

Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
I'd wager it's easier to get away with abuse than with crippling or murdering the abuser. Some ancient Babylonian king said that law (legal code) is supposed to protect the weak from the strong. In practice there are so much things the perpetrators can get away with. Getting away with rape is easier than with mutilation or murder. Physical injuries are relatively easier to trace and to find how it happened. Psychological abuse is much more difficult to trace and sometimes the victim isn't even aware of being attacked.

That's why I think it's extremely important to learn about psychological warfare. About manipulative tricks we humans on each other to advance personal goals. I'm not interacting with people very often, but I'd guess that manipulation is widely used because it's efficient. It's beneficial to use, sometimes subtle (safe) enough to avoid counterattacks, and the attacker is to some extent protected from physical retaliation (legal code; easier to trace and to punish, which might discourage the attacker). Because of that it's important to learn about patterns of manipulative behavior, since it's unlikely that the law will protect you from it.
This is a good place to start, I think.
If you are interested in psychological warfare I recommend you check out this sub:


Dec 26, 2020
As I've gotten older, I realize there is no justice. I agree completely with all of you. It is heartbreaking that Woxi suffered so much abuse from the people around her. It happens everyday, behind closed doors, and nobody bats an eye.

I've been abused so much in my life, and I realized no one cares. Your average Joes will victim blame and gaslight you. Therapists and mental health workers are ignorant about trauma and abuse, so their advice is often harmful and does nothing but rub salt into a gaping wound.

Support groups and communities espouse vitriol towards people who say that their treatments didn't help them. Platitudes like, "The trauma wasn't your responsibility, but the healing is" get thrown around often. The whole world is extremely invalidating.

Sometimes their attitudes are born of ignorance, and you can't really blame people with good intentions for living a sheltered life. However, most people I've come across in real life are downright nasty and judgemental if you talk about your experiences with abuse and ptsd.

I suffered so much during my high school years because I had been molested for several months, and was pulled out of school for 2 years, during that time I was locked in a house with abusive family members and only allowed to leave maybe one every couple months. My development stagnated and in some aspects declined, as I was becoming selectively mute/nonverbal.

By the time I went to live with my Foster family at age 16 and went back to school, I was fucked. Everyone at school knew what happened to me, and they believed the abuser because there was no physical evidence/injuries from my sexual abuse. This made my life hell. One teacher in particular thought I was just being lazy and punished me at every turn for missing school due to illness or being unable to speak up because I was terrified of her screaming at me.

This woman has won all sorts of awards and is revered as one of the best teachers my school had ever seen. Why?? She was always protected even when my Foster mother went to advocate for me and told the school staff to stop harassing an autistic child who clearly could not handle being screamed at and accused of things daily. There were no reprocussions.

The cycle has continued, each time I suffered abuse. I was groomed by a much older man, and he was incredibly abusive to me. Even when he struck me with his fist and denied that his best friend tortured and raped me, people believed this guy because he had charisma, and in the culture I lived in, it is common for teenage girls to be groomed by men.

People accused me of lying because I didn't want to go to a hospital, file a "rape kit" and be further violated even though I had visible injuries. I am still furious to this day that grown, 30 and 40 something year old adults defended and enabled this abuse to keep going, especially when they knew I had no way out.

People treat abuse victims like we are the ones who did something wrong. As a child, I was not even cognizant that I was being abused. I thought it wasn't a big deal or I deserved it. Children can't control their circumstances. Yet, people will blame blame blame you anyways for not doing enough to stop it, even when the police and social services in your area DO NOT CARE!

I am gaslit all the time about how a doctor sexually assaulted me as well. The staff at the hospital seemed to think it was funny when I'd panic and start shaking from flashbacks. They wouldn't give me medication to ease any of the tremors or severe agony I was in, because they thought I am overreacting. Only one person, a kind nurse, believed me when I said that a doctor had violated me. She is the only person in the medical field I will ever trust, because she did not try to deny reality or defend his actions.

We are expected to deal with the aftermath of something that permanently alters your brain. There are no drugs you can take, no surgeries that can be performed, that will help such levels of severe complex PTSD. It feels like a death sentence.

People tell you to grow up and get over it, you are an adult now, cope with it, they say. I'd like to see those mother fuckers cope with this! everything. I relate 100%

My mom got away with abusing me. There was physical but a lot of it was mental/psychological. And it ruined me. she always got a pass for her behavior

Same with school bullies, same with sexual abusers. The people who hurt me never get hurt and I am left with the trauma

Sadly, I know when I CTB nobody will take me seriously. My abusers will still move on because this world doesn't punish them. Its why, if I don't CTB, I would not have children. I don't want to raise kids in a horrible world like this.
It is everywhere.
The most powerful people kn the world are in on it.
I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but I truly think Jeffrey Epstein was murdered to protect the rest of them.
I mean, Jimmy Saville got away with it for YEARS, even though it was well known.
John Lydon has spoken out against it for years, regarding Jimmy Savile, and nobody listened.
I'm pretty sure he got banned by the BBC for it.
Its like when will we get results? Its either we all die and let this world rot (and to be honest I want it to rot) or we keep fighting and fighting for another thousand years to make a dent.

I was checkin out a post on reddit about how we should not only be talking about children committing suicide due to bullying but also child abuse. Sadly the idea of a parent driving their child to suicide (aka my mom) is not looked into. And hell even when it is just school bullying nobody takes it seriously even when the child dies.
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  • Aww..
Reactions: Traveler VII, it's_all_a_game, Wrennie and 1 other person


Apr 5, 2018
If you are interested in psychological warfare I recommend you check out this sub:
I am, but more on the local level. I'm interested in what happens with me, my family, close ones, and people I'm interacting with online, like on this forum. I'm not feeling interested in the politics around the globe.

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