
May 21, 2022
biggest train strikes in over 40 years going on rn in the UK. so much hatred levelled at those striking, hit pieces in the media, people literally foaming at the mouth to punish them.

people want others to be miserable and endure hardship quietly. very simply - a strike makes the worker's misery everyone's problem. as it should be. it used to be that an injury to one was an injury to all. there was a sense of solidarity and one big family community. now no one gives a fuck. same with personal struggles. you are meant to struggle on your own, don't speak up and inconvenience people.
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Aug 25, 2021
Reminds me of the peaceful protests in my country which people complained were causing traffic jams. Yeah right, someone's literal livelihood or you reaching office 15 mins late? Tough titties.
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Dec 11, 2022

No one EVER earned their rights by asking nicely.

It's really sick to see how corporate media and the State have convinced the People that the Worker is the enemy.

One day there will be no strikes because there will be no bosses. There will be no strikes because there will be no opposition to strikes.
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Dec 10, 2021
Lol. Lmfao.

Force has always ever been the only way to achieve change. Standing around with a sign? Nope. Wait until people can barely afford anything, and then cut delivery. That'll get attention.

Stopping Traffic? Lol.
people complained were causing traffic jams.

Don't get in my way. There's a million viddies like this online (as there should be). People with all the rights I enjoy and more, complaining about their rights by stopping my progress to the hospital, to work, or just to the corner store deserve what they get.

"The crowd is protesting the death of George Floyd" lol.

"Protesting" the death of a man they've never met, who they have no relation to, who has an extensive criminal history for home invasion and kidnapping a pregnant woman, who has an even more extensive predilection for fentanyl and methamphetamine, and who is a counterfeiter. Yeah, right.

"The crowd is looking for a justification to riot... and found it" is what it should have said.

I've watched too many highway robberies in the past few years to care one whit for idiots who block the roads. I don't care what their cause is... they could be trying to stop me in order to show me there's a guy handing out hundred dollar bills around the corner and they'd never get a word out. Thu-bu-bump!

I'd feel worse for the mosquitoes that hit my windshield.

But a good "sit down" strike? I can relate. I've been shafted by more jack-leg oil companies, construction outfits and factory bosses than I can count. The railroads in my country have always been known as a good job to have... until you actually work for them. The pay is good, but the hoops you have to jump through to keep it are impossible. To be fair, this has been a problem only for the last decade or so, here. My uncle retired in grand style from the railroads back in the 90's.

One day there will be no strikes because there will be no bosses. There will be no strikes because there will be no opposition to strikes.
There will be no strikes because everything will be automated, and most of the "excess people" that once made up the workforce will have long before died from "vaccines", disease, and starvation.

That's assuming we can avoid a nuclear war, of course.
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Aug 20, 2021
Lol. Lmfao.

Force has always ever been the only way to achieve change. Standing around with a sign? Nope. Wait until people can barely afford anything, and then cut delivery. That'll get attention.
Stopping Traffic? Lol.

Don't get in my way. There's a million viddies like this online (as there should be). People with all the rights I enjoy and more, complaining about their rights by stopping my progress to the hospital, to work, or just to the corner store deserve what they get.
"The crowd is protesting the death of George Floyd" lol.
"Protesting" the death of a man they've never met, who they have no relation to, who has an extensive criminal history for home invasion and kidnapping a pregnant woman, who has an even more extensive predilection for fentanyl and methamphetamine, and who is a counterfeiter. Yeah, right.
"The crowd is looking for a justification to riot... and found it" is what it should have said.
I've watched too many highway robberies in the past few years to care one whit for idiots who block the roads. I don't care what their cause is... they could be trying to stop me in order to show me there's a guy handing out hundred dollar bills around the corner and they'd never get a word out. Thu-bu-bump!
I'd feel worse for the mosquitoes that hit my windshield.
But a good "sit down" strike? I can relate. I've been shafted by more jack-leg oil companies, construction outfits and factory bosses than I can count. The railroads in my country have always been known as a good job to have... until you actually work for them. The pay is good, but the hoops you have to jump through to keep it are impossible. To be fair, this has been a problem only for the last decade or so, here. My uncle retired in grand style from the railroads back in the 90's.
There will be no strikes because everything will be automated, and most of the "excess people" that once made up the workforce will have long before died from "vaccines", disease, and starvation.
That's assuming we can avoid a nuclear war, of course.

I do not agree with the points regarding George Floyd, as indeed he did have a dangerous criminal record and should of been held accountable the police interaction is what sparked the protest. Do I agree with them? No, as an African American myself I disagree with how the protest were handled. I disagree with many things that happened over that summer. However, I do believe it is dishonest to not give the context to the situation; That was police serving as Judge, Jury, and Executioner. That these actions committed by zealous police officers are somehow not to be criticized, and bring forth opposition to push for a safer justice system for all of us.

He should of been held accountable in a courtroom, not murdered in the street. That is were the heart of the issue lies. Just as you seen many videos of this protest, there is thousands upon thousands of videos about officers acting with hostility, entitlement, and even with lethality towards the civilians they were supposed to protect. And not only of black people. Many people of all skin colors can be victimized in this way. One day it may be you if you live in the U.S.

Officers need to be held to a higher standard, and there are many who meet it. However, there are those who do not. Those who enter the field not to serve you, but for you to be at the mercy of them.

However, I do agree many rioters were merely looking for something to riot about. It seems many do not care for those they supposedly speak for. The eye opening moment for me was when I disagreed with them. Even if your skin is dark and lived the experiences they claim they know so much about, you are nothing but a prop. A virtue signal, a tool utilized for them to achieve their own social standing. They snickered and laughed in my face after they went up to engage with me after they asked for my opinion. I said I wanted more police, but a reformed recruitment process. That I preferred guns, but also believe we should have protections in place to ensure they do not end up in dangerous hands. But I am a disabled black person, so they made sure to quickly let me know my opinion on such subject matter wasn't worth considering.

These people as you said were looking for an excuse to enact power over people. Blocking people's livelihoods despite these people doing nothing wrong. Destroying neighborhoods and businesses. Ruining victims' lives. They do not think such a thing is evil. Or rather, if they do they think they should be allowed to engage in such behavior regardless. Their mindset is not much different than the officers even if their actions have different results; The desire to have power over another, and use this power to inflict suffering. They understand that is was never about what side you was on, that you simply shouldn't hurt people who did nothing wrong or provide overreactive punishment. But they do not care. These people in the 1900s I promise you would of been the same who burned down the home of my grandparents. They want an excuse, no matter what side they are on.

What is most harrowing is when they finish their rampage, people do not blame them. Their skin is white, and at anytime they may take off those BLM and other political affiliations. But I can't. My existence has always been seen as inherently political. When people look at people like me, they think of the riots. I take the blame even though I never burned down a building or blocked any roads. They radicalized people. Then those people shoot up our stores, our neighborhoods, and our churches. Those protestors watch from their gated communities, their wealthy university campuses, and BLM/ANTIFIA/LGBTQ+/THEY/THEM Twitter profiles.

"This is so tragic! Like if you agree!! :haha:"

They don't vote, they don't help, they don't care.
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Abandon All Hope
Aug 13, 2022
Lol. Lmfao.

Force has always ever been the only way to achieve change. Standing around with a sign? Nope. Wait until people can barely afford anything, and then cut delivery. That'll get attention.

Stopping Traffic? Lol.

Don't get in my way. There's a million viddies like this online (as there should be). People with all the rights I enjoy and more, complaining about their rights by stopping my progress to the hospital, to work, or just to the corner store deserve what they get.

"The crowd is protesting the death of George Floyd" lol.

"Protesting" the death of a man they've never met, who they have no relation to, who has an extensive criminal history for home invasion and kidnapping a pregnant woman, who has an even more extensive predilection for fentanyl and methamphetamine, and who is a counterfeiter. Yeah, right.

"The crowd is looking for a justification to riot... and found it" is what it should have said.

I've watched too many highway robberies in the past few years to care one whit for idiots who block the roads. I don't care what their cause is... they could be trying to stop me in order to show me there's a guy handing out hundred dollar bills around the corner and they'd never get a word out. Thu-bu-bump!

I'd feel worse for the mosquitoes that hit my windshield.

But a good "sit down" strike? I can relate. I've been shafted by more jack-leg oil companies, construction outfits and factory bosses than I can count. The railroads in my country have always been known as a good job to have... until you actually work for them. The pay is good, but the hoops you have to jump through to keep it are impossible. To be fair, this has been a problem only for the last decade or so, here. My uncle retired in grand style from the railroads back in the 90's.

There will be no strikes because everything will be automated, and most of the "excess people" that once made up the workforce will have long before died from "vaccines", disease, and starvation.

That's assuming we can avoid a nuclear war, of course.

Your post is disgustingly rude and racist.
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May 21, 2022
Your post is disgustingly rude and racist.
genuinely quite impressive how they have managed to loop back around to that load of waffle so far away from what was said in the original post. me – brief off the cuff remark about something that sucks, commenter – here's why the matrix is killing us off with vaccines. peak social media moment.
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