

Jul 9, 2020
Is that due to being told about God when you were young or is there some other reason? I remember being a small child and father telling me about God and how shocked and surprised I was. Then having it drilled into me further by being forced to attend church. It's been lately something I've been thinking about, and there is no way I would have come to think there was God if not for being told this by parents I trusted.
God has become a twisted and distorted concept among the mainstream religious folks. First, they think that God is everything Good in the world, when, in my understanding, God is just synonymous with The Universe. It is everything, good and bad, divine and evil, positive and negative, just everything. People think that just because they worship this thing they call God, that it'll do favors for them, but what I've come to believe is that God, being the arbiter of all dualities, is only a force in that it always seeks to reestablish equilibrium when one thing goes too far on one side or another. I got this realization when I thought about how there are two sides to everything, with no middle ground, and that in order for anything to work in the Universe, there needs to be a vibration between all dualities, going back and forth, constantly trying to "walk the tight rope".
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Marejeo ni ngamani
Oct 13, 2019
Is that due to being told about God when you were young or is there some other reason? I remember being a small child and father telling me about God and how shocked and surprised I was. Then having it drilled into me further by being forced to attend church. It's been lately something I've been thinking about, and there is no way I would have come to think there was God if not for being told this by parents I trusted.
No really. I came upon the conclusion of an intelligent creator after looking at the complexity of nature. For instance, so many specific laws, the vast information in our DNA and many other things. Too many to detail here. I'm of the camp that incomprehensible complexity, laws and information can only come from an intelligent mind. That's why I believe in God.

Also, saying that God is a force is like saying that the fuel designed the car.
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Jul 20, 2020
Not had time to read all the thread but I know some lucid dreamers claim that OBE are exactly the same thing. I used to be able to lucid dream as a kid and I suffer from sleep paralysis during which I have entities present. When they are visible and not just feeling their presence they are dark/black humanoid bastards. Think Wraithes. I'll be back when I've more time


Jul 9, 2020
Not had time to read all the thread but I know some lucid dreamers claim that OBE are exactly the same thing. I used to be able to lucid dream as a kid and I suffer from sleep paralysis during which I have entities present. When they are visible and not just feeling their presence they are dark/black humanoid bastards. Think Wraithes. I'll be back when I've more time
I've heard of this. The Shadow People. I had one experience with one as a kid before my mom hired a holy man to cleanse the house. Let me guess. You saw them but couldn't move and were paralyzed with fear? That's what happened to me and countless other people I've seen. The thing about shadow people is that they don't just come out during the night. They have been photographed following people during the day. The thing is, most people can't see them and they know it. BUT, when they can sense that you can, in fact, see them, they get SUPER curious and pretty much invade your personal space, making your terror even worse. I'm not sure what the variations of their goals are as a species (if you could call them that), but from what I've seen, sometimes frequent visits lead to a mysterious nighttime deaths, but most people just say that they got scared, went unconscious, and went on with their lives. They could very well be feeding off this precious negative energy being farmed here. IDK.

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Jan 30, 2020
Is anyone else so ridiculously curious about what happens after we die that it is part of your reason for ctb at this point?
I have other reasons but this is definitely a big one for me. I obsess over what's right and I want to stop wondering about God and the afterlife (or no afterlife), etc...

The short answer is only f*** knows however based on my 2 near death experiences I believe we shut down and the whole experience comes to and end.
Us human beings are constantly looking for meaning, purpose etc and we can't accept an end hence the idea of after life was born.
There is 0 evidence of afterlife etc and I actually don't don't care I'm not afraid.
For the sake of the argument even if there is a god I would tell her/him to fuck off you incompetent idiot for creating this stupid and cruel game and creating me with mental disorder and giving me a messed up parent :)

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