

Apr 2, 2019
I'm curious to see if anyone have similar condition. I'm 25/M but have severe difficulty remembering things, especially faces of people. A dude could walk into workplace and half an hour later I don't even remember his face. I pretty much guess at this point or just go by their reaction. If they act like they have already seen me, I do the same.

Also my brain is very slow processing stuff. I take too long to understand words, gestures, instructions etc... And my decision making is horrible. I'm beyond terrible socially, you don't even want to know. Just seeing people's face, as soon as I start talking, turn into disgust or shock, it made me emotionless. I don't give a shit at this point

Life is just very miserable at this point. On top of that I have to do mandatory military service in a few months. I prey I get the courage to CTB before that
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May 2, 2023
feel very similar I'm 27. My social anxiety has improved significantly since a decade ago but my awkwardness is still crippling and people can tell there's something wrong with me almost immediately. The moment of being found out as an awkward penguin effects my mood and self esteem a lot less than it used to but it still cripples my life because of the opportunities it destroys.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I have a very good memory to remember my experiences or specific dates, but with respect to people's faces it happens to me the same as to you. I remember that a few years ago I went to my primary care doctor and at the end of the visit I went out and a short time later (maybe 30 seconds) the doctor came out of the office without his coat and no I was able to recognize him (in fact I was wondering where that person had come from if we were alone).. after a few seconds I recognized him for some specific details, but not for the whole.

It also happens to me with my neighbors (when I left the house on a daily basis), I recognized them inside the building but on the street, since the light was different and they walked in a different way I was not able to recognize them.
Now that I think about it, it's happened to me twice with my sister, but it must run in the family, because my sister got really upset when my mother and I once crossed the street in the opposite direction and passed each other on the edge from the other without either of us noticing (only my sister who was with my mother).

I haven't worried about this in years.


Jo tinc molt bona memòria per recordar les meves vivències o dates concretes, però respecte les cares de la gent em passa igual que a tu. Me'n recordo que fa uns anys vaig anar al meu metge d'atenció primària i al acabar la visita vaig sortir fora i poca estona més tard (potser 30 segons) va sortir a fora de la consulta el metge sense la seva bata i no el vaig poder reconèixer (de fet em preguntava sorprés d'ón havía sortit aquella persona si estavem els dos sols).. al cap d'uns segons el vaig reconeixer per alguns detalls concrets, pero no pas pel seu conjunt.

També em passa amb es veïns (quan sortía de casa a diari), els reconeixía dins l'edifici però al carrer, al ser la llum diferent i caminar ells d'una altre manera no era capaç de reconeixe'ls.
Ara que ho penso, m'ha passat dues vegades amb la meva germana, però deu venir de fàmilia perquè precisament ma germana es va emprenyar força quan una vegada ma mare i jo ens vem creuar pel carrer en sentit contrari i passant un a la vora de l'altre sense adonar-nos cap dels dos (només ma germana que anava amb la meva mare).

Fa anys que ja no em preocupa això.
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May 11, 2022
weed thru my teen years chopped down my hippocampus.
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I want to have the courage to defenestrate myself
Oct 25, 2020
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Could be. But it's not just faces. I forget other stuff just as easily. At this point it's might be early onset dementia
It has always happened to me but in my case it is not dementia. I mean that dementia affects in a generalized and progressive way, and not only mentally but also the whole nervous system, that is to say physically (my grandmother had common dementia and my father alzheimer). I mean at this point in my life I would know if it was dementia.

It could be ADHD too, among all the options you don't have to choose the worst.


A mi m'ha passat sempre però en el meu cas no és deméncia. Vull dir que la demencia afecta de manera generalitzada i es progresiva, i no només mentalment sino també a tot el sistema nerviós, es a dir físicament (la meva àvia va tenir demencia comuna i el meu pare alzheimer). Vull dir que a aquestes alçades de la meva vida ja ho sabría si fos deméncia.

Podría ser TDAH també, entre totes les opcions no cal triar la pitjor.
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May 7, 2023
It could be a number of things. A colleague had this and it turned out to be (very) high blood pressure. That was fixable with blood pressure pills.
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Jul 30, 2020
I'm curious to see if anyone have similar condition. I'm 25/M but have severe difficulty remembering things, especially faces of people. A dude could walk into workplace and half an hour later I don't even remember his face. I pretty much guess at this point or just go by their reaction. If they act like they have already seen me, I do the same.

Also my brain is very slow processing stuff. I take too long to understand words, gestures, instructions etc... And my decision making is horrible. I'm beyond terrible socially, you don't even want to know. Just seeing people's face, as soon as I start talking, turn into disgust or shock, it made me emotionless. I don't give a shit at this point

Life is just very miserable at this point. On top of that I have to do mandatory military service in a few months. I prey I get the courage to CTB before that
There's a name for the condition of not being able to remember faces: prosopagnosia. The famous neurologist Oliver Sacks, who wrote a lot of popular books, suffered from it. There is no cure, though you may, with practice, be able to find techniques that help a bit. I'm the opposite: no trouble at all remembering faces, but I find it much harder to remember the names that go with those faces. I can remember them, if it's important that I do so, but I have to make a real effort; it doesn't come naturally.
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Professional Insomniac
Apr 10, 2023
Being honest, I see similar to this a lot. I often get names mixed up, miss steps while doing a task, and are also terrible in social situations.

This however, has just always been a part of my life, and never significantly contributed to my reasons to CTB, just another smaller issue in the stack.
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Apr 2, 2019
It has always happened to me but in my case it is not dementia. I mean that dementia affects in a generalized and progressive way, and not only mentally but also the whole nervous system, that is to say physically (my grandmother had common dementia and my father alzheimer). I mean at this point in my life I would know if it was dementia.

It could be ADHD too, among all the options you don't have to choose the worst.


A mi m'ha passat sempre però en el meu cas no és deméncia. Vull dir que la demencia afecta de manera generalitzada i es progresiva, i no només mentalment sino també a tot el sistema nerviós, es a dir físicament (la meva àvia va tenir demencia comuna i el meu pare alzheimer). Vull dir que a aquestes alçades de la meva vida ja ho sabría si fos deméncia.

Podría ser TDAH també, entre totes les opcions no cal triar la pitjor.
I just guessed dementia because I feel like it's getting worse and worse as I grew up. I really don't care at this point. It's not something that gonna go away with medication. At this point I'm just waiting to see how low I could go in life

Hopefully I get the courage to go for another attempt and succeed this time
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