Are you a "bad" person? I'm not talking the "I did bad things and I feel bad about it" kind of bad, as it seems many members can fall into this category. I mean the "I did/would do bad things and feel no remorse" kind of bad.

Not here to judge, but I am curious your reasons to ctb, if you're inclined to share.

Bonus, any actual psychopaths here? Or anyone with high dark triad tendencies? If yes, why do you classify yourself as so? (Diagnosis, online test, etc)
I wouldn't care if the whole world burned to death in excruciating agony, so I suppose that makes me average.
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But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
I do believe it's entirely possible to be a good person even if you are a sociopath or psychopath. A lot of surgeons and doctors are, like the doctor you also mentioned. It's contrary to what one might think of when they hear those terms, since the more famous sociopaths or psychopaths are serial killers and the ilk, but many of the serial killers also came from broken homes and long histories of abuse--things that mess with someone no matter what their genetics are. From the story you shared, there doesn't seem to be enough to say if your acquaintance was a good or bad person prior to that moment, but the impression you give of him was that he was a good person or at least that you perceive him as one. Out of curiosity, would you have ever guessed that about him?

Doesn't matter too much, really. Mostly asking to try to filter out people who might ascribe the traits to themselves just based off their own abysmal self esteem or desire to seem edgy. But it's the internet so at the end of the day, anyone can say anything. Since you quoted my comment where I outlined a person who is viewed by society as bad and they accept this label but do not wish to change themselves, am I correct in inferring that you feel this way about yourself? And is that your reasoning for CTB?

Behaviour is not readily modifiable by adverse experience, including punishment.
I couldn't help but laugh when I read that one. I was an incorrigible child.
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Humans are mercenaries by nature, loyal by will.
Apr 7, 2020
Evil is in my nature, I do my best to curb that part of myself for survival and preventing too many variables from developing. I like to remain as neutral and as detached as possible in life to avoid becoming to polarised and emotional about certain subjects, I can't be a perfect mask all the time though. Critical thinking and objective thought are two pillars that have been pivotal in my life up to this point and if that means being considered too 'callous' or 'heartless' then so be it. I guess I had this coming my way all this time anyway, I'm ready for the executioners orders.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
From the story you shared, there doesn't seem to be enough to say if your acquaintance was a good or bad person prior to that moment, but the impression you give of him was that he was a good person or at least that you perceive him as one. Out of curiosity, would you have ever guessed that about him?

I knew him in a pretty limited setting for less than a year. We had some common interests and a shared sense of humor, very brief but regular interactions, because I shopped at a specialty store where he worked (get your minds out of the gutter, please). I would not have guessed, but maybe if I'd gotten to know him better in a casual setting.


"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
Doesn't matter too much, really. Mostly asking to try to filter out people who might ascribe the traits to themselves just based off their own abysmal self esteem or desire to seem edgy. But it's the internet so at the end of the day, anyone can say anything. Since you quoted my comment where I outlined a person who is viewed by society as bad and they accept this label but do not wish to change themselves, am I correct in inferring that you feel this way about yourself? And is that your reasoning for CTB?
I am unable (neurologically, owing to the mentioned inborn diseases) to feel affective empathy, therefore yes, yet it is not one of my reasons to leave the world of the living.
Most fantasy AI/synthetic mind concepts are a rather accurate representation of how organic creatures experience psychopathy, by the way.
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Hope Addict
Dec 12, 2019
Not a psychopath or a sociopath but I am a shitty person.

I'm of mediocre everything -- looks, intelligence, success -- and I'm really bitter about it. I'm basically a butthurt nobody who is pissed that they have to work so hard to be likable. I know I'm a piece of trash but I feel helpless to fix it.
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May 6, 2020
Don't know if this considers me a bad person but I'm extremely into gore/snuff films. It's not a sexual thing its simply just morbid curiosity. I think coming across content like that so young fucked with my brain, and now I am extremely desensitised. I would constantly search for the next video that could make me feel a shock, since after some time most didn't. Hearing about deaths on the news or mass shootings don't affect me at all unlike how it seems to affect others.

I don't think of myself as someone who has antisocial personality disorder, since I am able to feel emotions. Not sure exactly if this is a result of any kind of mental illness. I don't believe what I do makes me a horrible human being, but I wish I didn't have this quality.
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Last hope
Feb 11, 2020
I'm not sure, although I have had dark thoughts cross my mind and understand that they're morally, "wrong and bad"

Earlier when I joined, someone answered my question classifying themselves as a bad person and how their thought or the way people perceive them did not matter.
I was reading #4, the part about feeling no need to change.

This doesn't directly relate to what you're seeking, but the thread reminds me of a acquaintance I had. I once did something professional for him for a fee (minds out of the gutter, please), and offered him a future discount.

He told me that he had been diagnosed as a sociopath, that there was no abuse in his childhood, but I think it was in his late teens that he got the diagnosis, and when I knew him, he was in his mid-twenties. He said that he'd had to work to learn empathy, and he warned me about making concessions for him because his go-to was to take advantage. So I thought it was interesting when you mentioned not feeling a need to change. This guy chose to make changes, and even though his wasn't as naturally motivated as others, he showed me respect, honesty, and consideration that naturally empathetic, non-sociopathic people have never shown me.

Part of that is because it's not in the U.S. culture to act that way. I'm that way, but it was partially natural and partially learned. I lean toward honesty and directness anyway, and when I hung around with a German, I noticed that was her go-to, and so I emulated it. She said: "If I tell you what I think/feel, then you have no reason to guess." It may be abrupt, but I feel like everyone is safer if we're direct and honest with each other, and imo/experience, that comes from intention as much, if not more, than empathy.

The sociopathic acquaintance acted with intention, and if I recall, it seems like we discussed that he benefitted from better relationships for making the effort to make up for his lack of empathy.

Also, you may have heard this before, the story can be found online, I just don't remember the specifics. There was a doctor who was researching psychopathy, and all of the brain scans were coded for anonymity, including his. He was studying one of the brain scans of a psychopath and came to find out, it was his own. He was surprised. So I think, based on what I recollect from that story and my limited knowledge and experience, that just because one has the traits or that kind of brain, does not mean they necessarily go to the dark side, are anti-social, cannot be altruistic, cannot have meaningful, close, and safe relationships, etc.

Empathy can actually kick someone's own ass, especially if it's hyper-developed, such as people with an abuse history who become co-dependent. They have a hard time filtering out other people's stuff and defining the boundaries between where they end and others begin.

Again, nothing to do with your questions about ctb. But I do find this an interesting subject.

That's incredibly interesting to me. I think if more people were honest and upfront with others it would save people from getting too hurt. That's actually really good of him to communicate that with you
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I've gone off the deep end.
Jul 11, 2019
We all have an angel and demon living inside of us...The trick is to aim each at those who deserve it. You're only considered "bad" in my book when you aim your demon at an undeserving soul. (What I deem as "undeserving" may be questionable to many, though.)

I may be considered sort of a bad person according to our lame society because I don't follow the "morals" they do. Actually, I think everyones both. Regular people just hide their devils better.

I'm a diagnosed Borderline with overlapping Antisocial Personality Disorder. So, it's like flipping a switch on my personality. I have a split personality. Remorse depends.

The BPD side of me is good. The antisocial "other personality" is why my reputation is so screwed up. The fucked up mind, heartbreak & constant rollercoaster of a personality is why I'm here.
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But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
May I ask your reasons for CTB? I've had some violent outbursts myself and always had this lingering thought in my head that if I don't CTB first, I'll probably inflict severe damage on a societal level.

For what it's worth, I'm in the belief it's better to be a callous critical thinker than a bleeding heart. Just my two cents, but I know at the end of the day some stranger's opinion on the web doesn't mean much when society ain't about it.

Gotcha, thanks for sharing. Interesting to know about the AI thing, too!

I can relate to this quite a bit. I used to sub to r/watchpeopledie at one point and I showed it to a friend. My friend's reaction was immediate nausea after just one video. It was probably the first time I questioned if there was something off about me. I do also feel emotions, too, but the level to which I can feel empathy might be shallower than some others, at least those in my family as a comparative baseline. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Yeah, "good" and "bad" are subjective ideas. You could be an outstanding citizen for putting a crippled cat out of it's misery or you could be a heartless monster for killing a helpless, crippled cat. I tend to define such terms by majority rule--ie, how society defines them--but just for the sake of discussion. That does sound exhausting to have to deal with. I hope you'll be able to find the peace you need. Thanks for sharing.
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Good god, let's eat !
May 9, 2020
Subjectivity question;

Feeding a living screaming infant foot first into a woodchipper.

Good or bad ?


But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
Subjectivity question;

Feeding a living screaming infant foot first into a woodchipper.

Good or bad ?
Depends on the reasoning. If you're in some weird Saw type of situation where if you don't do it, 10 other people die, I would argue you made the right choice. But in most practical cases, probably a pretty fucked thing to do.


Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
You're welcome! :hug:
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May 4, 2020
I'm more of a so-so mango kinda guy.
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