- Jun 20, 2024
- 27
warning for mentions of possible grooming and CSA/COCSA
I need outsider opinions on these situations, because I'm looking back and it's starting to genuinely confuse and sicken me.
so for the first situation, when i was 5 and my other cousin was 5, he would molest me. i don't consider it full SA or him to be a perpetrator (at least then. now he's a very violent person. he always has been, though. he's always been very unstable and i feel so bad for him. he was just a baby and so was i.), nor do i hold any genuine malice towards him. I just don't know what to consider this. I've heard the term "COCSA" (child-on-child-sexual-abuse), but I'm kind of reluctant to even think about it that way.
so, the second situation, I was 11/12. the guy who did this was 17.
I met him on Xbox, and he started making inappropriate jokes (and questions) despite knowing my age. things like "haha would you have sex with your friend?" or "oh I have sex with my girlfriend all the time. it's normal". Everybody liked him, nobody else complained or had those types of conversations with him to my knowledge. just me. he knew my age, and he still did this. I don't know what to consider this. was he trying to groom me?
the third instance, I was 16, I met this guy who I'll call "C", who was 19. I met him in a discord server and we friended each other, talking on and off. one day he dmed me with a huuuge suicide note. i was panicked, and i didn't know what to do. ever since that night, him and i got closer. one day he added me to a group chat with two other minors, the youngest being 14. C would make sexual-esque jokes to me in front of this 14 year old, knowing their age and knowing my age. some of these jokes consisted of rape jokes, me doing weird stuff on his face, etc. at the time i thought "hey it's fine, he's my friend, I trust him". nothing romantic happened, but he had a big mental breakdown and blocked me. a lot of drama happened after that that i don't feel comfortable getting into, but he asked out 2 other sixteen year old's (one of which he actually dated/groomed), and was very heavily attached to another 14 year old. since he wasn't romantic with me, does this count as grooming? or just sexual harassment? he knew my age from the beginning, by the way. from our very first conversation. C knew. and he didn't care. This situation hurts the most, because after everything was settled, we got back in contact and he tried to, to my understanding, guilt trip me. "oh im so suicidal" "i want to die" "nobody loves me" "oh *insert name* im just a monster aren't i?". And it fucking worked :(
There are more instances of older people being weird to me online, but those are more minor instances. sorry im just pondering
I need outsider opinions on these situations, because I'm looking back and it's starting to genuinely confuse and sicken me.
so for the first situation, when i was 5 and my other cousin was 5, he would molest me. i don't consider it full SA or him to be a perpetrator (at least then. now he's a very violent person. he always has been, though. he's always been very unstable and i feel so bad for him. he was just a baby and so was i.), nor do i hold any genuine malice towards him. I just don't know what to consider this. I've heard the term "COCSA" (child-on-child-sexual-abuse), but I'm kind of reluctant to even think about it that way.
so, the second situation, I was 11/12. the guy who did this was 17.
I met him on Xbox, and he started making inappropriate jokes (and questions) despite knowing my age. things like "haha would you have sex with your friend?" or "oh I have sex with my girlfriend all the time. it's normal". Everybody liked him, nobody else complained or had those types of conversations with him to my knowledge. just me. he knew my age, and he still did this. I don't know what to consider this. was he trying to groom me?
the third instance, I was 16, I met this guy who I'll call "C", who was 19. I met him in a discord server and we friended each other, talking on and off. one day he dmed me with a huuuge suicide note. i was panicked, and i didn't know what to do. ever since that night, him and i got closer. one day he added me to a group chat with two other minors, the youngest being 14. C would make sexual-esque jokes to me in front of this 14 year old, knowing their age and knowing my age. some of these jokes consisted of rape jokes, me doing weird stuff on his face, etc. at the time i thought "hey it's fine, he's my friend, I trust him". nothing romantic happened, but he had a big mental breakdown and blocked me. a lot of drama happened after that that i don't feel comfortable getting into, but he asked out 2 other sixteen year old's (one of which he actually dated/groomed), and was very heavily attached to another 14 year old. since he wasn't romantic with me, does this count as grooming? or just sexual harassment? he knew my age from the beginning, by the way. from our very first conversation. C knew. and he didn't care. This situation hurts the most, because after everything was settled, we got back in contact and he tried to, to my understanding, guilt trip me. "oh im so suicidal" "i want to die" "nobody loves me" "oh *insert name* im just a monster aren't i?". And it fucking worked :(
There are more instances of older people being weird to me online, but those are more minor instances. sorry im just pondering