
Jul 3, 2019
The word 'professional' in mental health is a really nice way for people to have status and patronise and look down on people suffering.

As for psychiatry, @EmmaD you have had a horrifying experience.

My experience has been much less distressing, but I am still distressed enough that I have a psychiatrist appointment on Friday and I don't know what to say to her. I don't know how to speak to these people anymore because of the arrogance and disrespect and stupid plucking at diagnosis from the ones I've met.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
YES!!! I completely agree with this. When I was in the TC last year we all seemed to spend most of our time asking the therapists about how the treatment was meant to help our personality disorders and all we got was politician's answers from therapists, never an honest reply that it might never help… which is the truth.
The whole mental health system is like The Emporer's New Clothes.. all the profession pretending help exists and works.. maybe some of them even believing it. But SS is where people come who have seen the truth.. that problems with the mind are too often insurmountable.

= bcse mainstrm m.h servces dwn-ply or ignre th/ effcts of th/ nervs systm & hw nervs systm devlpmnt whch = mch mre biolgclly primtve thn psychogly impcts a persns psychlgcl xpernce

Sme thngs cnnt b fixd wth jst talkng

Th/ DSM also dd nt tke ths in2 accnt -- persnlly am stll diagnsd wth EUPD whn tht = frnkly bollx

Snce whn ds typng hw am typng & nt b-ing abl 2 refr 2 slf in 1st persn EUPD

Thy mght as wll prscribe leechs
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Apr 11, 2023
The word 'professional' in mental health is a really nice way for people to have status and patronise and look down on people suffering.

As for psychiatry, @EmmaD you have had a horrifying experience.

My experience has been much less distressing, but I am still distressed enough that I have a psychiatrist appointment on Friday and I don't know what to say to her. I don't know how to speak to these people anymore because of the arrogance and disrespect and stupid plucking at diagnosis from the ones I've met.
If it's your first appointment then it will probably be more them asking you questions so try not to worry too much, just answer as best you can. I hope you get a good one and not an arrogant asshole! Xxx
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
The word 'professional' in mental health is a really nice way for people to have status and patronise and look down on people suffering.

Tbf profssnls r oftn qualfied wth knwldge & tchnque whch cn hlp mny ppl & thy r regul8td b/ ethcs cmmitees s/ am nt goin2 wrte thm off Ntirely bt wll agree wth th/ patrnsing & arrgnce tht happns -- espclly whn thr knwldge = nt adequ8 & tht thn bcmes th/ patnts flt
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🍭my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
Mental health professionals know all this, but fear that if they actually say it they might reduce their professional status - and their income. Patients would be better served if the professionals were honest about the limits of what they can accomplish, and patients would be served even better if the professionals stopped pretending that they are superior and know everything.
Yes, and this is also part of their education! There's a helpful book called "Disciplined Minds: A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-battering System That Shapes Their Lives"

Excerpt: model students = "brownnosers". Interview with a psych grad student from a very selective high-ranking US midwestern university, right before her 4th year:
"After talking to other students who had troubles in the clinic, I realized my situation was not unique, nor was it limited to the one supervisor. The clinic has a certain model of what their ideal therapist is. If you do not fit that model and if you do not conform, they make life difficult. The clinic is not open to people with different orientations or perspectives on how to do therapy, though they claim to be eclectic. Their meaning of eclectic is that they have supervisors from different backgrounds, but none who are truly eclectic. If your supervisor is psychodynamic, you'd better give up on any chance to include any behavioral techniques, though the next year you may be under a cognitive supervisor who would scorn the early life history you were taught to take the year before.

"When I say "model," I do not mean a theoretical orientation. It's hard to explain exactly. The best way I can think of to describe the students who fit the model student role is to call them brownnosers. (I can think of other terms, but they kinda have to do with how the noses got brown in the first place `grin`.) They do everything they're told with seeming enthusiasm. They boost faculty egos, checking out attitudes and beliefs before writing that paper or giving that presentation. They just kinda go along, and even perhaps go so far as to praise the system. These are, of course, the students despised by the other students who are brave enough (stupid enough?) to stand up for how they feel. I know one of these students who told me it's all an act, just so she will get a traineeship or better recommendations for internships, but others I think really believe it. Overall, students who are most "successful" in the program don't rock the boat, do what they're told, and do what I call "play the game." Perhaps my unwillingness to play has led me, and others, to have difficulty in the program."

Excerpt: shrinks blame YOU, not society
Consider the shrink. Many mental problems originate not in diseases of the brain but in deficiencies of society. The arduousness of living with unfulfilling work, financial insecurity, arbitrary bosses, lack of solidarity and insufficient personal power, together with the anguish caused by racism, sexism, ageism, lookism, ableism and all the other oppressive hierarchies that plague this society, helps explain the fact that more than 10% of the population (and not counting those with substance abuse disorders) suffers from mental or emotional problems. There are enough troubled individuals in the United States to keep busy 100,000 psychiatrists and clinical psychologists and a much larger number of clinically trained social workers and other mental health professionals.

The problems of both would be solved if troubled individuals abided by the values of the status quo, and of course the mainstream mental health system more often than not works to alter behavior in that direction. But attempting to adjust people to the unhealthy society that caused their problems in the first place may not always be the healthiest approach for either the individuals or society. A simple alternative would be to help some troubled individuals bring out, clarify and sharpen their implicit critique-to strengthen them for the struggle in which they are engaged instead of removing them from it, because the struggle can be both therapeutic for the individual and beneficial to society. But the institutions of mental health, such as hospitals that employ psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, are institutions of the status quo. They are not about to turn the troubled into troublemakers, no matter how healthful that might be. The mental health professional is someone that such an employer can trust to move confused people away from struggle with social norms and authority and toward a life in which they are "well adjusted" to their place in the socioeconomic hierarchy.

As professionals, psychotherapists are "nonpartisan" in their work: They just help ill people get better. But to declare extreme nonconformity an illness, as psychology professionals often do, is a partisan act because of the down-on-the-victim therapeutic framework it rationalizes: "Treating 'sick' individuals" is a much more politically conservative framework than is "treating individuals troubled by a sick and oppressive society. Evidently it is not the place of the clinicians to question the health of the society to which the patient must be adjusted. Their "legitimate" professional concern is how best to bring about the adjustment. In this alone, they are expected to use their creativity. The few who do raise questions are seen as "getting political," even though it is hard to imagine how they could get any more political than mainstream clinical psychology itself, which often practices conservative social action disguised as medical treatment.
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Jul 30, 2020
".... shrinks blame YOU, not society..." Gay people discovered that more than 50 years ago, and then they did something about it. I once had the interesting - and distinctly fun - experience of gong with a few gay male friends to "zap" a university lecture on homosexuality being delivered by some professor or other. He was spouting the usual nonsense - the party line at the time - but my gay friends kept interrupting him, asking him some basic questions about how he justified his stance. He was unable to justify it (and he clearly didn't like being challenged). Eventually he walked out of the lecture, and we had a great discussion with his students, who were open minded and wanted to learn about how the world really is, not how some people theorize that it ought to be. Ah, those were the days...
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Jul 3, 2022
It's not only your feeling, my adventures with 'professional mental health service' were also "super duper helpful". I've had lots of freak therapists which said that Jesus is the answer for every trouble and similar shit but that's for another story... I was put in a mental asylum once and that was the most traumatic shit I've had in my life. The staff was unbelievably rude and mean to all the patients, some of the staff and 'stronger' patients regularly bullied the 'weaker' patient... There were so much unbelievably crazy and scary shit, this place was not only not helpful at all but it induced a bunch of new traumas. I just say that once a depressed, sad, defenseless woman, which was the bullied patient, was nearly fucking raped by some assholes in front of my eyes. One of the patients had to protect her (it wasn't me ofc, I was quietly crying in the corner absolutely paralyzed with fear). Guess what, she told the staff and doctors the next day about this incident and they... didn't care. They also threatened me they would rape me too but they didn't. But they sexually humiliated me a few times. And it is a place where tantacrul and his ass lickers want to put depressed people in...
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Apr 28, 2023
Imo talk therapy isn't usually beneficial for anybody aside from normie careerists who have just been "kind of down on themselves lately." Or the kind of people who's "mental health issues" begin and end with imposter syndrome. I've honestly gotten most of what I needed by forming strong friendships with people who don't shy away from mental health talk and by just going to GPs whenever I need medication and giving them a basic rundown of my symptoms and then giving the obligatory "no" to the "are you a danger to yourself or others" question.

Also I was (voluntarily) institutionalized as a teenager and without going into detail I can say there are absolutely some people working in the mental health field who have no fucking business being there, and it seems like other people in this thread have all had their own adverse experiences with the grippy sock jail as well lol.
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dreaming of flying
May 4, 2023
Imo talk therapy isn't usually beneficial for anybody aside from normie careerists who have just been "kind of down on themselves lately." Or the kind of people who's "mental health issues" begin and end with imposter syndrome.
yeah agreed. i've talked with people who straight up don't believe in therapy of any kind but even then i've got to agree with their assertion that talk therapy feels like just paying to vent to someone and nothing else. when looking for anything therapy-wise i want it to at least offer a bit more than just chatting to my friends would if i'm paying for it lol
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finger on the eject button
Oct 4, 2022
This was one of the most disturbing elements of the video. This status quo-enforcing "nothing bad will happen if you ask for help" shit. Clearly he believes that this is a psyop from sadists to push kids toward suicide, rather than what it often is--victims who have had their lives systematically ruined by mental health services and are trying to warn others. There could have been hope for me if I had known to avoid the system, or at least how to navigate it with my guard up. Unfortunately, it is a pretty hard pill to swallow (heh) that the "help" out there is in fact so hazardous, but this is the truth and people need to know it. It isn't our fault that it is so bleak. TC would rather provide feel-good propoganda and be complacent.
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Petulant Child
Apr 4, 2023
That was absolutely sickening to read. And now the fixers. Shame on them. Shame on all of them. I am so so sorry.
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Apr 25, 2019
You should comment that on his video so he can see
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Another artist who wants to die
Feb 8, 2023
Where to begin? Firstly this is addressed to Tantacrul and anyone who involved themself in his lame clickbait video (which actually acted as free advertising for SS….)
I started trying to watch it.. I turned off at the point he said the above statement. Because I can't even BEGIN to listen to someone who thinks hostility to the shit mental health services is "ridiculous".
My first failing of mental health services.. an overdose at 15.. a doctor said 'don't do it again' and that was the extent of help I got 😆
First experience a year later of a psychiatrist at age 16… she went out the room leaving infront of me a page open on which she described me as "a disturbing young woman" which completely messed up my self identity FOREVER.. I believed what she wrote and probably lived that role afterwards.. She also tried to tell me Jesus would help me with my mental health.. FIRST brilliant experience with MH services for me..

Second psychiatrist age 18.. flirted with me, talked about me "screwing him" and about us "making love all afternoon"..in our sessions..

Then Early 20s the GP solution to my mental health was give me as much Valium as I wanted on repeat. I took it all day and developed a lovely addiction..Don't get me wrong it was fucking amazing but probably not great for my MH.

(Going to skip a few steps as SS is seriously not big enough for me to list all the failings of my 20s and 30s…)

Diagnosed with bpd in my 40s.. put in an outreach group where a fellow member called me 'a fat fucking ginger cunt' and said she hoped I would die…the psychologist present DID NOTHING.. and even though I tried to ctb after as a result as I was told she wouldn't even get told to leave the group.. i would have to stay in therapy with the girl that said it AND talk about all my trauma infront of her.

Next the therapeutic community.. where if you did anything against the rules, it was like a court of law where other fucked up bpd members were allowed to judge you and punish you accordingly, those were the rules!!! I literally self harmed more than ever before as a result because I was bullied and disliked.(.I don't always get on with girls. )
Next back to the CMHT where I literally have a letter saying they were discharging me because although I had self harmed, it hadn't required treatment (it had required treatment..) and that I hadn't self harmed badly enough.. leaving me to think, ok I'll fucking do it worse next time! Oh! Also told the psych nurse I'd jump off a bridge and she did nothing! Didn't even phone me.
So Tantacrul.. fuck off with your saying it's 'ridiculous' and 'cult-like' to be hostile to mental health services.
And fuck off to ANYONE anti SS who says 'get professional help' seriously FUCK OFF
It is very humorous, I don't think he has any right to comment on something he's never experienced, nonetheless make a whole ass monetized video about it. I'm kinda glad he did though or else I wouldn't have found this home.

He's just like a lot of the greedy therapists out there, making profit off of our suffering in the form of clickbait.

Back when I was a minor I was admitted 3 times, the last time was the worst. I told my psychiatrist I didn't like my assigned councilor and wanted a new one since she would defy my privacy and call my abuser and tell them everything we had talked about right in front of me, whilst invalidating my experiences and telling me it was all in my head. My psychiatrist got defensive and told me I wasn't in a state to speak up against a councilor and literally told her I didn't like her which was awkward out next visit.

I also left with a false diagnosis of bipolar disorder to justify their actions. I was pretty passive about the situation and didn't stick up for myself against those cunts which is something I regret. I did leave a very long letter for the desk staff describing my mistreatment.

I have been rejected by a therapist before who had already accepted me but withdrew after knowing police and cps has been involved prior.

I don't know if I believe if therapy is legit honestly. It just makes me angry.
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Barely floating along
Mar 9, 2023
These so called "mental health professionals" demean you for even suffering from these issues, they accuse YOU for having trauma. Tanta has NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to judge this community. We're just aIl hurt and trying to find like minded people who wont judge. I had a mother who painted herself as an angel in front of everyone so when I was younger I looked like a batshit crazy kid that needed therapy for "no reason." She shared details of my ED and SH to basically all the teachers and staff in that school and said "I don't know how this happened, I only wanted the best for my child." At the time I couldn't say anything.

I wont waste your time explaining why tanta-whatever thinks this way when Pluto and Sannoji both have perfect explanations, (just look around) but sharing my own experience, the doctors don't care unless you're "sick enough" to receive their "treatment" so you spend time making yourself sicker just desperate for their help. Then after destroying your own life even more and finally getting the help you realize this "treatment" they talk about is just some half assed bullshit.
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Professional Complainer
May 16, 2023
I heard of this Tantacunt scumbag just two days ago, but I took a look at his channel and videos and - YES. I had to shut it down and hold myself back from peeking at the comments section because I KNOW there's no way I would be able to hold myself back from making a few comments of my own to those people. It would've been such a waste of energy.

Your experience with psychs is terrible. Mine wasn't as bad:
When I was 14 my mom was diagnosed with schizophrenia, so they sent me to a psychiatrist out of fear I had it too. Long story short, no schizophrenia. I'm just "weird." I have a dark sense of humor that doctors don't always get. I told that to the psychiatrist during one of our sessions, that I was just kidding about something I said. He just smirked at me and said "I don't believe you." He insisted that I am sick, that I am schizophrenic. I knew I wasn't. At this point (at 17 or so) I put my foot down. I didn't tell anyone but I stopped taking my meds (which I never needed in the first place) and demanded a second opinion to clear my name. 3 months later, they referred me to a new psychiatrist who, by the way, looked like he could be the first one's twin brother! What in the name of all parallel universes! Anyway, after two sessions the new one announces to my dad "what the hell are you on about? She's fine." Name cleared, meds out. Phew... But the damage has already been done. Because, you see, those specific meds I was prescribed had a long-term side effect... They ruined my leg's tendons, as confirmed by two different physical therapists who've made the connection. I could no longer exercise and, as a result, gained weight, which has led to a chain of other medical issues. To make things worse, I've been dealing with an eating disorder since I was 13 - I starve myself from time to time in order to deal with the shit life throws at me. To punish (my body/my parents/nature/God). It's sort of a defense mechanism which gets triggered by things stupid people do. As you can imagine, Doc pulled that trigger big time.

Mind you, I was not made aware of any of the possible side effects at the time. I can't sue Doc for ruining my life either because the lucky bastard passed away. I now know that this field is a greasy money machine. That these "doctors" shove drugs at people who don't really need them. I realized that too late.

It's heartbreaking to know how unheard WE really are. How THEY get to be the "good guys."
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lost and broken
Jun 5, 2023
lol when he said that i had to laugh. i was raped and tried to report it and get medical help, for which i was interrogared like a criminal, accused of lying for attention, and threatened with a mandatory 72h suicide hold without seeing any family or friends. all of that by those very same mental help professionals who i have no reason to be hostile towards, the people who forced me to lie and say i was making it all up for fear of being locked away with no support system. and thats one of the many instances where their so called help did as much damage as the actual trauma.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Tbf Tantacrul is pretty low IQ, just by listening to him it's like you know he doesn't get it or know what's up.

This blanket of holiness that people throw over mental health professionals is ludicrous. We literally treat that entire sphere as if it's made up of angels who fart kittens and rainbows, whereas huge numbers of these people are nasty, deceitful, power-tripping lunatics without anyone to oversee them.

Think about it, when you're in a mental health setting, what are you faced with? Involuntary confinement? Bastard cops? A single therapist who sits there unsupervised and who has free reign to make you feel even worse without any repercussions whatsoever? All situations involve an imbalance of power and a lack of autonomy and freedom on the part of the "sick" person. You're simply not in control in any way, and are opening yourself up to abuse and mistreatment.

The most liberating thing I ever did for my mental health was saying goodbye to that world and going it alone.
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finger on the eject button
Oct 4, 2022
[...]Think about it, when you're in a mental health setting, what are you faced with? Involuntary confinement? Bastard cops? A single therapist who sits there unsupervised and who has free reign to make you feel even worse without any repercussions whatsoever? All situations involve an imbalance of power and a lack of autonomy and freedom on the part of the "sick" person. You're simply not in control in any way, and are opening yourself up to abuse and mistreatment.

The most liberating thing I ever did for my mental health was saying goodbye to that world and going it alone.
Exactly. These people have total power to inflict carceral punishment (that is, forced institutionalisation) on a whim, with no accountability. They will be believed over you. Do I think the average mandated reporter would call the cops on you just for funsies or malice when they're not supposed to? No. But could they and should everyone recognize that risk? Yes. They could also genuinely misinterpret something you say, or be in doubt but call the cops to be "on the safe side". Safe for them. Not for you.
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Nov 5, 2022
I've had a large handful of unpleasant experiences with mental health workers and generally expect to have to curate myself around them but I will say, there was one therapist I saw whilst participating in a program quit some time ago who really stuck with me. They were the most compassionate person I'd ever met in that profession and did seem to really struggle with the observation that contemporary mental health treatment leaves a sizeable demographic hanging, only to survive if they are able to find a reason or a way to live on their own. They didn't tell me those exact words but based on our conversation, it was quite obvious that they knew what I was talking about and was disheartened about this as well.

I wish there were more people like that in the field. I'm sure they are but I haven't quite met them yet
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Aug 31, 2021
I no longer believe that psychiatry or talk therapy has anything to offer the vast majority of people suffering from mental health issues.

I do believe that most psychological problems are chemical in nature but not the facile 'not enough serotonin' bs they tout so much. After some personal experience with experimenting with different vitamins and minerals and reading a book on thiamine deficiency by an actual doctor (not an alternative medicine quack) I can tell you that the things I took had profoundly positive and negative effects that had nothing to do with my thinking or life situation. In fact, at one point I felt like a completely new person and everything that made me scared, anxious and depressed in my life just went away.

They love to tell you that it's your thoughts that cause negative feelings and if you just change your thinking you'll cure yourself. It's bs. It's not your thought causing it, it's the biochemistry of your brain. Of course, necessary disclaimer, some people really do well on psych meds and don't stop taking yours cold turkey. Ever. And yes, negative thoughts will have negative effects clearly. But overall, I am now a strong believer that the mental problems most people face, when they're not caused by a disease such as an autoimmune disorder etc, is a nutrient issue.

Unfortunately, everyone is so different and out state of medicine is so shitty, that it takes a lot of digging and trial and error to find what works for you. I'm still looking, but my transitory overwhelming positive experience gives me hope.
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Sep 10, 2023
Where to begin? Firstly this is addressed to Tantacrul and anyone who involved themself in his lame clickbait video (which actually acted as free advertising for SS….)
I started trying to watch it.. I turned off at the point he said the above statement. Because I can't even BEGIN to listen to someone who thinks hostility to the shit mental health services is "ridiculous".
My first failing of mental health services.. an overdose at 15.. a doctor said 'don't do it again' and that was the extent of help I got 😆
First experience a year later of a psychiatrist at age 16… she went out the room leaving infront of me a page open on which she described me as "a disturbing young woman" which completely messed up my self identity FOREVER.. I believed what she wrote and probably lived that role afterwards.. She also tried to tell me Jesus would help me with my mental health.. FIRST brilliant experience with MH services for me..

Second psychiatrist age 18.. flirted with me, talked about me "screwing him" and about us "making love all afternoon"..in our sessions..

Then Early 20s the GP solution to my mental health was give me as much Valium as I wanted on repeat. I took it all day and developed a lovely addiction..Don't get me wrong it was fucking amazing but probably not great for my MH.

(Going to skip a few steps as SS is seriously not big enough for me to list all the failings of my 20s and 30s…)

Diagnosed with bpd in my 40s.. put in an outreach group where a fellow member called me 'a fat fucking ginger cunt' and said she hoped I would die…the psychologist present DID NOTHING.. and even though I tried to ctb after as a result as I was told she wouldn't even get told to leave the group.. i would have to stay in therapy with the girl that said it AND talk about all my trauma infront of her.

Next the therapeutic community.. where if you did anything against the rules, it was like a court of law where other fucked up bpd members were allowed to judge you and punish you accordingly, those were the rules!!! I literally self harmed more than ever before as a result because I was bullied and disliked.(.I don't always get on with girls. )
Next back to the CMHT where I literally have a letter saying they were discharging me because although I had self harmed, it hadn't required treatment (it had required treatment..) and that I hadn't self harmed badly enough.. leaving me to think, ok I'll fucking do it worse next time! Oh! Also told the psych nurse I'd jump off a bridge and she did nothing! Didn't even phone me.
So Tantacrul.. fuck off with your saying it's 'ridiculous' and 'cult-like' to be hostile to mental health services.
And fuck off to ANYONE anti SS who says 'get professional help' seriously FUCK OFF
he is scared he runs out of customers^^ who will pay his next villa and his huge cars :)


Jul 10, 2023

BBC News - ADHD: Private clinics exposed by BBC undercover investigation

Woah, that BBC article. My heart breaks for Hartley. Prolifers please read.

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