"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
- May 30, 2019
- 2,121
They are doing everything they possibly can to get as much attention and validation as they can for themselves.OR how come the mother and the father doesn't try to figure out, what made their daughter lose her will to live in the first place? And then go after those things or those people, instead... Basically this website offered her a cure. Let's say, her parents don't see it as a cure. Okay, fine. Let's say, she could have easily been cured in another way and be happy today, therefore the parents and their daughter could have lived happily ever after... So then in their eyes, shouldn't that just make this website into people who are no different than incompetent doctors? What evidence do they have to make them think, this website and it's community, exist for an evil purpose? Can they read all our minds? What would make people into jumping to the conclusion, there is some kind of death cult in existence when throughout all of human history, no such cult has existed... Why should they assume, everyone in this world, shares their values? I remember the father talking about how the website owner or owners could profit by getting a cut from the people who sell certain substances... Well such a business plan would result in very little money being made... Therefore, regardless if they get a cut or not, this website was obviously created with noble intentions. Because most people do not CTB in this world... You can't make millions or billions with websites like this... Not even hundreds of thousands. Therefore, wouldn't it be logical for the family who lost their daughter to devote most of their time and energy into going after the whatever or whoever made their daughter lose the will to live, first? And then deal with this website as simply, incompetent people, partially responsible for her death? Why go after this website as the main perpetrator behind this "crime." That is extremely illogical. If these parents actually do love their dead daughter, they are not thinking straight. If they want justice, then they should go after the people or things responsible for making her lose the will to live!
To neurotypicals, that's a perfectly rational response. They are thinking straight.
"Me, me, me, look at me, look at me" is thinking straight in this culture.