In the esoteric branches of each big religion (sunism, gnosticism, kabbalah), these types of rigid rules, like "you go to hell if you suicide" doesn't exist.
The religions as they are commonly known are more like a code of conduct to maintain order and morale in society. In ours days, the laws of the government prevail because the government has power over people, but back then in the age of swords and bows, the people had the power to easily overturn the rulers. So the natural solution was to use beliefs to manipulate the people, it's not always a bad thing, order is often necessary.
Spiritually speaking, the surface-level branch of religions are like a "guide for dummies", it's remarquably well structured into different levels of readings, so that "dummies" can strictly follow the rules and contribute to order in society and ignore existential questions, and the curious ones can read through the symbolism to unveil truthful statements about consciousness and the Universe. That's why religions are full of allegory and symbols.
So if you seek truth, you obviously have to dig much deeper.