
New Member
Jan 27, 2019
Hello Everyone,
New here - and what a relief it is to find a site like this. Not sure if this is the best place to post this, please let me know if there's somewhere more appropriate.

I've had suicidal thoughts in my head for as long as I can remember, even attempted a few times as a teenager (now 39), but the past year, I've really been doing some heavy research into my options, which brings me to this post:

I am too scared to CTB by myself. I have such terrible luck, that I'm convinced something will go wrong, and I'll end up in a worse state than I am now.

I read about Belgium now seemingly offering euthanasia for people with chronic mental health issues - so it does feel as though SOMEONE is finally taking us seriously. But why can't suicidal people receive the same assistance worldwide?

If I choose to, I am able to bring another soul into the world, without asking it's permission first, but I can't legally decide when I personally want to leave. How does that make any sense?

I can't talk to ANYONE about this for fear of being hospitalised against my will.

The pressure inside my head right now makes me realise why people in the US go on shooting sprees. (I'm not in anyway condoning their behaviour, just saying I can empathise with these people.)

Is anyone here a Human Rights Lawyer, or have any experience in that area? I would love to discuss the possibility of starting legal proceedings to be granted the right to die in a dignified manner.

What do you all think? There have probably been threads here that have raised these points before - if anyone could direct me to them, that would be great. Thanks for reading :)
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Dec 17, 2018
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New Member
Jan 27, 2019
Thank you for sharing this. I had looked at the Netherlands before, but unfortunately, people who are considered mentally ill do not qualify. Although I don't view myself as mentally ill, Doctors do like to put this label on anyone feeling suicidal... This is what I'd like to try to change.

Thank you again!
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Oct 23, 2018
I have experience with human rights law but I am not a lawyer. It is likely of no use to what you are aiming for. As none of it relates to pro-choice of suicide or euthanasia. Mainly because it is focused on the right to life as its core principle in the first place. They have not defined their position on voluntary euthanasia. Within the euthanasia debate, they are only really interested in involuntary euthanasia and non-voluntary euthanasia, for obvious reasons. I mean they have assisted in switching off a life support machine against a families wishes, but that person was pretty much technically mostly dead.

You may just have to travel to another country where laws already exist and jump through the legislative hoops there. It is certainly quicker and less stressful than trying to get laws amended.

If you are also not in a good mental state it is not a road I would advise as legal proceedings are very stressful, slow and costly. I am doubtful any sort of legal aid would cover this either. But if you are passionate about it join other established groups that are pushing for those changes in your country. They will know what existing laws they can push against. There are people with locked-in syndrome pushing for this, and even that does not seem good enough at times. Mental health also brings up laws centred on mental capacity, which also moves into medical ethics so it is an even steeper mountain to climb.
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