

Mar 16, 2021
It would be interesting to have a thread containing all the ridiculous pieces of advice received from pro-lifers who, in their opinion, were trying to motivate us to keep on going. It'd be also great to explain in an objective manner why we find those advices utterly pathetic.

I'll start.

So... somebody who knew about my wish to ctb, once told me: "If you can't find a motivation to keep on living for yourself, then live for the others. Go outside and help people, make them feel great, and you'll see that eventually you'll feel better too".
In other words (and this is my interpretation, please feel free to correct me if you think that I misunderstood what he meant) he basically told me to turn myself into a happiness-manufacturing machine, totally disregarding myself and my wishes but instead fully devoting myself exclusively to other people's needs, who inevitably will end up seeing me as an object to be used and reused until they achieve their selfish goals, and then thrown away and spitted on because they won't need me anymore.

What do you think about it? Would you even bother listening to such advices? The reason why I find it so ridiculous is that I'm absolutely convinced that, as human beings inhabiting the damned planet Earth, it is impossible to sacrifice our entire existence just for the purpose of making other people happy, and I feel like everybody knows that. Let's not be prissy! I'm not saying that acts of kindness carried out randomly without expecting for anything in return are something unheard of, because they're against our selfish nature. Not at all! Some people really enjoy helping others, and I am (was, by now) one of them. But how could you completely devote yourself to helping others when you're empty and you can't even help yourself in the first place? How could you live having only this purpose in mind? Who would? Who could?

Why do people keep giving useless advices that nobody, not even themselves, would live by? What if I told them, for instance, "Ok, from now on you'll keep going to work and sacrifice yourself every day like you've always done, but at the end of the month you'll donate all of your hard-earned money to a charity or an NGO, because, you know... it's important to help others and someone will be happy to receive that money and use it for a noble cause"? Would anyone be willing to sacrifice for an undetermined period of time their entire life, energy and money just for the pleasure of making others feel good when they're left totally empty-handed?

Why are people hypocrite and pretend to live by the importance of helping each other when they wouldn't even lift a finger if they don't have an own personal gain (financial or non-financial)? So in the end I should assume that, from their perspective, I would be selfish if i ctb right now because instead I could've spent my entire life helping others and making them happy, but I've decided not to. What kind of sneaky manipulation tactics are these?

I'd like to hear your experiences as well! :)
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
The mistake you're making is actually hearing, and even think about, something that came out of a normies' mouth. They are DNA-robots, gene-machines, evolution-drones--and they are incapable of saying anything that isn't retarded.
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Mar 16, 2021
The mistake you're making is actually hearing, and even think about, something that came out of a normies' mouth. They are DNA-robots, gene-machines, evolution-drones--and they are incapable of saying anything that isn't retarded.
Absolutely! I still can't (and will never) figure out how comes they don't understand that whatever they say is counterproductive. Guess it's time to leaaaave! :>


Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
"My friend [blank] had therapy and medication that helped him."

Wow, why didn't I think of that? All I needed was some empty words and harmful drugs to address chronic physical pain, poverty, isolation, and a brain broken from trauma!

People need to stop acting like they have the answers especially when they haven't been through anywhere near the same type of hardship, nobody asked for your advice anyways. My very first therapist told me to "fake it until you make it" while pointing out that he overcame his anger and alcohol problems. Pretending to be someone I'm not couldn't possibly be harmful while ignoring all the reasons that make me want to commit suicide now would it? I see, all I needed to do was pretend to be normal and I would become normal after decades of trauma...
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Mar 24, 2021
They will say whatever they can to keep people from killing themselves, even though they're causing more harm than anything. They want to feel so damn important, no matter the means. It's like they need to believe that they're stupid life have some sort of a purpose. They're just using our pain to keep going. To have a purpose.
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Mar 25, 2021
Life is a gift, life is precious, life is beautiful.

I find these statements cruel. Life is nothing but the value that we personally assign to it. Objectively nothing is valuable. Stop disrespecting my beliefs, ma'am
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Mar 16, 2021
"My friend [blank] had therapy and medication that helped him."

Wow, why didn't I think of that? All I needed was some empty words and harmful drugs to address chronic physical pain, poverty, isolation, and a brain broken from trauma!

People need to stop acting like they have the answers especially when they haven't been through anywhere near the same type of hardship, nobody asked for your advice anyways. My very first therapist told me to "fake it until you make it" while pointing out that he overcame his anger and alcohol problems. Pretending to be someone I'm not couldn't possibly be harmful while ignoring all the reasons that make me want to commit suicide now would it? I see, all I needed to do was pretend to be normal and I would become normal after decades of trauma...
It's unbelievable how some people can lack empathy to such an extent. They think they know it all whereas if they were to put themselves in our shoes and to live our life even just for an hour, they would've ended it before they could even realize what's going on.
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Nov 30, 2020
A lot of people seem to think we haven't even tried to get better. "Tried hospital?" Yes "tried medication?" Yes "tried therapy?" Yes "you're not trying hard enough" euggh, Go away.
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Mar 16, 2021
A lot of people seem to think we haven't even tried to get better. "Tried hospital?" Yes "tried medication?" Yes "tried therapy?" Yes "you're not trying hard enough" euggh, Go away.
I wasn't supposed to laugh but I can't help it... sorry! :))
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Jan 10, 2021
I know its more off topic but I cannot stand when a normie who i somewhat open up to will hit me with, "oh everyone experiences depression" and then they relate a middleschool breakup, or doing bad on a test, or their parent taking their phone. Or if they dont go this route they often try to diagnose me themselves and then tell me how to get better, Like please stfu im venting to you
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Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
The mistake you're making is actually hearing, and even think about, something that came out of a normies' mouth. They are DNA-robots, gene-machines, evolution-drones--and they are incapable of saying anything that isn't retarded.
Based and science-pilled
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Jan 22, 2021
I'm not sure about pro life more than being dumb idiots! "I've thought about ending my life but then decided not to so I'm going to tell everyone else who's suicidal my secret" yeah good one. It was trying to make people who will never be happy happy that got me into this place.
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Mar 28, 2021
I've tried that personally. Just helping other people, volunteering and I facilitated a mental health community for some time too. There were moments where people said I made a difference, and those are nice. But it doesn't actually change anything. My own life is still unbearable - altruism is more a temporary distraction than a solution.

There were also times where it backfired, like a few times someone stalked me and threatened me if I wasn't able to provide the level of support they wanted from me, or when someone latched onto me, stalked for years and tried to start a romantic relationship even when I'm strictly just there to help. Or the ones that try to bleed you dry in every way. Those who are anti-choice will never tell you that these sorts of incidents can happen too, and that helping people is not all sunshine and rainbows.
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I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
I find personally that for someone with true severe depressive disorder and suicidal ideation, the two things that don't help me at all are 1) reframe the situation to try and be more positive and 2) do things that are social. These activities specifically make me more depressed. They don't help me and lead me to more pain.

I wish that the medical and well meaning community of yahoos who dislike suicide would do their homework and realize that if it was easy to feel better then this population of severely depressed individuals would never be in a situation of wanting to die to escape the pain.
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Worthless Loser
Mar 29, 2021
All i hear is 'you're too young' (I'm 24) to die. As if your age determines the extent of your suffering and quality of life.
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Mar 16, 2021
All i hear is 'you're too young' (I'm 24) to die. As if your age determines the extent of your suffering and quality of life.
Yeah, that's the worst one! I hear that one quite often too as I'm 22.
"You've got a whole life ahead, there's still so much to see, so much to do" and blah blah. Really? Thank you very much but I'll let you the delight of spending some other decades of nothingness in this shithole, oppressed and brainwashed, abused, shattered, unable to even talk and ultimately dreaming of what your life could've been if only [...]
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
"You just don't want to put in the work to get better/unmotivated."

If the nerves in their legs were damaged, if their digestive system was fucked, if their brain was permanently altered by trauma and chronic fatigue, would these people be saying the same things?

They refuse to accept some people have tried everything and are damaged beyond repair. They do not compute, must keep running the Life is a gift. Exe script and denying that incurable suffering exists.
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Feb 19, 2021
'Things will get better' totally selfish lie to make themselves feel better more like.

Another is comparing your experiences with other people who you don't know and they apparently know, and then a nonsense situation about how their life magically got better.
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:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
"Have you ever thought what your parents might feel?"

Wow gee thanks, just sprinkle that guilt on top of my depression will you?
Srsly people will just say anything just to get you to stop from ending yourself, even if it hurts you regardless. Selfish pricks...
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