Ha. You're not a moron. I guess the parallel I bought up is more abstract and personal to me. Basically I've struggled to face get the right care for my physical health issues because it's more conveinient to pass off to the mental health care team instead of facing the reality of things and doing the necessary but inconvenient leg work to treat it. It's a mix of the selective understanding of things and the frustration of the people (me) that know the facts and reality of things but can't find an ear that will hear it. Like I say, it's a personal parallel. I empathised with the scientists and took brief solace in seeing a familar bizarre scenario playing out that mirrors my experience in a different industry.
PS if you're wondering why I'm still here it's because I didn't yet brave my second viewing.
Oh I think I see what you mean now!
Which is interesting because it sounds eerily similar to my own gripes with the medical/health system, I go in there wanting a physical issue to be remedied and if they cannot figure it out (or are too lazy to try) and/or if I act "too upset" or frustrated then they instantly want to turn it into a mental health problem (when my mental distress is but a symptom from physical/environmental/permanent situational issues).
They hear what they want to hear, see what they want to see, whatever keeps their ego intact, and the patient suffers for it.
I've had so many things compound and build up because the initial issues were never treated (or negligently treated).
The mental health system and its unwarranted authority has collided with
all medical professionals and they are starting to pawn patients off to psych referrals when they can't hack it.
Their motto: "When in doubt, blame the patient."
Deeming someone "mentally ill" is a perfect out.
I'm sorry you have had to deal with that bullshit as well, it's extremely defeating (caused me to give up on doctors for the most part) when we are actually TRYING to help ourselves and instead they want to deny us the proper help, and define "help" for us, just wasting our precious time and resources.
There are also various forms of discrimination where I'm from which are rife with medical professionals and staff.
For instance- if you don't have good enough insurance, they will not be as attentive and they will be much more cavalier about your detriments as they don't believe you can afford the solution anyhow.
The irony is that the more they neglect my real problems, the more I appear like a lost cause (& the more mental distress I aquire), and thus I am even less worth it to them to receive the proper answers and avenues of assistance.
I'm so tired of fighting for myself.
It's exhausting. I'm sure you are too!
Now I wonder if we were to ask these people if they've seen DLU..how much you wanna bet some of them loved it LOL despite contributing to the same issues it attempts to outline, that's how dense they are.
As for the rewatch..