
Aug 8, 2018
So I want my only attempt at suicide to be a succsessful one, so I need some of your help.
I'm planning on using a straigt razor to cut my wrist, what I need advice on is how to cut it and tend to it.

I've hear of people trying and they cut their tendons, thus ruining the functionality of one their hands permanently which would prevent one from cutting the other arm. Should I keep it in warm water? Sould I cut horizontally, vertically, or diagonally?

I've heard that you need to lose about 40% of your blood in order to start dying so that is going to be hard to pull off.

I know this is the LEAST efficient way to die, but I feel it's one of a few methods that I think I can pull off.


Aug 9, 2018
If you want it to be a successful one, cutting wrist mostly likely will not do the job.
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Aug 9, 2018
Why don't you want to try hanging?
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Aug 8, 2018
Why don't you want to try hanging?
I guess it's just me being irrational, but I'd like to bleed to death rather than suffocating. Also, if I'm found while hanging, that could result in brain damage, but so could bleeding to death if 'saved'. So there's nothing 'better' about it, but I just like the aesthetic of it I guess.

But there are some methods that I will refuse try, such as: burning to death, jumping off of something tall, jumping in front of traffic, drowning, disembowelment, electrocution, explosives, anything that causes an unnecessary amount of pain(kind of hypocritical since bleeding to death isn't exactly all sunshine and rainbows)

Methods I'm considering are: Bleeding to death(slicing neck and/or wrists, but the more I look into it, the more I am deterred), partial suspension (scared of full suspension), inert gas (haven't done much research), nembutal (haven't research), gun(this method is most likely a last resort if for somereason I end up in a bizarre situation where I don't have access to the other methods previously mentioned, but I do hve access to a shotgun, and only a shotgun to increase my chances), laying neck on traintracks, CO2 poisoning(have no idea how I would pull that off), some other methods I haven't heard about yet.

I'm open to suggestions.
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Aug 9, 2018
If you have access to a gun, that's probably your best bet. Its very high in success rate and rather fast.... anyhow, according to your original post, you want a successful first run, then wrist cutting or throat cutting probably won't do it. N is also great, but hard to obtain. There is one known source for it, AV from Mexico, go to the Peaceful Pill Handbook under <resource> post, go to the chapter of <N availability>. You will get the info there. There is also a mega thread in the forum " Megathread getting N from A", which kinda keep you updated. As far as I know, he is still active.
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Jun 19, 2018
I found this on the ashweb methods list:

4. SLITTING WRISTS OR OTHER (often not effective)

Minutes if major artery cut, eternity otherwise.

You really need a razor sharp knife. Razors are pretty
tricky to hold when they are covered with blood.

possible if you cut an artery, improbable otherwise

Painful at first. Danger of discovery. This is a very
common suicide 'gesture' and hardly ever results in
anything other than a scar. A lot of will power required
to cut deeply into groin or carotid arteries, which are
the only ones likely to kill you. Don't bother with this
method. Cutting your throat is difficult due to the fact
that the carotid arteries are protected by your windpipe
(feel where your arteries are with your fingertips, &
slice from the side). I've seen photos of people who have
used this method - the depth of the cut required is
amazing. If you want to cut your wrists, cut along the
blue line (vein) on the underside of your wrist, but cut
deeply so that the artery underneath is exposed. Cut this
lengthways with a razor or similar. The traditional hot
bath does help, since it keeps the blood flowing quickly,
slows down clotting, and is nice to lie back and relax
in. Position yourself so that your wrists don't fall
inwards against your body, blocking off blood flow.

Calle: A posting to A.S.H. suggests using the kind of
equipment they use when you give blood to a blood bank,
i.e., a needle in a blood vessel and a piece of tubing.
It sounds like it would remove several of the
disadvantages of the ordinary slitting-wrists method
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Jun 13, 2018
Advice is don't do it. Find a more reliable and less painful method. In order to cut deep enough to severe the artery the chances are high you will damage function by severing tendons as well. That means you can't cut the other side. The body is also extraordinarily good at stopping bleeds unless the damage is just right. It's also a very painful thing. It's like ODing with pills...romanticized on TV and stories, but a very high failure rate.
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Aug 8, 2018
Advice is don't do it. Find a more reliable and less painful method. In order to cut deep enough to severe the artery the chances are high you will damage function by severing tendons as well. That means you can't cut the other side. The body is also extraordinarily good at stopping bleeds unless the damage is just right. It's also a very painful thing. It's like ODing with pills...romanticized on TV and stories, but a very high failure rate.
Damn, I guess it is too good to slice your wrists, sit back, relax, and wait for death.


Aug 8, 2018
If you have access to a gun, that's probably your best bet. Its very high in success rate and rather fast.... anyhow, according to your original post, you want a successful first run, then wrist cutting or throat cutting probably won't do it. N is also great, but hard to obtain. There is one known source for it, AV from Mexico, go to the Peaceful Pill Handbook under <resource> post, go to the chapter of <N availability>. You will get the info there. There is also a mega thread in the forum " Megathread getting N from A", which kinda keep you updated. As far as I know, he is still active.
Method seems too dependent on other people, but I'd be willing to give it a shot.


Aug 11, 2018
If you have access to a gun, that's probably your best bet. Its very high in success rate and rather fast.... anyhow, according to your original post, you want a successful first run, then wrist cutting or throat cutting probably won't do it. N is also great, but hard to obtain. There is one known source for it, AV from Mexico, go to the Peaceful Pill Handbook under <resource> post, go to the chapter of <N availability>. You will get the info there. There is also a mega thread in the forum " Megathread getting N from A", which kinda keep you updated. As far as I know, he is still active.

While the success rate for shooting yourself is high I believe the chance for making a terrible mistake is also high. If you shoot in the wrong area for instance you could become a vegetable or paralyzed.

I am new here and you seem more experienced on knowing about the different methods Xingster. If you would be willing to help me understand the different methods and their success rates and other possible outcomes and such I would appreciate it. I just wrote a post on methods today but never received a reply called "theorizing on the different methods" your insight would be much appreciated thank you
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Aug 9, 2018
While the success rate for shooting yourself is high I believe the chance for making a terrible mistake is also high. If you shoot in the wrong area for instance you could become a vegetable or paralyzed.

I am new here and you seem more experienced on knowing about the different methods Xingster. If you would be willing to help me understand the different methods and their success rates and other possible outcomes and such I would appreciate it. I just wrote a post on methods today but never received a reply called "theorizing on the different methods" your insight would be much appreciated thank you

Im very new here too, and trust me I'm not an expert at all compare to a lot of people here. But here are some very good resources.

This is a link to resource page

And the Peaceful Pill Handbook is great
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Jun 30, 2018
My advice on any kind of cutting is not to unless you have a specific reason for wanting to do that method. In which case who am I to judge. There are just far more reliable and less painful ways that cutting.
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Aug 11, 2018
My advice on any kind of cutting is not to unless you have a specific reason for wanting to do that method. In which case who am I to judge. There are just far more reliable and less painful ways that cutting.

I agree. I just wanted to put it on there since I wanted to add every method I could think of. Forgot to mention bleach which is basically a useless af method
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Aug 11, 2018
My advice on any kind of cutting is not to unless you have a specific reason for wanting to do that method. In which case who am I to judge. There are just far more reliable and less painful ways that cutting.

I just dont knoe how I'd be able to do any of this considering that i still live with my parents and I'm sheltered af and I'm afraid anything I do I will be caught
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Aug 11, 2018
I agree. I just wanted to put it on there since I wanted to add every method I could think of. Forgot to mention bleach which is basically a useless af method

And....I just realized this isnt my fucking thread
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