Deleted member 7141

Deleted member 7141

Do not be prisoner of your life. Die a little, lol
Apr 15, 2019
In January 2019 I experienced a failed suicide attempt. I went old school and choose the "slit my wrist" method with a twist. I heard that reaching the main artery that people usually cut located in their wrist is also accessible in the middle of your arm. It has been said cutting the middle of the arm to reach it less painful than cutting at your wrist.

So, I decided to try this method for a second time...

The first time was many years ago. I was in a small locked bathroom- the kind with stand-up shower. I turned on the hot water to create steam in the room, and put clothing at the door so the steam wouldn't leak out.

I had heard laying in a hot bath or laying down in a steamed room could make the blood rush out faster.

Sure enough, it did! The only problem is that I didn't hit a main artery. I hit something else that made the blood flow fast in combination with the steam/heat. Blood filled up small bathroom floor and leaked under door. I heard people coming to the door,so dispite feeling weak from so much blood loss, I tried to use my body to block the door from being opened. I had to be carried out the bathroom I had lost so much blood but I survived. Boooo!

The next time I tried this method was many years later, 10+; January 2019. I had attempts before January 2019, like in 2015, ingesting posion (Arsenic) (bad seller, another story, another time, another lesson learned about where I get (CTB) supplies online).... but I hadn't tried the 'cut wrist method' in a long time.

I decided to try it laying in a tube this time. I lost 3 pints of blood but didn't die. I came close I think. My heart beat changed, I began to feel light-headed like I was starting to slip away into unconsciousness, I began to feel nauseated and vomited stomach bile. I became very weak and felt disoriented. I still couldn't cut deep enough to hit the main artery. Cutting at the wrist is to painful for me

The more I think about it I really want to bleed out slowly so want to consider other methods involve bleeding to death but in a slow manner.

Here are my questions for the community:

1. Do you know of any sharp instruments I can use that are so sharp it will slice through my skin easily and quickly like a knife cutting through warm butter?

- I bought scaples from Amazon, loose blades, razor blades, ect. Kitchen knives. They were all so blunt it drew out the process and made it especially painful. Is there a particular name brand i.e. knife or ect I just haven't heard of that will slice more easily through layers of fat and finially an artery?

2. Does anyone know of a method to inflict fatal wounds or cuts that will bleed out slowly? I want some time to think over my life one last time, enjoy the moment, maybe pass away as I watch a sunset. I don't just want to bleed out to quickly. I want to enjoy my last monents on earth easing into it until I give up my last breath.

3. If I can't have that bleed to death slow method I so desire then I am open to suggestions on how to improve my method of trying to cut the main artery in middle of my arm so next time it will be a success; hence artery reached.
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Apr 3, 2019
I once read something a girl posted regarding self harm with sharp objects. She normally cut with with dull blades and such, so she was used to putting more pressure in order to break the skin. At some point she ordered either an exacto knife or maybe a box cutter. First time using it she cut nearly to the bone by accident.
Idk if you've already tried one or the other but I hope it helps.


Jul 2, 2018
If speed is the need and you want some depth too try a fun little nail gun. Aiming will need to be a bit more precise so I suggest the femoral arteries :smiling:. Numbing spray can offer some serious help. It stings once you cut but keep spraying in the wound. But really- my suggestion would be to use a needle instead. It can let you drain a fuck load of blood out and extend your death process. Might take a little practice. Go over to YouTube and look up blood letting.... look at the videos the weight lifers post..... and you will see your method.


Apr 9, 2019
I'm also very interested in methods to bleeed out to death. If you have any tips I'd be thankful
Deleted member 7141

Deleted member 7141

Do not be prisoner of your life. Die a little, lol
Apr 15, 2019
I once read something a girl posted regarding self harm with sharp objects. She normally cut with with dull blades and such, so she was used to putting more pressure in order to break the skin. At some point she ordered either an exacto knife or maybe a box cutter. First time using it she cut nearly to the bone by accident.
Idk if you've already tried one or the other but I hope it helps.

Well, first of all, thank you for your response. I appreciate you taking the time to reach out.

I haven't actually tried using a box but have exmained one before to test out whether or not it was dull or not. Although it is a blade it is not as sharp as I am looking for. I feel you would really have to "dig" to make leeway to the vein. Your friend, I imagine, was very determined.

The last two time I tried I used very find blades from razors. I cut through a lot of flesh to reach the depth I did. I am starting to tire of having to dig and using dull blades. I have even looked into samari sword but they are to expensive.

I am familiar with having to apply tremendous pressure due to the object not being sharp enough and it prolongs the pain. It sucks.
I'm also very interested in methods to bleeed out to death. If you have any tips I'd be thankful

Well, first of all, thank you for your response. I appreciate you taking the time to reach out.

Sure! I will pass on the info to you as I come into it. I would appreciate the same if you find anything out.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
I never tried cutting my upper arm (I slit my wrists), but I used a razor blade sharpener to make the blade as sharp as possible. You can try buying one, if you don't already have one.


Regular Blackout Drunk
Apr 6, 2019
Plasma cut diamond scalpels have an edge thickness of 3 nanometres. They're at most about twenty atoms wide. ATOM'S. They will quite literally cut between the cells of your body.
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