

I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
I'm glad this site exists because most people just can't bring themselves to believe that not all lives are worth living, no matter how shitty and hopeless. In their eyes there's always hope and every problem has a solution. I'm struggling with debilitating, miserable health problems and will soon be homeless. I made the mistake of mentioning this to a 'normie'. "Well, you can go to a homeless shelter!" "You could live in your car and put up drapes and pretend it's your bedroom!" No family? No problem! You can create your own family! This was after telling them I'm housebound and often bed bound, in constant pain, and chronically painfully exhausted. My point is that it's best to just not discuss the topic of ctb with them because no matter how logical your reasons they just can't accept it and think you must fight to continue living no matter how horrid or hopeless your situation is. Sorry for the rant. Lesson learned. Never mention ctb around these people. I'm glad to be a part of a group of people who get it.
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Will ctb before december
Jun 1, 2023
People are selfish. They won't let anyone kill themselves just so that they won't miss them and feel sad about it, making the suicidal person suffer even more being in a place they don't want to be.

They would rather make you suffer than mourning your death.
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Jan 25, 2023
We live in a society that values quantity of life over quality

Sometimes I legitimately wonder if we'd be better off if eugenicists won, hell the commies would probably let us die after refusing to be productive or insulting the figureheads.
Thread here

We have a society that has become far removed from death that we've developed a maladaptive viewpoint on it.

In the past many suicidal people got drafted and behaved recklessly or froze up on the battlefield.
Since we have had relative peacetime with a few exceptions and the west hasn't been the good guy in some of its recent wars so joining the army has been less appealing.

I wonder what if there was political will to remove suicidal ideation from the genepool, the only place i see that is alternative timeline WW2 or a postwest after WW3.
Unless MAID spreads to the rest of the west and bankrupt healthcare services finally become prochoice out of necessity
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awaiting the end
Oct 16, 2023
Pro-lifers can be horrendous. The relentless optimism is extremely grating. Life sucks, and no pep talk is going to turn our lives around. They cannot comprehend the depths of our suffering and fail to empathize with us. All they care about is keeping us alive, or else, they cannot use us anymore.
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Sep 30, 2023
Pro - lifers are nothing but sadistic control freaks.
They pretend to care, ÿet in reality they want us to suffer.
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Jan 25, 2023
Pro - lifers are nothing but sadistic control freaks.
They pretend to care, ÿet in reality they want us to suffer.
Can we organise politically for right to die,
We get disingenuous twats who spread ludicrous conspiracy theories about satanic(or alt right) cults brainwashing otherwise happy youth into suicide and then point the finger at those communities that actually hear out the suffering.

We are unlisted from most search engines/social media and are a defacto secret website.

I'm not suggesting we turn into/pol/ but we need to have more political threads and discussion, don't like my thread fine go and say why on it or I made it about eugenics because that's a polarising topic that people can get passionate about.
I'm legitimately interested in having a debate on that, it might be a good warm up.

There may be a generic component to some of the things that make us want to die or it could be an environmental mismatch that requires like-minded help
This is also a great site to meet like minded people and get genuine peer support.
are we lost souls who want understanding and an end to our suffering, perhaps
What's the one thing we can all agree to unite for other than free speech?
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I hate those people, it disgusts me how we exist in this society where not wanting to suffer isn't a valid way to feel. Just because they worship meaningless suffering and would wish to exist under all circumstances doesn't mean that everyone else would. It's such an evil world where people cannot easily die in peace, I cannot stand those people who push their harmful delusions onto those who wish to die.
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Betrayed by my only friend, nothing left to lose
Oct 1, 2023
Society: claims to have freedom of speech
Also society: Bans or censor any suicidal or "self-harm" related talk.
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Global Mod
Jun 28, 2023
Note: I am going to start my response off with an unpopular viewpoint, but that is for prespective and not as a prolifer.

In my short time here, I come across several of these threads hating prolifers for claiming the evils of SS. While I have no issues with people venting their frustration here, we also need to see these people as human. In several cases, I have seen a person's SI kicks in at the last moment causing a failed attempt. However, for most people, their SI won't let them consider even the possibility of an attempt. While this is a grand oversimplification, we need to start seeing them as frail humans who are doing what they believe is best. Once we can accept that, then we can begin to move on and starting changing the world.

Can we organise politically for right to die,
We get disingenuous twats who spread ludicrous conspiracy theories about satanic(or alt right) cults brainwashing otherwise happy youth into suicide and then point the finger at those communities that actually hear out the suffering.
Short answer is yes... IMHO, there are several things that could be done, both externally and here within SaSu. (Note: Mass-suicide protest will not work, as it will always favors the other side.) However, here a quick list of ideas that might help advance the "right to die" movement.

  • Connect to "medical assistance in dying" organizations. While they normally target elderly with limited time to live, their goal is the same. And there are a number of them already well established and politically active.
  • Begin a virtual cemetery for the stories of those who have used SaSu, allowing the individual to tell their side of the story in their own words - why the felt it was needed to go down this path. We see some of this in goodbye threads, but need it in a respectful remembrance format. Prolifers pickup on the responses to the threads, and gloss over the original post.
  • Remove the use of the term "suicide". "Catch the Bus" isn't a good replacement, but something that could be accepted and understood by all. Suicide has a negative connotation that will be difficult to overcome.
  • Create an alternate URL / Front door to SaSu. Use SEO techniques to make the site easier to find. This could help bypass some of the government restrictions
  • For guests, highlight recovery and suicide prevention information. As a guest. I was able to find detailed information on methods with just a couple clicks. The guests that simply visit to get methods may also be the ones who are not in a good position to make the ultimate decision, and probably more likely to leave trails back to SaSu. (My opinion only... makes logical sense to me, but I have no data to back it up.)
  • Create a separate sister organization to SaSu - One that can be more public facing to help with political activities.

I'm sure others have great ideas as well. As an organization, if we're happy where we are, then keep things the same. But these threads are just an opportunity to vent.

If we want to change the world, then we need to look for ways to fight back against a very large and organized opponent. And knowing your enemy is one of the first steps.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'm glad this site exists because most people just can't bring themselves to believe that not all lives are worth living, no matter how shitty and hopeless. In their eyes there's always hope and every problem has a solution. I'm struggling with debilitating, miserable health problems and will soon be homeless. I made the mistake of mentioning this to a 'normie'. "Well, you can go to a homeless shelter!" "You could live in your car and put up drapes and pretend it's your bedroom!" No family? No problem! You can create your own family! This was after telling them I'm housebound and often bed bound, in constant pain, and chronically painfully exhausted. My point is that it's best to just not discuss the topic of ctb with them because no matter how logical your reasons they just can't accept it and think you must fight to continue living no matter how horrid or hopeless your situation is. Sorry for the rant. Lesson learned. Never mention ctb around these people. I'm glad to be a part of a group of people who get it.
I'm sorry to hear about your interactions with the normies and yes, I've always kept the talk of CTB or any hint of it (as much as I can) away from normies or even IRL because I know that even before I went on SaSu, those people just DON'T GET IT. Your rant and summary pretty much accurately described the majority of the normies and masses, they don't get it (or some do but still) and they just continue with the same tired platitudes and inane things that don't necessarily work. Then when questioned they become hostile and defensive.. I too am glad that this forum exists for people like us to vent and at least have a voice...
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Yes almost all people are prolifers.

U proved the point. It's totally illogical the way they think and that's almost all people.

As u pointed out an entity that is thinking rationally would not tell someone in constant unbearable pain that "u have to fight to live anyway". I'd tell that brainwashed robot: I don't have to do anything much less to live even if I weren't in pain.

That they can't see there is no objective purpose to fight to live shows they r brainwashed

That they can't see furthermore how bad life can get and that is a rational reason to exit again proves they are brainwashed

That they can't see we are all going to die anyway so why continue to suffer...

There's much more
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Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
Normies have been trained not to think anymore, they just react and all reactions are preset. In order for a human to understand the pain of another being they would have to put themselves in that being's shoes, yet they never do since that would require thinking.. hence this lack of empathy.
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Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
I think that we all want to die if we feel bad enough. Pets are euthanized to avoid pointless suffering - only the human animal in civilization is expected to suffer as long as possible before death. The society regards man as a god, not as an animal. This denial of human death will disappear when human euthanasia becomes a right worldwide. Everything changes with the passage of time.
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Oct 13, 2023
People are selfish. They won't let anyone kill themselves just so that they won't miss them and feel sad about it, making the suicidal person suffer even more being in a place they don't want to be.
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Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
Pets are euthanized to avoid pointless suffering - only the human animal in civilization is expected to suffer as long as possible before death.
Wow! Did you realize that humans (apparently) love and care greatly other humans but would rather have them suffer then give them peace. At the same time they don't love and care about animals (not even close to how much they do, again apparently, other humans) and some even hate the poor creatures, but still they allow them to die. How fucked up is that!? Such hypocrisy!
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Wish for peace
Jul 6, 2023
When it comes to death empathy ends and the psychopathy and cognitive dissonance kicks in. Yes, people would rather we continue suffering indefinitely instead of finding peace. It's like arguing about the ethics of not eating people with Jeffrey Dahmer, you mention the idea of life being completely unbearable for some and their eyes glaze over, they may even agree but still stay adamant about locking you up, fining you and forcing you to keep living. Pro lifers make me livid.
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Oct 18, 2023
I'd really like to change the laws I just have no idea where or how to start. I know lawyers (not many) but don't know how they feel about the right to die. I'd like to find someone passionate about it who could head it on. There has to be some way, that could just be the sorta justice part or fighter part of me but I have always been passionate about this subject. But my mind is too messed up by ptsd to think straight, well about anything unfortunately.
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Just Existing
Sep 27, 2023
We live in a society that values quantity of life over quality

Sometimes I legitimately wonder if we'd be better off if eugenicists won, hell the commies would probably let us die after refusing to be productive or insulting the figureheads.
Thread here

We have a society that has become far removed from death that we've developed a maladaptive viewpoint on it.

In the past many suicidal people got drafted and behaved recklessly or froze up on the battlefield.
Since we have had relative peacetime with a few exceptions and the west hasn't been the good guy in some of its recent wars so joining the army has been less appealing.

I wonder what if there was political will to remove suicidal ideation from the genepool, the only place i see that is alternative timeline WW2 or a postwest after WW3.
Unless MAID spreads to the rest of the west and bankrupt healthcare services finally become prochoice out of necessity
I'm ashamed to say it, but I've thought the same.

That being said plenty of physically or mentally disabled people want to live despite the obvious suffering, which means the initial process of eugenicism against them as a whole (or should I say us lol) would be incredibly immoral. I am sure though that due to human nature we will reach a point in the future where it is culturally accepted and commonplace for embryos or the gamete cells (before conception) are screened with the defects being thrown out.

It's especially hard to accuse someone of being immoral when they are simply choosing the gamete cells to use in a future embryo that won't lead to the future child suffering.


Death is the solution to unsolvable problems.
Sep 13, 2023
If one live long enough, one have time to experience many problems. The lack of euthanasia and the fact that humans are expected to die from old age - one will be involved in many accidents during that time. Becoming homeless is probably the worst thing that can happen to humans. But one can become homeless for other reasons than financial reasons: wars, civil wars, weather, natural disasters, housing shortage, explosions and fires.
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Jan 25, 2023
It's especially hard to accuse someone of being immoral when they are simply choosing the gamete cells to use in a future embryo that won't lead to the future child suffering
Its a socially acceptable from of eugenics
That being said plenty of physically or mentally disabled people want to live despite the obvious suffering
and that's good for them but tonnes of resources are rather than put towards helping those people instead out towards jailing suicidal people in hospitals when those resources could be better applied to buy better wheelchairs or hire interpreters .
ashamed to say it, but I've thought the same.
it's a controversial topic this is a safe place to disclose what were forced to hide


Just Existing
Sep 27, 2023
Its a socially acceptable from of eugenics

and that's good for them but tonnes of resources are rather than put towards helping those people instead out towards jailing suicidal people in hospitals when those resources could be better applied to buy better wheelchairs or hire interpreters .

it's a controversial topic this is a safe place to disclose what were forced to hide
I should've clarified I meant to say I don't support any kind of human "selection" that endangers the rights of anyone already alive, and I don't really support choosing your future children either (because screening out potential gamete cells with disabilities seems like its an incredibly slippery slope) but (and what I meant to say when I said I thought the same) I can see how cell selection before birth would be morally acceptable to a future society and have wondered about whether it would have been better that way (usually when I feel like I myself am defective and should not exist).

Eugenics in general is a terrible idea because it doesn't actually make people happier, it just replaces the existing people with healthier, more intelligent, and more attractive people who are (in theory) going to be happier people. If the eugenicists won we would have never had Einstein create the theory of general relativity and would probably be living a solid 50-300 years in the past because of the accumulated loss of innovation from "subpar" individuals across history.

Either way I don't really think society puts a lot of resources towards the mental hospitals or mental health in general rn though. If you are in the US you pay for it yourself, so in most cases it will come out of your pocket or it will slightly reduce the profits of an insurance company who is primarily doing it for their own financial gain. It's not like those resources would have gone to helping to cure physical disabilities (like in my case) either way (and again, anyone with a physical disability still has to pay for themselves or pay for insurance).


Disheartened Ghost
Oct 27, 2023
I'm glad this site exists because most people just can't bring themselves to believe that not all lives are worth living, no matter how shitty and hopeless. In their eyes there's always hope and every problem has a solution. I'm struggling with debilitating, miserable health problems and will soon be homeless. I made the mistake of mentioning this to a 'normie'. "Well, you can go to a homeless shelter!" "You could live in your car and put up drapes and pretend it's your bedroom!" No family? No problem! You can create your own family! This was after telling them I'm housebound and often bed bound, in constant pain, and chronically painfully exhausted. My point is that it's best to just not discuss the topic of ctb with them because no matter how logical your reasons they just can't accept it and think you must fight to continue living no matter how horrid or hopeless your situation is. Sorry for the rant. Lesson learned. Never mention ctb around these people. I'm glad to be a part of a group of people who get it.
I think people will argue vehemently against it mostly to feel good about themselves, like they are doing the right thing. They don't really think about the other person's pain, or what is in their best interest.

That, or THEY would never do it, so they argue against it because they assume what they believe for themselves applies to everyone. Either way, a lack of empathy is the problem, I think
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Jan 25, 2023
f the eugenicists won we would have never had Einstein create the theory of general relativity and would probably be living a solid 50-300 years in the past because of the accumulated loss of innovation from "subpar" individuals across history.
I think the West would get excellent defectors from the German empire and much more settler colonialism.

I don't see Germany holding onto the Anglosphere I imagine they'd want a buffer state and an end to the war and resumption of trade after all eastern Europe had German settlements which would be of greater interest than the western front and the genocidal quiverfull bunch that they were would probably ship the non assimilateable to it's colonies.

Imagine that the fall of communism would have come much sooner the US and possibly what's left of the British empire would be in a cold war assuming that German aggression on the western front could be stopped following a surrender or armistice.

But more importantly relevant to your point defectors from both side would bring scientific advancement

Kinda like how scientists who make controversial comments bring their skills to the west's competitor China unironically has an operation paperclip for canceled scientists.

Probably some backwater country would be north korea style communist but I would assume no denazification and less stigma against socialist ideas in the west which would be major game changer for better or for worse.

That being said it's logical to assume those the Germans perceived as good racial stock but communist would have been Madagascar planned to some outpost to live in Australia style penal colony so that might break away and create an open democratic multicultural breakaway commune that would attract pinkos from both Germany and the West(US and allies) unlikely but possible.

Hati was a plantation colony and a slave revolut lead to it being independent

I see the rest of the world being carved up by these 2 or 3 hypothetical empires assuming near complete destruction of the Soviet Union and the West (Britain/US and allies) surviving and going Nuclear which might have happened slightly later assuming no Einstein


Oct 15, 2023
I'm glad this site exists because most people just can't bring themselves to believe that not all lives are worth living, no matter how shitty and hopeless. In their eyes there's always hope and every problem has a solution. I'm struggling with debilitating, miserable health problems and will soon be homeless. I made the mistake of mentioning this to a 'normie'. "Well, you can go to a homeless shelter!" "You could live in your car and put up drapes and pretend it's your bedroom!" No family? No problem! You can create your own family! This was after telling them I'm housebound and often bed bound, in constant pain, and chronically painfully exhausted. My point is that it's best to just not discuss the topic of ctb with them because no matter how logical your reasons they just can't accept it and think you must fight to continue living no matter how horrid or hopeless your situation is. Sorry for the rant. Lesson learned. Never mention ctb around these people. I'm glad to be a part of a group of people who get it.

A lot of people struggle with the idea of simply letting go. We accept the idea that when people end a Romantic relationship that the two parties should go their separate ways that some relationships are better off ending but this is never the case in terms of suicidality in people at least most of the time.

One of my close friends admitted to me that he thought my reasons for wanting to catch the bus were totally valid and understood if I ended up acting on it someday. I had a therapist to also said that he thought my logic and reasoning was sound. Suicide is a rational choice that can be made due to individual factors of a person's life Some people are suffering bad enough that they don't think it's worth living anymore and at the end of the day it is always a personal choice.

It's reassuring if other people think your rationale behind being suicidal is of sound to mind but at the end of the day it only really matters how you feel about it. Contrary to popular belief everyone has a breaking point some people just haven't had the misfortune of ever reaching it.

Some people Just never run into a problem that they couldn't solve and they start to believe that conquering problems is what builds strength or aspect of character. However I think it's exactly the opposite you don't know true struggle until you run into a problem that can't be solved. It's really the difference between someone who constantly breaks their arm and someone who lost their arm.
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I'm still here b/c of my dogs
Oct 28, 2021
A lot of people struggle with the idea of simply letting go. We accept the idea that when people end a Romantic relationship that the two parties should go their separate ways that some relationships are better off ending but this is never the case in terms of suicidality in people at least most of the time.

One of my close friends admitted to me that he thought my reasons for wanting to catch the bus were totally valid and understood if I ended up acting on it someday. I had a therapist to also said that he thought my logic and reasoning was sound. Suicide is a rational choice that can be made due to individual factors of a person's life Some people are suffering bad enough that they don't think it's worth living anymore and at the end of the day it is always a personal choice.

It's reassuring if other people think your rationale behind being suicidal is of sound to mind but at the end of the day it only really matters how you feel about it. Contrary to popular belief everyone has a breaking point some people just haven't had the misfortune of ever reaching it.

Some people Just never run into a problem that they couldn't solve and they start to believe that conquering problems is what builds strength or aspect of character. However I think it's exactly the opposite you don't know true struggle until you run into a problem that can't be solved. It's really the difference between someone who constantly breaks their arm and someone who lost their arm.
Well put. One of my best friends told me regarding my decision to ctb that he doesn't like it but totally understands it. Unfortunately I also have an unsolvable problem. A few of them actually.
A lot of people struggle with the idea of simply letting go. We accept the idea that when people end a Romantic relationship that the two parties should go their separate ways that some relationships are better off ending but this is never the case in terms of suicidality in people at least most of the time.

One of my close friends admitted to me that he thought my reasons for wanting to catch the bus were totally valid and understood if I ended up acting on it someday. I had a therapist to also said that he thought my logic and reasoning was sound. Suicide is a rational choice that can be made due to individual factors of a person's life Some people are suffering bad enough that they don't think it's worth living anymore and at the end of the day it is always a personal choice.

It's reassuring if other people think your rationale behind being suicidal is of sound to mind but at the end of the day it only really matters how you feel about it. Contrary to popular belief everyone has a breaking point some people just haven't had the misfortune of ever reaching it.

Some people Just never run into a problem that they couldn't solve and they start to believe that conquering problems is what builds strength or aspect of character. However I think it's exactly the opposite you don't know true struggle until you run into a problem that can't be solved. It's really the difference between someone who constantly breaks their arm and someone who lost their arm.
Well put. One of my best friends told me regarding my decision to ctb that he doesn't like it but totally understands it. Unfortunately I also have an unsolvable problem. A few of them actually.
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