Rest is best
- Apr 30, 2018
- 229
Theres this place in BC that some buddhist monks labelled the 'center of the universe'. I always loved BC because of the forests and mountains so I think I might go for a cruise this month and see if I can hike to a peaceful place surrounded by nature. Seems like it would be an ideal place to end it if there's an afterlife.. I hope there is but if there isn't there isn't atleast my body might feed some starving animals instead of rotting away in some dismal graveyard. I personally think that if there is an afterlife its not like anything we can describe with current religions because I dont accept that you're eternally screwed if you dont believe in a certain deity like jesus/Muhammad/budda ect. I Do however like the idea of reincarnation and hope that when I pass on I am given a second chance to learn from my mistakes in this life and actually be the person I was meant to be. It's too late for me now considering my health problems but if I could be given a second chance with a similar upbringing I'd hope that I'd make better choices and not take things for granted.