Different thoughts on that one.
First idea, and this is primarily because of what was drummed into my being in the country I am in:
A) imma open my eyes and someone will be there. Just pick someone from traditional texts. And then im going to watch a movie of my life with them. Then they're going to say that I've wasted my life, or that I should've done this or that. then send me to hell.
B) imma open my eyes and im in hell already. This is where my movie reel will be played, then the receptionist demon/being will take me to where my spot is.
Second idea, based of off my own understanding (and probably wishful thinking)
A) imma open my eyes, my movie will be played, then I'd be told "you did what you could, time to rest". I'd be in a place that's happy all the time and there's no conflict, and everyone is genuinely nice. like they really mean it.
Third idea:
A) open my eyes, and im in a place that looks like a factory, with conveyor belts/assembly lines. I go through one room that has something like the MIB neuralyzer (the thing that flashes and removes memories). Then i'd be told to sit at a desk and I go through an online assessment. then i'd be told to go through certain areas in the production/assembly lines, and basically be like a doughnut on a conveyor belt. Something above will open and sprinkle or cover me in stuff like.. 20 mgs of intelligence, then 30 grams of stupidity, etc etc etc, till I get to the end of the production line and come out the other side as a turtle. but im not in this universe, im in a planet where turtles talk.
B) open my eyes, unplug the cord at the base of my neck, move to another pod, insert another cord at the back of my neck, have the operator run a program to remove previous memories, move to another pod to have new memories and skillsets installed (yes. ala Matrix).