- Aug 20, 2020
- 69
I think you are wrong about your definition of mature. I think experiences have a lot to do with maturity as well, not just age. Yes, my mind is still developing, but it does not mean I have not started to make important decisions myself, or form my own opinions. You stated yourself that for "most" people aren't finished developing until mid-twenties. Are you saying that not one teenager in this world is mature?I'm an intelligent older woman too (I'm 67) and I have no doubt that you are immature. That's not intended as a put-down. I am just stating a fact. "Mature" means that your mental and physical faculties have fully developed, and for most people that doesn't happen until their mid 20s. Since you are a teenager, you have not reached that stage.
I also think that the matter of whether you are mature or not is completely irrelevant to the question of whether you should ctb. As you say, depression hurts, and if it hurts badly enough and is going to remain forever then ending it all may be the most rational choice.
However, it is also a fact that, for most people, difficult times do not last forever. In your case, I think your best option is probably to wait and see whether things improve. The odds are in your favor.
Your friend was wrong not to take you seriously. When I was your age I didn't like it at all when adults thought they knew what was going on in my head better than I knew it myself. Almost always, they didn't. Adults who thought they knew everything annoyed me then, and they still annoy me.
As for the comments about me having many more opportunities, please read my answers to Emily.
I feel offended that I need to defend myself in this site which is supposed to be pro-choice and no judgements. 18 year olds are allowed to join this site and in my country, that is also the age where law sees us as mature enough to make decisions like the rest of the adults.
As for how maturity is related to ctb, I will ask you, would you have a problem with Sam immature person ctbing? Because from what I can tell you clearly do.