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Jan 23, 2019
I have like 60 pills of ambien and 90 of klonopin and i can get more, i pretend to drink the most amount of alcohol that i can after taking those, i also have a good amount of trazodone, quetiapine, effexor and bupropion, maybe there is a better combination here? I really don't care about agonizing and suffering in the process.
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Jun 17, 2019
trazodone and quetiapine wont do anything, you can take massive doses of them and its hard to OD on. I would have thought alcohol with all those pills would make you sick. not sure how you would swallow over 100 pills?
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Jan 23, 2019
trazodone and quetiapine wont do anything, you can take massive doses of them and its hard to OD on. I would have thought alcohol with all those pills would make you sick. not sure how you would swallow over 100 pills?
i don't need to swallow them at once, maybe 10 at each sip, what about the ambien and klonopin?


Mar 29, 2019
Mixing large amount of benzo with alcohol could work but it is uncertain and if you fail you can damage your short term memory. I would advise you against it.
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Jan 23, 2019
Mixing large amount of benzo with alcohol could work but it is uncertain and if you fail you can damage your short term memory. I would advise you against it.
The chance of it works depends of the dose? Or it's something about luck?


May 29, 2019
It depends on how your body processes them. But by mixing a large amount of benzos with alcohol one of 2 things are likely to happen...

1. You sleep for like a week and will be sick for a lot longer than that.
2. You walk around like a zombie doing dumb shit and end up in jail with no recollection of how you got there.

I wouldn't do it.
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Jan 23, 2019
It depends on how your body processes them. But by mixing a large amount of benzos with alcohol one of 2 things are likely to happen...

1. You sleep for like a week and will be sick for a lot longer than that.
2. You walk around like a zombie doing dumb shit and end up in jail with no recollection of how you got there.

I wouldn't do it.
I don't have a good knowledge about medicaments. but all of those that i mentioned are benzos?
btw, there are some prescript drug that have a high chance of being fatal at higher doses? I've read that zolpidem has a good chance of OD
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Mar 29, 2019
I don't have a good knowledge about medicaments. but all of those that i mentioned are benzos?
btw, there are some prescript drug that have a high chance of being fatal at higher doses?
Technically ambien is not benzo but it acts in similar way.


Jun 1, 2019
Not a good method, in terms of reliability, fatality, or lack of damage if you fail.

Thumbs down.
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May 29, 2019
Klonopin is a benzo. Ambien is a pseudo-benzo (not chemically a benzo but hits the same receptors). A lot of people are known to have bad effects from ambien (sleepwalking with no memory of it).
Trazodone, venlafaxine (effexor) and bupropion (wellbutrin) are antidepressants and these have a very low likelyhood of killing you, or having any effect besides serotonin syndrome maybe - not guaranteed death, guaranteed pain.
Quetiapine (seroquel) is an antipsychotic - this'll just make you sleep a lot.
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Give Me The Dirt
Jun 29, 2018
This seems like a really bad idea that won't end well


Jan 23, 2019
So basically no medications for mental illness or medications at all will lead me to death in any way? Are you guys sure about that? Fuck


Mar 29, 2019
btw, there are some prescript drug that have a high chance of being fatal at higher doses? I've read that zolpidem has a good chance of OD
Best shot is fentanyl but it is very hard to get prescription.
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May 29, 2019
So basically no medications for mental illness or medications at all will lead me to death in any way? Are you guys sure about that? Fuck

Alcohol + benzos can potentially kill you if you go for a swim while drunk and high, you may drown without realizing it. Other than that, no.

Barbiturates like Nembutal have been replaced by benzos specifically because overdose side effects included death. Benzos won't kill you, but withdrawal from benzos (stopping taking them abruptly) may. However, benzo withdrawal is horrific if you've been a regular user of them in high doses, you do not want to go that way.
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Jan 23, 2019
Best shot is fentanyl but it is very hard to get prescription.
There is no way that my psychiatrist will prescript something like that for me, i'm talking about something relationated to mental illness, like imsonia, anxiety, depression etc.


Mar 29, 2019
There is no way that my psychiatrist will prescript something like that for me, i'm talking about something relationated to mental illness, like imsonia, anxiety, depression etc.
You can read about amitryptyline cocktail. Amitryptyline is old generation AD which is still prescribed and which causes cardiac arrest when overdosed. Combined with benzo can give reliable and peaceful death.


May 29, 2019
Yeah, amitryptiline would work provided you can stock up enough of it. Actually i should be getting some but it's for pain management not suicide purposes, lol. I have SN for the latter.


Jan 23, 2019
Oh i can get amitryptiline for sure, do you guys have an idea about the dose necessary to make me kick the bucket? What are the damages that i may got if i fail?


May 29, 2019
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Jumpin Jack Flash, it’s a gas gas gas
Jan 16, 2019
Let me chime in as the queen of failed ODs. It is very difficult to OD IME. I have many under my belt, although one I was rescued from. Even then I gave myself plenty of time so I may still have lived. I took combinations that you read about people dying on all the time and still lived. I took huge breaks from recreational doses so I would have no tolerance. The Wikibooks Amitriptyline cocktail should work, but amassing that amount of drugs needed could be difficult to say the least. Trazodone is a horrible OD. It wasn't until suicide sites started popping up online that I learned how poor of a method it is. I followed all the guidelines and I'm still here. I question if most of them were just gestures. At least 2 were serious and I have really bad short term memory loss and trouble comprehending what people say and what I read as a result. It annoys both me and others as a result. There's a lot to research here and support in what you want to do/try methods wise.
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Jan 23, 2019
Let me chime in as the queen of failed ODs. It is very difficult to OD IME. I have many under my belt, although one I was rescued from. Even then I gave myself plenty of time so I may still have lived. I took combinations that you read about people dying on all the time and still lived. I took huge breaks from recreational doses so I would have no tolerance. The Wikibooks Amitriptyline cocktail should work, but amassing that amount of drugs needed could be difficult to say the least. Trazodone is a horrible OD. It wasn't until suicide sites started popping up online that I learned how poor of a method it is. I followed all the guidelines and I'm still here. I question if most of them were just gestures. At least 2 were serious and I have really bad short term memory loss and trouble comprehending what people say and what I read as a result. It annoys both me and others as a result. There's a lot to research here and support in what you want to do/try methods wise.
Have you tried Amitriptyline? I have all the medicines needed except the amitriptylne, but i live in Brazil, every pharmacy here will sell it if you give a tip.


May 29, 2019
There is a drawback with Ami - it'll be very slow. You'll need 24 hours of nobody finding you. Hence the massive overdose of benzos needed to stay asleep while you're basically getting a heart attack.

If you're in Brazil and can easily get any meds i'd go with SN, @LuxelDrief was also from Brazil and succeeded with it, you can search for his thread.


New Member
Jun 25, 2019
hmm if youre gonna stick to the drug route with what you have available, take a tolerance break for a bit (careful with the withdrawal from the kpins you can get bad seizures, taper off) to reset it. once you do 90 kpins and 60 ambien seem like a lot and combined with like a liter of hard liquor can possibly push you to the point of respiratory depression

however if you can, try finding some street heroin and IV that with it. for most places the "heroin" is really just fentanyl and so do a test bump of that to see if its bunk or not and if it isnt: crush up all the pills you have and ingest them (crushing it up reduces the time it takes to absorb in your stomach and cross your blood barrier) and proceed to chug the entire liter. chugging that much will probably be the hardest part especially if its straight liquor so try getting well drunk before you do anything as chugging for me is much easier when im already fucked up. once the liquor is gone prep an IV shot with the entirety of the dope you have and wait for a bit until you can start to really feel all the pills and the drunkness kick in. at this point youre probably already blacked out beyond belief and so that last shot should go in easy and once that plunger goes down, it'll hopefully be game over and youll be in absolute bliss the entire process through

a lot of people talk about how its incredibly hard to OD off of these drugs but im sure if you weigh a normal amount 90 kpins, 60 ambien, a liter of vodka and an IV fent shot (with no tolerance) will for sure stop your breathing. anyone let me know if im wrong


Jan 23, 2019
There is a drawback with Ami - it'll be very slow. You'll need 24 hours of nobody finding you. Hence the massive overdose of benzos needed to stay asleep while you're basically getting a heart attack.

If you're in Brazil and can easily get any meds i'd go with SN, @LuxelDrief was also from Brazil and succeeded with it, you can search for his thread.
That means if somehow i'm awake in the process will be painful as hell right?


May 29, 2019
a lot of people talk about how its incredibly hard to OD off of these drugs but im sure if you weigh a normal amount 90 kpins, 60 ambien, a liter of vodka and an IV fent shot (with no tolerance) will for sure stop your breathing. anyone let me know if im wrong

If you can score fent, know how to IV and can shoot yourself up while drunk... That's a lot of "if"s.


New Member
Jun 25, 2019
If you can score fent, know how to IV and can shoot yourself up while drunk... That's a lot of "if"s.
the only real problem i see is getting the dope. its almost guaranteed that street dope has fent in it and so its just a matter of finding some homeless guy or going to a bad part of town and asking around for a few minutes

shooting up itself is not hard, just a matter of finding the vein and pressing down, testing if youre in a vein by pushing the plunger up to see if you draw blood or not. if anything being fucked up will make you less nervous and would make you feel no pain so you can keep trying until you see blood and then at that point just press down


Jan 23, 2019
hmm if youre gonna stick to the drug route with what you have available, take a tolerance break for a bit (careful with the withdrawal from the kpins you can get bad seizures, taper off) to reset it. once you do 90 kpins and 60 ambien seem like a lot and combined with like a liter of hard liquor can possibly push you to the point of respiratory depression

however if you can, try finding some street heroin and IV that with it. for most places the "heroin" is really just fentanyl and so do a test bump of that to see if its bunk or not and if it isnt: crush up all the pills you have and ingest them (crushing it up reduces the time it takes to absorb in your stomach and cross your blood barrier) and proceed to chug the entire liter. chugging that much will probably be the hardest part especially if its straight liquor so try getting well drunk before you do anything as chugging for me is much easier when im already fucked up. once the liquor is gone prep an IV shot with the entirety of the dope you have and wait for a bit until you can start to really feel all the pills and the drunkness kick in. at this point youre probably already blacked out beyond belief and so that last shot should go in easy and once that plunger goes down, it'll hopefully be game over and youll be in absolute bliss the entire process through

a lot of people talk about how its incredibly hard to OD off of these drugs but im sure if you weigh a normal amount 90 kpins, 60 ambien, a liter of vodka and an IV fent shot (with no tolerance) will for sure stop your breathing. anyone let me know if im wrong
Where i live i will definitely not find heroin or illegal drugs, just weed.
I'm male, 18y, i weight 81kg and my height is 1,78m there's a good chance that could i made it?
Look it up in the wiki - you need A LOT of ami. About 7-8 grams of it to be precise.

Failure will likely leave you with heart issues for life.
i already have heart issues so i will probably die anyway
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New Member
Jun 25, 2019
Where i live i will definitely not find heroin or illegal drugs, just weed.
I'm male, 18y, i weight 81kg and my height is 1,78m there's a good chance that could i made it?

i already have heart issues so i will probably die anyway
whats the dosage on the pills? i know kpins can range from .5-2mg and that can make a big difference
and can you find ANY opiate at all? ik some places have opiates available over the counter
also if you can, try to get xanax instead of kpins. its equal or arguably stronger but the important part is that its short acting and hits quick and hard. kpins are still very strong but theyre longer lasting and so it wont all hit at once like xanax will

the only reason im so adamant about this method is because as you go out its with a lot of euphoria and comfort. have been a recreational user for a long time and i know the beautiful properties these substances can have and i would like to ctb with that feeling. i keep up with the deaths associated around them and this can definitely be a deadly combo if you mix enough depressants as possible. try to find any sort of substance thats a downer that'll slow your breathing down, your goal is to completely stop it. if youre wanting to really stick to this method try to get drunk the second you wake up and just keep drinking to get as much alcohol in your system as possible, im talking blackout levels asap and then keep going and going, using anti nausea medicine (or in my case, i like promethazine) to keep your stomach at bay. once you feel like youve reached your absolute limits with alcohol and physically cant drink anymore, down the crushed up pills and call it a day. youll ctb and have a blast for your final few hours ahah


Jan 23, 2019
whats the dosage on the pills? i know kpins can range from .5-2mg and that can make a big difference
and can you find ANY opiate at all? ik some places have opiates available over the counter
also if you can, try to get xanax instead of kpins. its equal or arguably stronger but the important part is that its short acting and hits quick and hard. kpins are still very strong but theyre longer lasting and so it wont all hit at once like xanax will

the only reason im so adamant about this method is because as you go out its with a lot of euphoria and comfort. have been a recreational user for a long time and i know the beautiful properties these substances can have and i would like to ctb with that feeling. i keep up with the deaths associated around them and this can definitely be a deadly combo if you mix enough depressants as possible. try to find any sort of substance thats a downer that'll slow your breathing down, your goal is to completely stop it. if youre wanting to really stick to this method try to get drunk the second you wake up and just keep drinking to get as much alcohol in your system as possible, im talking blackout levels asap and then keep going and going, using anti nausea medicine (or in my case, i like promethazine) to keep your stomach at bay. once you feel like youve reached your absolute limits with alcohol and physically cant drink anymore, down the crushed up pills and call it a day. youll ctb and have a blast for your final few hours ahah
ok, so i have 3 boxes of 2mg of Klonopin, a total of 180mg. (i can get more easily, pharmaceuticals don't give a fuck about this medicine because is too much popular), i have 3 boxes of quetiapine, a total of 600mg, i have 3 boxes of 50 mg trazodone, a total of 9000mg and 3 boxes of venlafaxine totalizing 6750mg. And i have a couple of drinks with a very alcoholic strenght. Cachaça that's a very common drink here have 48% and it's easily drinkable if mixed with limon, ice and sugar.

Xanax i can get easily with a friend, not sure about what opiate should i get.

Prometazine will help me not throwing up?
What is exaclty this SN? It's a medicine? i've googled it and found nothing about it, just an wikipedia article that explains nothing
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