Euthanasia should be legal and free from birth til natural death.
I mean, I'd love for it to be free, too, but either it'd be paid for via taxes - which no one will be happy about - or, the individual would just pay. :v But, maybe it could be a bit of both. Half-paid for by taxes, half-paid for by the individual. Or something like that, so it's more affordable.
Though if you're truly a dick, you could just leave the debt to your next of kin, or someone.
As for from birth, I'm not sure, personally. I can understand that, though. It's not like anyone asked to be born/live, so they should have the right to die if they don't want this.
My opinion is that if "kids" these days are allowed to have sex younger than 18, they should be allowed to die, too.
In an ideal world, there would be no reasons whatsoever to take your own life, though, I believe.
That's true, in my country you can consent as young as 14. I think it's possible for a younger teen like that to be able to decide if they want to live or die, and if they can show understanding of what it means when they decide that, then they should be granted a safe and peaceful death.
However, teens do stupid stuff. Their brains aren't fully developed. Plus, a teen's life is far from being what actual life is. Granted, it can be horrible in a lot of cases, but it's hardly comparable to the life of an adult. I'm talking about a general teen life, though...
Plus sex isn't as serious as death, especially not now where the western world is becoming so sex-positive. It's not like once you have sex you'll either die or never be able to move again.
But, yeah, in a true utopia there'd be no reason to die... But we can never reach a utopia, not anytime soon at least. ( and definitely not in our lifetimes... ) In the time being it'd be nice to have safe suicide options, like we have safe abortion clinics or something.
Any age as long as they can demonstrate they understand the consequences of their actions. No one, regardless of age, should be forced to live.
That's fair. I don't want to force someone to live, that's just cruel, but I do think there should be limits ( though with exceptions, as I believe there are always exceptions ) But, even if there is no explicit age cap, I do think there should be something.
Maybe a sort of queue. Such as, once you request to die, you'd have to schedule it for a few weeks or so in advance.... No same-day decisions, unless of course you have an illness you don't want to suffer through.
Maybe you have to pay for the method's resources... ( tho I do think it should be something affordable, just so those who are poor can afford it, since they generally need it the most. )
But, in the end, idk. I'm thinking about this and like to hear other opinions. Even if I doubt any safe, official, suicide methods will be available in my lifetime.