Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
I took a little nap to see if it would clear my head because I've been trying to decide if today could be my last but I had this strange dream.

Parts of it were confusing because my dreams almost always are. But for some reason I think I went to the funeral of a friend's distant relative but I have no idea who the friend was because I only saw a bunch of people there who I didn't know.

For some reason we weren't in a church or a funeral home. It was a literal mansion and I remember it being huge for some reason. It had elevators so big you could use them as actual rooms. They had leather chairs and a small table in the elevators!

The first part of the dream was stressful because I had to drive to this place by myself and meet my friend there but still never saw them. It's weird that the family had the funeral in their literal house, but I think it worked because of how big it was.

At first it was chaotic. There were random kids running around and playing in the elevators, and there were random adults standing around trying not to get knocked over by them and spill their drinks. For some reason I was looking for stairs, but only found elevators, which is bizarre. I think in the dream I was looking for a bathroom but didn't want to talk to anybody. I was wandering around by myself for a while it seemed like, but then I walked into a random home office where the guy who owned the house was.

I don't remember any of our small talk really but he was a rich guy and he was smoking a cigar behind his desk. I think he was just trying to avoid all the people like I was, but he seemed really cool and realistic in his thinking so I just hung out with him for a while.

I got along with him really well and we might've even smoked together. I'm not really sure. Anyway he said he was a realtor and said he wouldn't mind working with me. I assumed he wanted to sell me a house or some shit, but he wanted me to work for him for some reason. I even told him I was too broke to buy anything. He wanted to schedule a job interview with me so we could discuss it.

I remember thinking to myself about going to the interview and treating it like a game. I had no intention of ever working with him, I was planning on being a smartass and joking around at everything just to see if he would change his mind about me.

I asked him if he wanted me to wear a covid mask to the interview but he just told me "Fuck that!" and I LOLed at it. I said something about how it would be cool to have a boss who randomly said things so boldly like that, and he seemed hopeful that I was going to accept his job offer. Instead I just told him I wasn't interested but it was nice to meet him and talk to him, even though I never met him before.

Next thing I know I'm sitting at a big table in a dining room for the funeral dinner, and I'm STILL surrounded by people I don't even know. These people were curious about why I was there, but they made no comment about my missing friend not showing up.

The dream ended with me getting bored from all their small talk and then I woke up. I'm not sure why I felt like sharing it here, but it was so unusual I didn't want to forget.

It might have some kind of hidden psychological meaning that I don't completely understand, but my lack of interest in the job offer with this random dude gave me the confidence I've never had at any job interviews. Those have always been stressful because it always felt intimidating and socializing has always been difficult for me anyway. I think the mere fact that I didn't give a shit is why the conversation with him felt so interesting and easy going.

Has anyone else had weird dreams like that? I don't know if the fact that my own death is looming over me had any role in it but maybe it did.
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